Have A Little Problem ..


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2008
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Alabama ♥
On Saturday, I'm leaving for Disney World for a week. I have someone who can watch my betta and feed him, but my betta is picky, and will only eat if the pellets are dropped in one at a time, and only if he can see them. My grandma, who is watching him for me, seems to prefer dropping in a "tiny pinch!" of pellets, which happens to be about ten. I was away last night, so she was watching him, and when I got back the floor of his tank was littered with uneaten pellets. She tries her best and talks to him through the glass and likes him alsmot as much as she likes my cat (which is a lot), but I'm not sure if I really want her putting all that food in the tank while I'm gone.

And she now knows four pellets, three times a day, but there's still a problem that they won't be eaten unless the betta sees them dropped in. And he won't eat them off the bottom once they sink.

So, my question: should I let him go without food for the week I'm gone, or should I let my grandma feed him so he at least has a chance to eat, and just do a water change as soon as I get home?
LOL.....what a dilema! Grand parents can be a bit over zealous with food :lol:

Is the tank filtered? You could always tell her to only feed him on, say, Tuesday and Thursday? Or put out 2 pellets for each day in envelopes marked with the day?

At least you'll know his tank wont be full of pellets :lol:
Unfortunately, no, there's no one else who can do it :|

The tank isn't filtered, but that's a good idea - having her put food in every few days. I might do that, just have her give him three or four pellets maybe three times while we're gone. If he gets hungry enough, he'll eat, I guess.
The safest thing to do is put the food for each day into an envelope or tub as bronzecat suggested, and hide the pack of food so she can't decide to give him extra if she thinks you've not left enough out. I always leave measured amounts for my (grown up) son to feed for all my tanks when we're away.
Get one of those things from chemist for pills marked with days of week and then put the pellets in there. They aren't very expensive and she may realise that its like giving them medicine and keep to correct doseage. With luckkkkkkk. Have a super holiday.
If you're worried about having your grandmother feed him, then just don't feed him for the week. He'll be fine most probably. I know I've read here alot of people not feeding their fish while they went on vacation and everything was fine when they came back.
Of course the betta isn't going to like it, but I think it would be safer than someone overfeeding him & dirtying up the water with uneaten food.
let him starve for a week. He will be fine without the extra food. In fact he could probably do with a diet if he gets 12 pellets a day.
fish can go for a few weeks without food
u are more likely to kill a fish by over feeding then starvation
he'll be o.k
agree with above, he will be fine for a week with no food. go on holiday and have fun :)
12 pellets a day is a lot, IMO. Tell your grandma to feed him 1 pellet, 3x a day if you want him fed. Then you won't have to deal with the uneaten food in the tank. You could also invest in a $10-$15 automatic feeder and cut grandma out completely.

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