

Fish Aficionado
Apr 22, 2004
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Just thought i would show off my brand new and first drum kit, it's post christmas sales so i got $100 off!

Thanks for lookin'

Oh, the neighbors are going to love you! Serioulsy, being a good percussionist is harder than it looks. Nice looking setup, there...and you've got room for that keyboard, too.

Going to give Neil Peart a run for his money? :nod:

v/r, N-A
Nice, what brand is it? I just got started in drums too. For christmas i got a dw double bass pedal :shifty: . I'll get a picture of my set soon. I got Groove precussion with sabian symbols. I also have an AWSOME snare....
Very nice! i love instruments, pitty i dont have the patience to learn them lol...apart from the guitar, which i started learning...but got sick of it.

Anyways how long have you been playing? Or havent you started learning yet?
ver' nice. practice hard and you can grow some spectacular biceps. *wanders off to listen to some Midnight Oil albums and surf the Ghostwriters website*
Drumming is far more in the wrist so will give large forearms (like popeye).

<sigh> If I didn't have fish I could probably just squeeze my old drumkit in the flat...Can't wait till I have room for it again.
Yeah drumming is deffinatly all in the wrists, hardly use your arms at all. When you see people banging their arms around thats usually just for show...
Well heres my kit!

Heres my double bass pedal... B)


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frankly, i could not care less what form of excercise has created Rob Hirst's muscles. :hey: i'm going to attribute it to drumming anyways :p
Wow, I could create havoc with those....very nice sets.
Nice kits gents!

My Pearl 7 piece is in temporary storage because of the "noise" factor but I didn't let that stop me. I recently picked up a Roland electronic kit and love it. I put on my headphones, favorite cd or XM radio channel and go to town. :D


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