My Betta Thinks He Is A Cory!


Sometimes Right, Sometimes Wrong but ALWAYS certai
Dec 1, 2006
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Hi, just checking as I am only into my second month as a Betta keeper (Redbull)

My boy went into a non eating faise a week ago but is over himself now :rolleyes:

However, he seems to spend just about all his time at the bottom. He is active enough, no problem, but thats all he does now, just foraging back and forward at the bottom. Obviously he goes up for air now and again but he does not use the rest of his domain like he used to.

Is this normal or is it a sign? Tank mates in signiture :good:
Hi, just checking as I am only into my second month as a Betta keeper (Redbull)

My boy went into a non eating faise a week ago but is over himself now :rolleyes:

However, he seems to spend just about all his time at the bottom. He is active enough, no problem, but thats all he does now, just foraging back and forward at the bottom. Obviously he goes up for air now and again but he does not use the rest of his domain like he used to.

Is this normal or is it a sign? Tank mates in signiture :good:

When he surfaces for air, do you notice if he's having trouble swimming to the top at all? If he is it's a swimbladder problem (caused by constipation), he can't inflate it and is spending all his time at the bottom as a result. This may well be why he's acting this way. If it is his swimbladder, just give him a boiled, deshelled pea and fast him for a couple days (3, 4 at the most). You may need top put him in a breeding net.trap in order to prevent him from foraging for the cory's food, but this shouldn't bother him as it'll actually make it easier for him to breath from the surface. You can repeat this cycle of feeding a pea and fasting for as couple days for up to 10 days. If you don't notice any improvement after this period, begin feeding him again as his smiwbladder is not the issue. If it turns out that his constipation is not to blame, then it may either be a physical problem with his swimbladder, which there is no cure for or he may simply enjoy the bottom. After all, each fish is it's own. Good luck. :good:
He also could just be bored. From what you've described, it's not a physical issue, and you've been a member long enough that I think you would recognize an actual problem. Maybe a change in scenery would perk him up...he does have a heater right? I'm sure you've got one for him though. If not, that could be why he is acting listless...or he could just not like the current that your filter is putting out. :) Good luck.
does he follow the cories or just like the bottom?
when my betta had danio tankmates he thought he was a danio and would career around after them.

Also for about an hour my pygmy cories thought they were harlequin was the CUTEST!
Hi, and thank you all for your imput :good:

He does have a heater and good filtration, stats are all spot on. Weekly water change.

He is lively enough and has no problem as I see it in getting to the surface for air. He just seems to occupy the lower 2" of the tank but gives no signs of being unwell.

He showed great interest in the corys at first but not so much now.

I have be changing the plants around when cleaning the black stuff of them and recently added a coconut cave.

I will add some peas tomorrow (I gave some frozen bloodworm before reading posts) then I will put him on a couple of days 'nil by mouth' I will feed the cory well after lights out and very quietly!

Thanks again, never too clever to ask ;)
i had a male betta like that when i first started, infact i started a thread too as i was worried about him, he was sooo laid back it was unreal, hes probably just chillin Doresy, and no need to tell you to keep your eye on him, i bet you have a job keeping your eyes off him lol
shelagh xxx
Hey, big fuss over nothing!

Sat with him for a while and he was his old self. Swimin' all over the place!

Can fish really miss us or am I being uncharacteristically soft :flex: B-)

Guess he just needs and audience :rolleyes:

All is well again in the Doresy household :good:
Good deal. Frozen bloodworms aren't usually a problem. It's the freeze dried kind that are. They're dehydrated, so when they rehydrate (usually after the fish has eaten them) they really expand and cause problems. Any how, glad everything is back to normal!
glad to hear hes ok
our betta bert does mooch around the bottom of his tank sometimes esp if theres been bloodworm on the go & hes missed a few that have sunk down he also likes to 'park' under a small tiger lily plant that is quite low & it means hes got all his fins trailing on the sand but its one of his favourite places to rest.
he lives with khulis & panda corys.

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