
New Member
Feb 22, 2012
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Up at college I only have time to maintain my 10 gallon tank. 
I'm interested on ideas you have.
I want to do a black theme (black gravel, black fish) and than have a school of neons, I thought that might be an interesting idea. 
Ideas for fish or anything would be great. 
I also have a handful of live plants in there..
Pygmy corys, a honey gourami or two, shrimp, guppies, mollies, or zebra danios would work.  Black mollies would fit your black theme.  There are also black guppies, but they are harder to find.  Good luck!   
Would disagree on the mollies, depending on what type anyways. Although I've read that all of them need a minimum of 30g.
Danios would also disagree with as they prefer a different temperature to the other fish, and are highly active so while small still need a rather large (preferably 4ft) tank.
Some would argue that this size tank wouldn't be suitable for neons either, as they're also active. But it'll all be up to you on if you think it's right or not.
It definitely sounds like a striking idea! I was thinking that there are black bettas, but they don't always take too well to tankmates.
There are also some very beautiful snails to be considered. :)
I have a black guppy and he's really cool. Get a group of black male guppies for your theme and the neons as well would look so awesome!
I've thought about guppy's but kind trying o stray away from them =/
thanks for the input guys! Keep it coming
I love the black theme! I almost did a halloween theme once, but I never got around to it.
I'd say a black Betta, my little sister had a female with 7 glowlight tetras, and they were fine! She gave them all to me because she thought the glowlights were nipping the Betta, now the Betta has fin rot, I think that's probably what it was before, too.
I feel guilty keeping my neons in a 15g so I wouldn't really recommend a 10g for them or most other shoaling fish. Black guppies or a black betta as others have said would be your best bet.
You could also have ottos or some sort of black snail (sorry, don't know my snails) to go with them.
I've been keeping neons in the 10 gallon for years and keep the tanks heavily planted and they never show signs of distress. 
soap3r123 said:
I've been keeping neons in the 10 gallon for years and keep the tanks heavily planted and they never show signs of distress. 
I'm not saying it can't be done, I'm saying I wouldn't personally recommend it due to their active shoaling behaviour.
soap3r123 said:
I've thought about guppy's but kind trying o stray away from them =/
thanks for the input guys! Keep it coming
Why you trying to stay away from guppies, they are usually pretty hardy, easy to care for and interesting to watch as they are very active? Just wondering
Liv15 said:
I've thought about guppy's but kind trying o stray away from them =/
thanks for the input guys! Keep it coming
Why you trying to stay away from guppies, they are usually pretty hardy, easy to care for and interesting to watch as they are very active? Just wondering
I agree, I love guppy's and think they are wonderful. I'm just looking for something different. 
Flourite black gravel, black background, Celestial Pearl Danios and Cherry Shimp. Throw in an anubius and some small vallis in the back and jobs a goodun.
Aviici said:
Flourite black gravel, black background, Celestial Pearl Danios and Cherry Shimp. Throw in an anubius and some small vallis in the back and jobs a goodun.
Very much like this idea. :)
soap3r123 said:
I've thought about guppy's but kind trying o stray away from them =/
thanks for the input guys! Keep it coming
Why you trying to stay away from guppies, they are usually pretty hardy, easy to care for and interesting to watch as they are very active? Just wondering
I agree, I love guppy's and think they are wonderful. I'm just looking for something different.

Ahh I see, yeh it's nice to do something different.

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