Will Tiger Barbs Do Okay With Small Fish?

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Fish Fanatic
Nov 26, 2013
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I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but I haven't seen a forum that says they can't. I have some celestial pearl danios, pygmy corys and a dwarf gourami.
From what I've heard, CPDs are a bit skittish. Tiger barbs will more than likely stress them out a lot, and possibly pick at the feelers on the gourami. Usually best to keep them in their own tank.
I have one tiger barb, his friend died... I think he is the most aggressive fish in my tank, even worse than my Red-tailed shark . He constantly chases and harasses the fish, but I'm sure they'd be better off in schools of 6+ .
Cherry barbs are much more calm, but can't say if you should add any or not as don't know your tank size.
I have never kept tiger barbs, but barbs will nip at other fish when their own numbers are too few.  Generally, when kept in an adequately sized group, they will chase each other, rather than other fish.  However, most people I know that have kept tiger barbs will agree that they do best in species tanks.
NeonBlueLeon said:
I have never kept tiger barbs, but barbs will nip at other fish when their own numbers are too few.  Generally, when kept in an adequately sized group, they will chase each other, rather than other fish.  However, most people I know that have kept tiger barbs will agree that they do best in species tanks.
I totally agree with this, although I have never owned more than two at a time, he does seem quite lonely, will have to fix that :)
I have a 40 breeder. I wanted a small colorful somewhat active schooling fish for my 40 gallon. I first thought CPDs would be perfect and got 8 of them but turns out my group of CPDs are really skiddish and shy :(
ythao01 said:
I have a 40 breeder. I wanted a small colorful somewhat active schooling fish for my 40 gallon. I first thought CPDs would be perfect and got 8 of them but turns out my group of CPDs are really skiddish and shy
Are you going to get rid of them and put another schooling fish in, or have both? It may help to increase the number of CPDs. What does the tank look like, is there good cover/hiding places?
I was hoping to have both but I could give the CPDs to my cousin. The tank is lightly to medium planted as the plants haven't had enough time to fully grow I'm also planning to add a pretty big piece of drift wood but it's taking forever to sink.

Do you think serpae or lemon tetras would work? or would they trigger my gourami to be territorial?
I'm not sure if they'd be fine together or not, have not personally owned either :/
I was asking about the tank as perhaps without hiding places they may be more skittish. It sounds like it should be good though.
Something you can do is tie the wood down to a piece of slate and then add it to the tank, then take the slate out when the wood has sunk. If the look of the slate bothers you, you could cover it up with your substrate.
Not sure if those would trigger your gourami into being territorial, but have heard that serpaes are very nippy. This may just be in low numbers though.
If you do like the CPDs, maybe try doubling their numbers and seeing if that makes them more comfortable? Sorry I can't be of much help :c
I have two serpae tetras and a yellow spotted gourami....never seen conflict between them! Hope this helps :)
Look into panda barbs if you can afford them, they look like the tigers almost, a little longer, and are extremely peaceful.  Tigers are mean little fish, should not be housed in any less than 6 members to a school, and should only be housed with semi to aggressive fish.   Pandas are amazing little barbs that share similar colors, but lack the superiority complex that tigers have towards smaller fish.

Also called melon barbs, Puntius fasciatus  is the scientific name and they actually were renamed last month to Haludaria fasciata.

AshleyNZ said:
I have two serpae tetras and a yellow spotted gourami....never seen conflict between them! Hope this helps

 You mentioned before you kept a single tiger barb as well,  these kinds of fish just don't act like they are supposed to unless they are housed with more members of their species, just an FYI.
ech0o said:
Look into panda barbs if you can afford them, they look like the tigers almost, a little longer, and are extremely peaceful.  Tigers are mean little fish, should not be housed in any less than 6 members to a school, and should only be housed with semi to aggressive fish.   Pandas are amazing little barbs that share similar colors, but lack the superiority complex that tigers have towards smaller fish.

Also called melon barbs, Puntius fasciatus  is the scientific name and they actually were renamed last month to Haludaria fasciata.

I have two serpae tetras and a yellow spotted gourami....never seen conflict between them! Hope this helps

 You mentioned before you kept a single tiger barb as well,  these kinds of fish just don't act like they are supposed to unless they are housed with more members of their species, just an FYI.
Yeah! I did have a pair, one died off, now he seems lonely and aggressive. I am working on my fish within my tank after learning some great info. Thanks :)
I think the better question should be, will the smaller fish be okay with a tiger barb? :D

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