Pygmy Cory Just Laying There.

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Fish Fanatic
Nov 26, 2013
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I've had my school of 12 pygmy Cory's for about 3 weeks now, but lately one has been sitting in the corner of the tank or at the bottom not moving but he will occasionally join the shoal and act normal as if nothing was wrong. All the others seem very active and healthy. My water chemistry all check out normal and temp is just right. they're in a heavily planted 20 Gallon long with 4 platys and a gourami. I have a sand bottom first layer (petco brand) and a fluorite bottom layer.
There could be something wrong with the tank.  But I do raise guppies (did, possibly switching to mollies)  and sometimes fry just don't make it.  It doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong with the tank. If you have a separate tank you can put it in place it in there just in case.
Maybe your Cory is a bit depressed..
Do not be worried about it.  Pygmy corys are not schooling fish but rather shoaling fish.  This just means that they will swim together but they will also go off on their own or even in small little groups.  My corys do this quite often.  They will swim together for a while and then slowly split off and go and just "chill" in a spot for a litle while occasionally moving.
So for what i know this sounds like normal behavior unless you do not see him/her eating or not moving for days on end.
What are your exact ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings? 
Does the cory appear to be breathing heavily?
ammonia: 0 ppm
nitrite: 0 ppm
nitrate: 10 ppm
ph: 7.5
temp: 78

he isn't breathing heavely. it's almost like he's sleeping and my weak current can actually rock him a bit. he does sometimes curve his tail when he's resting if that's something to worry about.
Hmm, with those results I don't think there is anything to be concerned about. Just monitor him and see if he gets worse, in which case come back and post here.

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