Search results

  1. Gazoo

    Water Changes Water...

    I use .5 mL of Seachem Prime per 5 gallons of tap water and it goes straight into the tank.
  2. Gazoo

    Do Fish Hear?

    "Do Fish Hear?, what you think?" If you mean psychic mind reading abilities with humans - sure, why not. ;)
  3. Gazoo

    An Observation Test

    I'm sorry for raining on your parade and "ruining it". :devil: I'll be sure to wait until you have 10 pages of (the same) responses before I do it again. ;)
  4. Gazoo

    An Observation Test

  5. Gazoo

    Different Test Kit

    I recommend Aquarium Pharmaceuticals test kits.
  6. Gazoo


    Nice kits gents! My Pearl 7 piece is in temporary storage because of the "noise" factor but I didn't let that stop me. I recently picked up a Roland electronic kit and love it. I put on my headphones, favorite cd or XM radio channel and go to town. :D
  7. Gazoo

    What's Your Passion?

    I enjoy digital photography/photo editing, playing drums, and lately playing games from the Metroid & Zelda series.
  8. Gazoo

    Fish Keeping Magazines

    I voted no but I go to my local library and read what they have. :book:
  9. Gazoo

    Fishy Jokes

    JEFF FOXWORTHY'S Top 10 Reasons you might be a Redneck Fisherman 10. You have more fish on your wall than pictures. 9. You're raising catfish in your bathtub. 8. Your wife has earrings that you use as fishing lures. 7. You've ever combed your hair with a fish scaler. 6. You video tape...
  10. Gazoo

    What Type Of Filter Do You Use In Your Tanks?

    The only time my filters make any noise is when the water level is low and the water splashes on the surface.
  11. Gazoo

    What Type Of Filter Do You Use In Your Tanks?

    35 gallon - AquaClear 200, UGF with AquaClear 402 power head 16 gallon - AquaClear 150 7 gallon - AquaClear Mini
  12. Gazoo

    Resized Pics Of My Fish

    The same message has only been up for 1.5 hours in the Catfish section though. ???? Your pleco is beautiful. I've never seen this type of fish before. If your camera was white balanced (assuming you are using a digital camera), the color would seen more natural by the way. :snap:
  13. Gazoo

    Rubbernose Pleco Won't Eat

    When it's on the glass can you tell if its belly looks full?
  14. Gazoo

    What Kind Of Filter System Do You Like Best?

    I'll give one more recommendation for AquaClear filters. In fact, I've been using the original filter for over 14 years now on my 35 gallon. :)
  15. Gazoo

    250 Watt Heat In 29 Gallon.

    I have been using a 150 watt heater in my 35 gallon (US) for many years and that seems to be a good fit.
  16. Gazoo

    Im Looking For A Type Of Tetra To Put In My Tank But Which One?

    I like black phantom tetras. Especially the males when they show off by flairing their dorsal fin. I also enjoy the beautiful colors of my cardinals.
  17. Gazoo

    Whats Your Favourite Fish?

    With no doubt my albino corys are my favorite.
  18. Gazoo


    I think that has something to do with the glass stopping them. :P
  19. Gazoo


    What filter do you have?
  20. Gazoo

    New Corys Seem Sad

    I was curious because I thought that shells would raise your pH to the upper end of the pH scale but yours doesn't seem all that high. ???? I thought that might have been your problem with the corys but I guess it wasn't. :)
  21. Gazoo

    New Corys Seem Sad

    akudewan, are those bits of crushed shell in your substrate? If so, I'm curious to hear what your pH is.
  22. Gazoo

    Wanted:fish Videos

    Fish love cheese too!
  23. Gazoo

    Freezing Temp 0.o

    I would have to guess that the content would freeze at or near 32°F as water. My question would be; does the cold temperature effect the chemical properties that give accurate results? :)
  24. Gazoo

    2 Outlet Air Pump But Only 1 Outlet In Use

    I don't know very much about air pumps but could you add a brass or plastic gang valve and close the air output?
  25. Gazoo

    Water Smells?

    I think activated carbon will probably remove smelly organic compounds but your best bet is to do careful water changes.
  26. Gazoo

    Aquarium Background...

    Here's a picture of my 16 gallon (US). :snap:
  27. Gazoo

    Hikari Sinking Carnivore Pellets

    I'm afraid I can't help with any food suggestions but I'm curious to hear what's causing Hikari's supply problem?
  28. Gazoo

    Something May Be Wrong With My Heater

    In two of my three visitherm heaters I need to have the setting 4-5°F higher than the actual temperature. This is no big deal since they keep a steady temperature at the adjusted number. The only way I know the actual temp is because of a thermometer. :)
  29. Gazoo

    Fresh And Frozen Food Question

    That's the one I have. :/ MMMmmm. Fish beer. :beer: Thank you Inchworm.
  30. Gazoo

    Fresh And Frozen Food Question

    Inchworm, I feed my corys the same product and notice that it seems to disintegrate quickly and the corys don't seem to get full bellys when eating it. I wonder if I'm using the same formula? Do you remember when they changed it?
  31. Gazoo

    Stubborn Green Algea

    An algae scrubbing pad and elbow grease. :flex:
  32. Gazoo

    Aquarium Background...

    I agree with the previous posts suggesting black. I use black substrate as well. I think keeping it simple looks best. B)
  33. Gazoo

    Fresh And Frozen Food Question

    My pleco digs frozen lima beans. I peal off the shell, split it in half and drop it in. No blanching required.
  34. Gazoo

    Aquarium Background

    I attach mine on the outside. I put the background under the lip of the top and bottom frame and use a small amount of cellophane tape on the sides to keep a clean look.
  35. Gazoo

    What's A Chelating Agent?

    Here's what I found. Chelating Agent
  36. Gazoo

    Ammonia Alert Device

    ~$8 I thought it would be good for my friend that needs that "nudge nudge, wink wink..." reminder since he's new to the hobby.
  37. Gazoo

    Ammonia Alert Device

    Has anyone used this (or other brand) sensor to detect/monitor ammomia? I have a friend who is thinking about fishkeeping and understands the importance of proper water conditions but I think some sort of visual aid would be helpful. Is it accurate? How long do they "really" last?
  38. Gazoo

    Switching A Filter Out

    It seems like it will last a long time like the sponge insert. I've just been swishing it in old tank water (like the sponge) to clean it. I've also been using the media to help cycle new tanks.
  39. Gazoo

    More Random Polls

    - Catfish - Supercross - Rock
  40. Gazoo

    What Would Be Your Perfect Size Tank?

    I would be happy with a 75 gallon (48" x 18" x 20").