Im Looking For A Type Of Tetra To Put In My Tank But Which One?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 17, 2005
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Im just wondering if any one can tell me some cool tetras i could put in my tank, there are no other fish in there at the minute so the tetras will be the first arrivals!!!! Thanx for all suggestions!!


The tank has been fully cycled!!!!!!!
How long has the tank been up and running as some tetras like a mature tank also how big is it?
Well i bought some Black Pahntom Tetra's only a few weeks back, They settled in fine and are great to look at- They are easily distinquished between male and female also they are hardy. i picked mine up for about £1.00 each at my lfs - I recommend them
i like looking at just about all my tetras and i think you should consider:
Neons or Cardinals
Black phantoms
Blood fins

Out of those i would definatly recomend Cardinals as they are so pretty :wub:
I love rummy nose tetras for some reason. Get a nice school of those and you'll have a hard time taking your eyes of your tanks. - Thats what I would go with anyways.
my tanksbeen running for about a month with no fish but have addedalittle bit of fish food to keep the nitrate levels down or something, but i was looking at glow lights and neons
How big is it?
my tanksbeen running for about a month with no fish but have addedalittle bit of fish food to keep the nitrate levels down or something, but i was looking at glow lights and neons

Then it's not going to be cycled..
I wouldn't recommend black phantom tetras,x-ray tetras, or red eyed tetras because even though you have them in schools like I do they hide all the time while the lights are on but move around alot when the lights are off or when they are being fed. I won't be getting any more of these fish because of how they behave.
Red eye tetras are cool they are really funky.You will have to gt atleat 5 though.
How heavily planted is your tank durbkat. Many fish like a lot of plants or other decorations for security reasons. If there are a lot of places for them to zip into if they get scared then they are more likely to come out into the open because they feel safer. If there are few or no plants/hiding places then the fish will find the darkest corner of the tank and hide there waiting for darkness to come out.

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