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  1. constantine03

    New 2 This

    No problem, and thanks! She's an ornery little thing though. I put her in the tank today with my male, and she immediately went over and destroyed his lovely little nest! She's also chasing him around the tank! Crazy little fish.
  2. constantine03

    Multiple Breeding Tank. (pics Now Added)

    I don't know if that's normal or not. The only thing I would really worry about in doing this is the possibility of an outbreak. If you have one section that ends up with something, they'll all get it and then you could have 5 sections of dead fry instead of 1. :\
  3. constantine03

    New 2 This

    Hi. Welcome to the forum. I'm more than happy to answer your questions, but would appreciate it very much if you would type properly. Using the caps randomly like that makes it difficult to read, as does intentionally misspelling simple words. To answer your question: you can use fake plants...
  4. constantine03

    Bronzecat Is A Numpty

    What's a numpty? I've never heard that phrase. Oh, and about the ebay comment...why don't you all use a sniper service? Just input the auction number and it automatically bids for you when the auction's ending so you don't have to wait until it ends...or even be at your computer to win the item.
  5. constantine03

    Wooo We Have Hatched!

    You'll have to wait quite some time to turn that filter on...I would consider not using it at all until they are full grown. Just get a sponge filter. I have the same in one of my sorority tanks, and it's flow is strong enough to push the adults around a bit.
  6. constantine03

    More Pics Of Sobek

    Not slow for me either. He's pretty! I have one that looks similar to him, only he has a hint of orange in his fins. He's in my breeding tank ATM with a huge nest just waiting for the female to be let out! I'm so exciiiittted!
  7. constantine03

    Tuti Fruiti New Male Ct

    Very pretty tanks, but I can see why the VTs probably hiding...sharks and angels? He's probably getting harassed if he comes out!
  8. constantine03

    Male Or Female?

    Those fish are both males...yep.
  9. constantine03

    White Butt Spot Gone Red

    Do you have a picture?
  10. constantine03

    New Grow Out Tank

    Bronzecat, when did you get a fish and name him Shiva? That's my sig. girlies name! :)
  11. constantine03

    Have A Little Problem ..

    12 pellets a day is a lot, IMO. Tell your grandma to feed him 1 pellet, 3x a day if you want him fed. Then you won't have to deal with the uneaten food in the tank. You could also invest in a $10-$15 automatic feeder and cut grandma out completely.
  12. constantine03

    Anyone Have A Daphnia Culture?

    Yeah, I have about 3 trumpet snails in there right now. I think I dumped most of the little guys with the last water change. I don't know what got in there, but that water was rank! I used a net to get out what I could, but I'd say I probably poured 80% out because I couldn't see them. I...
  13. constantine03

    Anyone Have A Daphnia Culture?

    I have one, but it's not very successful. I know you have to use RO/aged tank water without dechlor or anything in it. The instructional sheet that I received said to feed them yeast and try to get algae growing... I've done all this, but they still seem to die. The sheet also said that a...
  14. constantine03

    The Betta Bug Has Bitten

    I'd like to see him too. I've read that red isn't a common trait with marbles. I have a boy myself who is marbled with red fins and think he's dreamy. Can't wait to see yours!
  15. constantine03

    New Grow Out Tank

    That's almost as big as my bathroom...awww, apartment life. :)
  16. constantine03

    My Renovated 3 Gal

    What brands are all these neat looking modern tanks all you foreigners have (well, foreign to me!! ;)), and where can I find them in the U.S. They're awesome looking. Seems like there's only regular rectangular tanks, or cheap acrylic ones here.
  17. constantine03

    I Think Jerry's Dying...

    :/ I'm sorry.
  18. constantine03

    Fry Update - 3 Weeks Old Now

    So cute...I'm starting two spawns this weekend. Wish me luck!!!
  19. constantine03

    Tailless Girl Is Here

    I still can't believe you bought her! If you don't think it's too nosey, how much did you end up getting her for? I could justify it at a normal price, but that $120 price tag was what made me shake my head...
  20. constantine03

    Indian Almond Leaves

    I don't know why you wouldn't be able to....?
  21. constantine03

    New Pictures Of Salem!

    Actually, blacksnapemoor posted before him today...and he's been a member for a while!
  22. constantine03

    New Pictures Of Salem!

    Wow. This thread is a year old. Why do people find these and decide to post in them?!
  23. constantine03

    I Need To Re-home A Few Fish...

    So, I purchased my fish from AB, and then adopted 4 males from someone, and then purchased 4 females from someone else. The females arrived with one extra...a male. He went into his own section, and the girls went into a 10 gal. Well, I've been watching them over the last couple weeks, and...
  24. constantine03

    New Girlies Arriving On Thurs

    Hah...not wasting any time. I hope he doesn't need to come back!
  25. constantine03

    Would She Be Classified As Mg?

    I purchased this female from AB as a "grey/green" female. When she arrived, she was very pale, but turned to a more metallic like coloration once she'd become acclimated to the tank. I thought she may not be a bad match for my copper male, and am currently conditioning the pair. Well, now...
  26. untitled.JPG


  27. fwbettashm1203523346.jpg


  28. constantine03

    Fish Pics!

    Loverly. :) My VT females have very long, pointy anal fins as well. That (and the curved, single rayed tail) is what makes her a VT. :)
  29. constantine03

    New To The Hobby

    Yeah, there's a small bit of corrosion, but it's always above the water level in the tank. I'm thinking about taking them out and tying them on with fishing line.
  30. constantine03

    Copper From Sq Bettas

    Hah....Fierce. Does someone watch Project Runway? (I KNOW I DO!!!) He's nice! the lighting looks pretty good for pictures too! Great job!
  31. constantine03

    New To The Hobby

    Hi. Here's how I make mine. I buy the plastic canvas at Hobby Lobby. You can get it any craft store, or just a Walmart. If you're picky about colors (like me), a craft store's your best option. This is the plastic mesh. It's used for rug making/loop stitching. Then you'll need the...
  32. constantine03

    Showing Off My Babies...

    Nice fish. I love the picture with you on the opposite side. Very neat. :)
  33. constantine03

    Black Cambodian Anyone?

    That's okay. It's still better than I could do! ;)
  34. constantine03

    Black Cambodian Anyone?

    Hah...I think someone needs less time, and better photoshopping skills! Seriously though, that'd be wicked coloration if you could really get that. I don't know if it's possible though...cambo and black? I still need to read up on my genetics.
  35. constantine03

    Im Havin A Horrible Week

    I would wait until whatever's going on in your tank settles before you add new fish. That, or take the remaining guys out and jar them (treat them individually in the jars), scrub the tank out- use bleach and vinegar- then let it air dry, and re-set it up with plenty of dechlor. If you've had...
  36. constantine03

    The Best Of Aquabid

    I think it's her anal and her dorsal...she doesn't have a caudal. :(
  37. constantine03

    Looking For A New Pair Or Two

    I've noticed a new (obviously not "new", but I've not seen him post a lot) seller in the states. He's the same guy who's friend was putting all the bettas down not too long ago. Was very nice in emails, and the fish arrived packaged nicely. He has a male I'm drooling over right now. His name...
  38. constantine03

    I Dont Know How To Divide Th Betta Tank :)

    I actually bought the suction cups at a craft store. They have little hooks around the top of them. I just take the hook and loop it through the closest part of the plastic canvas, then I slip the spine back over it. I always keep the water lower than the suction cup level. Here's a picture:
  39. fish_1047.jpg


  40. constantine03

    My Females

    I'm looking at your CTs and I believe I see ventrals...they're just clear...