Looking For A New Pair Or Two


Jan 11, 2007
Reaction score
upstate new york
does anyone in the US have any spawns available either hm or hmpk?? im looking for red butterfly mostly(but not too picky), dragons(red or yellow), green, red, or marbles(any color). iv been watching aquabid but haven't found much within the country. if anyone has anything please let me know thanks.
I've noticed a new (obviously not "new", but I've not seen him post a lot) seller in the states. He's the same guy who's friend was putting all the bettas down not too long ago. Was very nice in emails, and the fish arrived packaged nicely. He has a male I'm drooling over right now.

His name is "TheHalfmoonSpecialist."

I hope I did this right, but here's the link to his available items.

I'm sure if you ask, he'd have females available as well.
constantine i just noticed his listings the other day and am keeping an eye on a few of his fish. thanks for reminding me of him though i almost forgot him.

Jaded are you getting in pairs or just single fish?(not that it entirely matters) if you could let me know whats going on with your fish when they come in that would be great.
thanks both of you.
i have a solid red mt male only three months old, i got him in a grab bag of a buy from some guy that had been giving them away,, just i paid shipping, my sister kept one and i kept two,, but i really dont have any red females to breed him with and i am going to be fully stocked on my ladys tank and cant get more.his fins were slightly damaged cause he was in a tank with 200 other boys........ but other than that he is healthyand fins are healed nicely,, i dont want to charge a ton just enough to get my shipping back,, well i also have no idea if newfishey put him on aqua bid like i wanted but i will ask her. i live in usa/ pennslyvania
opps when i said mt i ment half moon tail,, haha i am such a dork, oh and newfishey has pictures of him some where on a post ,, under my new boys or somthing,, i can bug her for a pic if u would like. i also have a placket crown tail cross, male very young though,, probally 2.5 months at the most cambodian white with bluish to sometims purple fins,,, he was susposto be a girl ct,,, just my luck any way he is for sale pretty cheep too
Jaded are you getting in pairs or just single fish?(not that it entirely matters) if you could let me know whats going on with your fish when they come in that would be great.
thanks both of you.

I'm getting in

10 crowntail pairs
10 halfmoon plakat pairs
5 halfmoon pairs
10 super delta pairs
10 individual super delta males
80 fish total

I just dont know colors yet but I will let you know as soon as I do
well here is an EXTREAMLY BAD picture of azul's red hm boy...he is so much cuter in real life.
thanks for putting that photo up of him. i definitely like him. figure out how much you want for him and i'll see what i can do.
all in all i think he cost me $8.50. so if u want him can give me 8.50 and u just pay the shipping? however much shipping is i gotta ask newfishey,, probally not a lot casue we both usa. does that sound fair to you? pay pal would be great, hit me back later
jess6905...you have another pm from me...I couldnt log on for a while:)

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