Stocking For New Tank :d


New Member
Apr 6, 2013
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okay so I just set up an old 5 gallon tank that I had lying around, I put my old filter media in the tank and now while I wait *sigh* I am looking into stocking suggestions. I really want to put in some red cherry shrimp and some fish. I was thinking a small shoal (6) of some type of tetra, cardinal maybe?
just wondering how that stocking sounds, 4 red cherry shrimp and 6 cardinal tetras?
p.s. do shrimp like the a lot of water movement. the filter that I bought has a big turnover of water, its for a 5-15 gallon tank and by the looks of it the water is moving pretty fast. 
thanks again :)
In my little tank I've got a fair few cherry shrimp, not sure how many now they breed too much. One rock shrimp, and the shoaling fish are rice fish. They're pretty cool tiny little fish, with glowing blue eyes :) You could also look at celestial pearl danios? They are little gems.
okay :) so danios are okay to put in a tank with shrimp I would hate for my adults to get eaten by the fish in the tank. And for filtration do shrimp like a lot of water movement or not, can they tolerate a current or not? 
I have never had shrimp before so I am very curious. haha :D
Not just danios, only celestial pearl danios. Though to be honest I wouldn't put even those in a 5 gall tank.
There is a thread listing fish that can be kept in small tanks - you'll find it here
Endlers would be my fish of choice for a tank of that volume with cherries. You'd have no worries, I don't think, losing shrimp. CPDs (Galaxy Rasbora) are beautiful little creatures too, though. 4 would be an absolute minimum for the CPDs and you wouldn't really need to worry too much about the numbers for your cherries - until they start to multiply...
I'm a fan of celestial pearl danios, however they are a shy fish & really need to be kept in numbers, no less than 6 imo, unlike other danios they don't need large swimming areas as they tend to hover in & around the plants
If you plant the tank well, with fine leaved plants & moss they will breed quite readily
They will munch any baby shrimp if they find them, but cherry shrimp are prolific breeders once they get started.
You could also consider chilli rasboras, they are tiny so well suited to small tanks, again they need to be kept in a decent size number
thanks everyone, I ended up getting 3 bloodfin tetra's, I am very diligent with water changes and they seem to fit nicely in the tank, they all have lots of room it seems so I'll stick with them. Is three enough?
meggofishy said:
thanks everyone, I ended up getting 3 bloodfin tetra's, I am very diligent with water changes and they seem to fit nicely in the tank, they all have lots of room it seems so I'll stick with them. Is three enough?
You need to return those fish ASAP. no tetras can be in a 5 gallon, the same with danios. Those bloodins need a biiger tank if you want to keep them.
okay, so If tetra's are not a good fit, what would be a good fit for a 5 gallon tank? any suggestions would be welcome, I want to give these fish the best life I can. :D
meggofishy said:
okay, so If tetra's are not a good fit, what would be a good fit for a 5 gallon tank? any suggestions would be welcome, I want to give these fish the best life I can.
A pair of pygmy killifish or some pygmy sunfish!
essjay said:
There is a thread listing fish that can be kept in small tanks - you'll find it here
I have already told you where to find a list of fish that would be suitable for a 5 gall tank. Click on that link (ie on the blue word 'here') to find it. There are some fish on that list that are not suitable for beginners, and some prefer hard, alkaline water while others prefer soft acid water - you need to choose from the fish that like whatever type your water is.
So it turns out that my tank was leaking so I returned those bloodfins for 2 panda cories to finish my school in my big tank, so now I have to re-silicone my little tank. so thanks everyone for the input in a couple weeks i'll try again. :D

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