Recommend Me A Filter Please !


New Member
Apr 5, 2013
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Afternoon people !
Just recieved my fluval roma 200l tank and working my way to starting my fishless cycle !! Im after a external filter for my tank instead of the fluval u4 provided with tank, been looking around and have a budget of about £100 to spend and had my eye firmly set on the fluval 306 but with a little more research i have come across the tetratec ex1200,eheim classic and pro1 and APS filters. Can anyone recommend which filter to get for my 200l or any advice would be superb. Thanks in advance
aquaclear 70/300
or if you want to go overkill aquaclear 110/500 but in my opinion that a bit too much for a 200L
I've got the same tank as you, and I run two AquaManta EFX1000U's, but that's cos the tank has an extremely messy fish in it.
You can easily get away with having one of these filters, as I did for a community set up. They give 1000L/hour filtration and have a built in UV sterilizer to keep your water crystal clear. HIGHLY recommended filter from Maidenhead Aquatics

EDIT: Oh if you want one that's a bit cheaper, there's the AquaManta EFX300, which is 89.99 and has a flow rate of 1100L/H :)
Thank you :D il have a look into these also really wan to get one ordered for next week ! anywhere online recommend to purchase from only really dealt with seapets online so far :)
You could try eBay, not sure if you can order off of the Maidenhead Aquatics website. Check out their site though because there's almost certainly going to be a store near you, they are everywhere :)
Thanks :D your right there is plenty of stores near by
 so the AquaManta EFX 1000’U’ External Filter is £125 im willing to stretch to this if its as good as you say
 worth the money over the fluval and tetratec filters yeh ?
Definitely, it's the same as an Eheim filter, without the hefty price tag. I did a lot of research about external filters before getting them, and the Fluval was one that i looked into, lots of people said they've had theirs leak and the flow rate isn't as great as they are advertised to be. The Maidenhead Aquatics filters are awesome and 100% worth it :) the built in UV sterilizer is an added bonus if you're willing to stretch, and gives you really nice clear water :)
Because the MA filters are a sort of, brand from a shop they're cheaper for their quality than the Fluvals, Eheims and Tetratecs :)
sold it to me
 thanks for your time and info im going to pop down to my local store and check them out !!
No problem at all :) Good luck with everything pal!

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