Aquarium Background...


Dec 3, 2005
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What tank 'backgrounds' do forum users recommend?; to hide the wall and the heater/filter wires etc - and to best 'push' the contents of the tank forward). I was thinking of just a plain black background - or blowing up an underwater image (I found a nice one of underwater mangrove roots etc); then abstract/fuzz it in something like photoshop to give a 'feel'... rather than the hideous, tacky backgrounds (flat and 3D) that are widely available (don't mean to offend anyone - they're just not my taste!). Thanks
Ive gone for plain black... the reverse of one of the hideous ones you mentioned :lol:

My local chinese restaurant has a blue one which looks pretty effective. i guess it depends on the decor and the lighting too....!

In my opinion - black or blue are the best and create by far more impact - also accentuate fish colours etc. more so than just blend in the blur of fake plant back-grounds. And marine backgrounds for freshwater tanks are just real no-no's :X :lol:
I'll also put in avote for black. I had used the commercially available ones with the printed plants and wood on the them forever. My most recent set up I went with black after hearing it suggested on here so many times. It is stunning -really makes the colors of my fish and plants stand out a lot better.



Thats my opinion.

I have black
I agree with the previous posts suggesting black. I use black substrate as well. I think keeping it simple looks best. B)

Any pics Gazoo ? :D

Here's a picture of my 16 gallon (US). :snap:

I use black backgrounds for both my FW tabk and Marine. The blue looks VERY dirty on my marine compared to black.

If you get the option, paint your background on the back of your glass when you buy any new tanks. It makes life easier, and prevents the hassle of falling plastic, cardboard, and just plain annoyance. :nod:


I went to my LFS on Wednesday last week and next to the "tacky" ones you talked about there was a background that was plain blue on one side and on the reverse side it was plain black so you can see what looks best on your tank!
mr_miagi32 has a good point. When I first got my tank, I painted the back of it with black paint, and it looks a lot better than the cardboard idea. You don't have to worry about it falling off, or getting it wet, which in turn makes it look really ugly.
Nice tacky picture for me! I just bought one for my new tank. I needed a 24" deep one, they are not so easy to find as the smaller ones. Those tanks look lovely by the way. :)

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