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  1. constantine03

    Au Natural Lol

    Oh, hah...I thought you'd lost your mind for a minute! I was trying to be nice in my response, but I was sitting here thinking, "What the heck is she doing?!" haha....I saw the one tank you've set up in your new place. It looks nice! If I were just decorating tanks, I'd want them to look like...
  2. constantine03

    Hunting Opinions

    Just going to throw it out again...I LOVE the look of sand, but many breeders have scolded me for using a substrate. The main reason is that when feeding a high protein food, if it's not completely eaten it can find it's way to the bottom and you may or may not see it with a substrate. Also...
  3. constantine03

    Female Or Male?

    I'm going to go against the grain here and say that the fish is a female. If he's had her for two months, and the fish was at least 3 months when purchased, it's at LEAST 5 months old...and that is not a young fish, it's a good age and should be fully matured by this time. I see the oviposter...
  4. constantine03

    Au Natural Lol

    I think it looks a bit crowded. I really liked how you had it set up before. :)
  5. constantine03

    Hunting Opinions

    I don't use gravel. It keeps the tanks cleaner. I agree that if you're really decorating that sand looks nice, but with the bare bottomed tanks I can condition my fish properly without moving them to jars. I just put some java fern and java moss in there. It floats around and my fish rest on...
  6. constantine03

    Important Breeding Question!

    Leave them in until the male starts chasing the female around a lot instead of wrapping with her. If they're eating all the eggs, I'd take him out. If it's just some of them leave him in and remove her when it's done. Sometimes they'll eat the ones that aren't fertilized...
  7. constantine03

    Red Worms

    Not sure, but I would be careful over which live foods you feed your bettas. Feeding a wild caught food can introduce new organisms that your bettas aren't used to, and they could get really ill from them...
  8. constantine03


    All creatures have to "sleep," or else they would die. When you sleep, your body has a chance to repair itself and it's characterized by different wave patterns generated by the brain. I think it's probably better to call it rest in fish though as their brains don't go through the same...
  9. constantine03

    How Do You Keep Your Fry Warm Once Jarred?

    That's my exact concern, plus the large reptile mats I've seen around here are only about the size of a laptop and cost around $40. Way too much for ONE, IMO. I'm looking for the most economical way. I think the space heater MAY work, but I'm worried that it could get the wardrobe too hot...
  10. constantine03

    How Do You Guys Stock Ur Tanks?

    I divide my 10 gals into 4 sections as well. All of the females that I plan to breed, I keep separate in the same manner as I keep my males to ensure that I don't lose any of them. I treat the divided tanks with nitrofurazone altered with quick cure to prevent any illnesses. I recently found...
  11. constantine03

    How Do You Keep Your Fry Warm Once Jarred?

    The long ones that go under the bed would work, but I'm looking for something that's wider than those to make the most of the space that I have.
  12. constantine03

    Grr Another Failed Spawn

    That's good. This is from another forum about artificial hatching, but it gives pretty easy to follow steps for it--just in case ya wanted an extra read. ;) Good luck! Jeff Wilson wrote: I have preferred to take the nests when concerned about an egg eater or just wanting to take no risks...
  13. constantine03

    Grr Another Failed Spawn

    Using a rosetail for a breeder isn't necessarily a good thing, as you can have fry come out with a load of swimming problems. Make sure you're breeding him with a lightly branched female to avoid that. Otherwise, good luck.
  14. constantine03

    How Do You Keep Your Fry Warm Once Jarred?

    I've thought of the heating mats, and the long shallow rubbermaid style box with water and a heater, but I don't have enough heaters, and they don't make boxes that large and shallow...grrr!!! I hadn't thought about a space heater though. That's an interesting idea. I may have to go to Lowes...
  15. constantine03

    Dyson & Dude

    Very nice! I'm getting ready to separate my fry now. How old were yours when you separated them, and how big are they now? I can't wait until mine's scales start thickening!
  16. constantine03

    Biorb And Mr & Mrs Betta!

    Loopy1, I'm glad that you've found the forum. I don't have time to read through the entire thread, but I have read your original post... Your biggest problem right now is keeping the male and female(s) together. The only time that the two sexes should be kept together is when they are...
  17. constantine03

    How Do You Keep Your Fry Warm Once Jarred?

    I suppose it probably will be okay. I'm housing them on a rack inside a wardrobe with two spawning tanks below, so I suppose the tempereature will remain somewhat steady...just not as warm as I'd like it to be.
  18. constantine03

    How Do You Keep Your Fry Warm Once Jarred?

    Just as the title states...there's a guy at my LFS that said he'd help me insulate my sunroom and help me make a barracks system, but until then I don't know how to keep the jars at a constant temp, and I need to start jarring now as they're starting to chase each other around like crazy! I'm...
  19. constantine03

    New Here.

    Nice fish. They all look like VT females to me. The tank seems a bit small for a sorority set up. I know it's 5 gal, but it has more height than length, so you may end up with quite a bit of bullying. I'd just keep an eye on them when you put them in. Glad to have you here.
  20. constantine03

    Help With Breeding!

    How old are the fish? They could be too old to spawn if you've had them for the entire year while you were researching.
  21. constantine03

    Hows This Tank?

    Not only is it small for a permanent home, but it's also too expensive! I just bought 48 of these tanks (w/o the filter and light) for $50 shipped to use to separate my fry while they grow. I wouldn't use them as permanent homes though, unless they were set up in a barracks system to have new...
  22. constantine03

    I Am Gonna Sound Really Thick I Know

    Looks female to me. Do you see a little white spot behind it's ventral fins?
  23. constantine03

    Female Vt Or Male Pk?

    Looks like a male to me. The shape is pretty male-ish. A picture of him flaring would be really helpful. Does he look like he has a beard, or just gill flaps? I don't see an oviposter, but the ventrals are a bit short...that could just be because he's young still.
  24. constantine03

    Two New Bettas

    Very nice! Both are CTs. Your male is a "copper" CT.
  25. constantine03

    Cycling Tank

    A betta does not have to be in a cycled tank. Ideally it would be better for him, but there are plenty of people who don't use filters (since bettas don't like the current), and so they do 100% water changes. Just make sure your water is aged and treated properly before putting it in with the...
  26. constantine03

    My New Bettas Aquarium

    The general rule with fake plants is that if you can pull a pair of panty hose over them without snagging the hose, they should be soft enough to not rip your bettas fins. If you're worried, I would replace it. I prefer the soft/silk fake plants if I'm using fake. Most of the time I just...
  27. constantine03

    My New Bettas Aquarium

    Hi. I think these are pretty easy questions! If you have the airstone and filter in the tank already, and your fish likes it, then I'd leave it be. The airstone isn't really necessarty, but if your fish likes the bubbles, just leave it. It can't do any harm. If you notice your fish starts...
  28. constantine03

    Meet Jasper

    Yep. Little VT. I'd like to see him in full flare to see if he's actually a DTVT or really just has damage. How far up does the split go? It looks pretty clean.
  29. constantine03

    My Betta Thinks He Is A Cory!

    Good deal. Frozen bloodworms aren't usually a problem. It's the freeze dried kind that are. They're dehydrated, so when they rehydrate (usually after the fish has eaten them) they really expand and cause problems. Any how, glad everything is back to normal!
  30. constantine03

    My Betta Thinks He Is A Cory!

    He also could just be bored. From what you've described, it's not a physical issue, and you've been a member long enough that I think you would recognize an actual problem. Maybe a change in scenery would perk him up...he does have a heater right? I'm sure you've got one for him though. If...
  31. constantine03


    You'll find a lot of information on this forum if you do a simple search. The topic has been discussed many times over. I'd give you a brief overview, but I've got to run to an exam! Good luck with your search.
  32. constantine03

    Diamond Python

    I would have peed my pants if I woke up to that! I have a snake phobia...
  33. constantine03

    Yellow Hm X Steel Blue (mg?) Hm Spawn Log

    The little guys are just now 5 weeks old. They're starting show some colors. I still have about 40 or so of the little guys. They're about 1 1/2 cm from head to end of tail.
  34. constantine03

    Would This Be Unsafe To Do While Breeding Bettas?

    I would just let nature take it's course. It's likely that you'll have a smaller number from your 1st successful spawn, but you could have more. If you take the female out early, you run the risk of not having the eggs fertilized, and having a bunch of empty eggs and you just don't know it...
  35. constantine03

    Female Betta Help Please

    I think that size might be okay for three bettas. It just kind of depends on the temperaments of the bettas, the hiding space available, and the shape of the tank. Typically, people say that 4+ female bettas should be together. I have had 3 together that were just fine, but they all had good...
  36. constantine03

    Hi All! Beginner Needs Help!

    Agree that it is a female CT, but it doesn't appear over fed to me. Looks like a healthy female. Females usually have a bit bigger bellies than males b/c of the egg production.
  37. constantine03

    Bettas, Bettas, Bettas

    All have found new homes. TY! :)
  38. constantine03

    Finally! I Got A Pic Of Holly!

    Very nice colors. I'm afraid she's not a PK though. Looks to be VT instead. PKs have a more squarish anal fin with crisp edges, not pointy like Holly's.
  39. constantine03

    Well I Finally Succumbed

    I agree with the above that it looks male...other than the longer fins, the body shape is very male like as well.
  40. constantine03

    New Female Betta!

    I agree with the previous posts. VT female. :)