What Do I Feed A Plec When I Am On Holiday For A Week


Fish Fanatic
May 27, 2013
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Hi all i have a sailfin plec in my tank and i am going to be away for a week and there is no one that can come to the house and feed it while i am away 
Don't worry, most fish can easily go a week without food. Only fry or very young fish may need food more often.
are you sure guys i have never left these guys for a week u buy the other fish a food pyramid will he eat that 
I have once left mines two weeks (my "pop in to feed at the weekend" was hospitalised, least of her concern was my fish) with zero issues.

Avoid food pyramids: they will cause more damage than leaving them unfed for a month!
Plecos can go unfed for ages. They're quite tricky little blighters. He'll just eat the algae or soemthing. Don't use the pyramids btw. They're baaaaaad.
So what do i use for the rest of my fish i have 8 neons 7 harlequins 5 corys and the plec in a 125 l tank what shold i feed them for the week  
Don't feed em anything they'll be fine, I'm sure they will be able to pick about and find something.
Same again, dont feed them anything for the week.

Hope you have plans for a bigger tank for the pleco btw :)

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