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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Y

    Stocking Dilemma......

    you should stick to one species of corycats, it's much better to have a lot of one instead of one of a lot. I think your tank is okay, the corys will stay on the bottom mostly and the betta will be at the top mostly and the neons will be in mid mostly, enough swimming space for everyone. well...
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    Will Tiger Barbs Do Okay With Small Fish?

    I was hoping to have both but I could give the CPDs to my cousin. The tank is lightly to medium planted as the plants haven't had enough time to fully grow I'm also planning to add a pretty big piece of drift wood but it's taking forever to sink. Do you think serpae or lemon tetras would work...
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    Will Tiger Barbs Do Okay With Small Fish?

    I have a 40 breeder. I wanted a small colorful somewhat active schooling fish for my 40 gallon. I first thought CPDs would be perfect and got 8 of them but turns out my group of CPDs are really skiddish and shy :(
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    Will Tiger Barbs Do Okay With Small Fish?

    do you think cherry barbs would be ok?
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    Will Tiger Barbs Do Okay With Small Fish?

    I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but I haven't seen a forum that says they can't. I have some celestial pearl danios, pygmy corys and a dwarf gourami.
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    Fish For 20 Gallon Long Or Tall? (No Live Bearers) I haven't really started the tank yet. I'm just looking for fish suggestions.
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    Fish For 20 Gallon Long Or Tall? (No Live Bearers)

    i'm looking to start a new non community tank (perferably a 20 gallon) but have a different type of fish that I haven't had yet. I already know that live bearers, dwarf gouramis, tetras,barbs and corycats will do ok in there but what else? I kind of want a type of colorful cichlid but I don't...
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    29 Gallon Stocking Question

    maybe a dwarf gourami and corycats? male gouramis might be aggresive to one another but should do fine in a community tank. Also I'm not exactly sure how they will get along with danios since danios could get a little wild. they might get along with guppies but not so sure. I have platys with...
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    Need A New Shoaling Group, Suggestions?

    sounds like you have a pretty decent sized fish tank. how about Odessa barbs? they're get about 4in tho. or maybe celestial pearl danios although they are pretty expensive for a tiny fish.
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    New Marine Tank, What Do I Need?

    I think if you want to try something new in fish keeping and have the budget for it you should go for it, but I'm sure that saltwater aquariums are going to be a little bit more expensive to start up as you'll have to buy the new equipment. Water changes will probably be a bit harder also as you...
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    You could try feeding them garlic based foods such as new life spectrum thera A that might help a bit with the worms. you could get it on amazon for about $10. as for the other questions i dont know much.
  12. Y

    Can Someone Tell Me What On Earth These Are?

    Im not sure what it is but if it's a type of parasite worm you could try feeding garlic based foods like new life spectrum thera A. parasites hate garlic and it's super healthy for your fish and will get rid of it naturally instead of using chemicals. You could get some on amazon for around 10...
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    Substrate Question

    You should look into the fluorite substrates like eco-complete or sea chem they're about 25 bucks for a 20 pound bag online. I have black fluorite sand and it works great, but it will need loads of rinsing when you first buy it or else your tank will be pitch black. I think sand is better for...
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    Betta Fish And Platies?

    they should get along alright but it does really depend on the personality of the betta. I have a dwarf gourami ,platys and pygmy corys I. my tank and they do fine together. If I remember correctly bettas are a sub species of gourami I think, they both have that air breathing organ.
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    Plecocaine Fish Food.

    I've heard that this food is very good but was wondering if anyone on this forum uses it. How does it compare to other quality foods like omega one and new life spectrum?
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    Leapord Cory With Damaged Fin

    I've had it for about a month and a half now. Maybe it was trouble adapting to a new tank since I recently bought them?
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    Leapord Cory With Damaged Fin I was to late and he died this morning. I'll take it as a lesson to always check fish thougholy when buying them. But can you guys identify what was wrong with him so I can avoid something...
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    Leapord Cory With Damaged Fin

    Bad news, I suspect that the Cory may have gill flukes or something gill related. I separated him into an old hanging breeder tank I had as that's the best I could do right now. The bottom of his right side gill seems to be pinkish and extends to his Fin. He now swims with both fins clamped and...
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    Beginner - Choices

    Sand - I was wondering about a sandy patch but not looked up the practicalities of it, is it harder to keep clean. Well, I wouldn't say it's harder but it is pretty different from gravel and I prefer the sand look over gravel. when you clean gravel you could just stick one of those sucky...
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    Pygmy Cory Just Laying There.

    ammonia: 0 ppm nitrite: 0 ppm nitrate: 10 ppm ph: 7.5 temp: 78 he isn't breathing heavely. it's almost like he's sleeping and my weak current can actually rock him a bit. he does sometimes curve his tail when he's resting if that's something to worry about.
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    Leapord Cory With Damaged Fin

    so I just bought some more leapord Cory's to my 55g tank and after a day or two I noticed that one of the Cory's has a damaged pectoral fin (probably from the other fishes petco put in with them). it's just a bit red at the joint and when he swims he doesn't move it. it also doesn't seem...
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    Is My Guppy Pregnant?

    hmm she seems normal to me but livebearer are constantly pregnant so I'm not 100% sure.
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    Pygmy Cory Just Laying There.

    I've had my school of 12 pygmy Cory's for about 3 weeks now, but lately one has been sitting in the corner of the tank or at the bottom not moving but he will occasionally join the shoal and act normal as if nothing was wrong. All the others seem very active and healthy. My water chemistry all...
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    Beginner - Choices

    Cherry barbs from my experience can get a bit aggressive if not in a shoal of 8 or more. I suggest maybe a livebearer species (guppies, platys, swordtails, Molly's, endlers) and don't worry too much about that 1inch of fish for 1 gallon rule, it's mostly rubbish. 1m/2-3f for live bearers They...
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    Are Backgrounds Needed ?

    No, a background is not needed. Sure a dark background may help calm super shy fish a little bit, but they won't stress put to the point of death just because there's no background.
  26. Y

    Whats Happening To To My Fish?

    sounds like a bigger fish is killing your rasboras. Do you have maybe a male betta or dwarf gourami in your tank? or perhaps some tiger barbs?
  27. Y

    Filter Issue

    I'm guessing you have a HOB filter. check if your intake tube is clear of junk and if your spinning part is on the right way. also fill the back of the filter completely.
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    Weird Rock Discoloration?

    it's brown algae, it's not harmful to the fish but can take over an aquarium easily and cause it to look ugly. it's caused by the excess frets you're putting in. you could get more live plants to take in the excess frets to solve the problem.
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    Pregnant Platy

    I don't have any pictures but they get really big and almost look like balloon Molly's.
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    What To Buy?

    You could buy an amazon sword plant, not too hard and a great background plant. look it up on they should give you good info on plants. you might also want to consider root tabs (only about $8-9) to put in your substrate, It will work wonders for your plants. dwarf hair grass...
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    Sorry to hear that. your Pleco should be fine as long as your ammonia levels and stuff are in check.
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    Well the only two things I could think of is low oxygen or high ammonia levels. and if it's not low oxygen then try testing for high ammonia levels. but then again you did just do a 50% water change. How log has he been doing this?
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    what is it doing exactly? Swimming up and down the wall? swimming upside down?
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    Schooling Fish In Small Numbers.

    What would happen if schooling fish were kept in small group like 2-3? I know that they should be kept in schools of 6+ but never really knew why? Does it stress the fish to death? More aggression?
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    Plant Supporting Substrate?

    black fluorite sand sounds like exactly what your looking for. there might be even better substrates but as far as I know fluorite sand is the best and it's safe for Cory's. it requires a lot of washing tho just like many other sands. N I actually think sand seems better for plants then gravel...
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    How Long Can Fish Live Without Food?

    I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure they could last at least a week without food. just feed them before you leave and right away when you get back? I know for sure they could last a few days.
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    Tankmates For Angelfish?

    hmm maybe some corycats or live bearers? I've heard that neons tetras are the natural food for angelfish in the wild so I would guess that once the neons could fit in the angel fishes' mouth, that's where they're going.
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    Platy Fry Question

    You could get some dwarf water lettuce. They're low maintenance, fast growing, bushy rooted, floating plants. But if your filter blows them around then that's not gonna be good. Or you could buy a plastic carpet plant those work nicely to.
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    How To Clean Sand Substrate

    I think the gas bubble thing is more hyped up then it should be. you don't really need to worry about it if you only have an inch or so of sand in your tank. But if you do have more then an inch then you could get Malaysian trumpet snails if you don't mind snails. They burrow under the sand...
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    Adding Middle Swimmers To My Community Tank--Comments

    As far as looks go. I like cherry barbs, I really like how they have that pinkish red look to them which I think complements a planted tank and how the almost look like a mini koi from the side. Rasboras are cool to, but I don't like how they're just half black and half silver with a bit of...