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  1. B


    Hikari floating carnivor sticks are what i used to feed mine when he was younger he also loved bloodworm ,, in the past he has also had live goldfish through this is not practiced any more in his case not a practice worth doing as i have now found out he will eat dead fish ie: white bait, bits...
  2. B

    What should I feed my puffer?

    you could try putting bloodworm in with him and he should eat it mine used to love them my humpback puffer eats white bait or shrimps hope this is of some use ps: i tried everything with my smaller puffers to keep there teth down and to no avail they just grew and grew i tryed snails and...
  3. B

    What is you oldest fish?

    the oldest one is billy the black shark 17 years old :P
  4. B


    welcome to this forum its very good and helpful someone is bound to know the answer to any question
  5. B

    Howdy all

    hello to you have not been a member long myself but everyone is great remember big tanks are the best always go as big as you can :P
  6. B

    Raise your hand...

    yep i always talk to my fish most of them by names as well sad or what g/f is sat here reading what i am writing and just laughing and nodding her head :P sad but you just gotta do it
  7. B

    How active is your rope fish?

    hope this is of some use mine always varied what they did but on the norm it was hiding and them coming out @ night unless you put a dead platy in the tank or anything and then they zipped out and scoffed. but also sometimes they would have a mad dash round the tank then go back and hid...
  8. B

    freinds for a fire eel?

    :P what other fish do you have in your tank like both have said small snakeheads and birchers would do well what about some larger fish (middle swimmers) they worked well in my tank ie: sevrums, parrots, depending on what else you have or are thinking about putting in you could have large angels...
  9. B


    yep the redtailed cat they are my fav fish mine is now about 8-9" long as some people no on here i lost my first one to the fact they are like the goat of the fish world, they will try and eat everything that fits and does not fit in there mouth. i had to pull a bit of slate out of his mouth...
  10. B


    many thanks to all :P
  11. B


    where please has the voting gone for fish of the month and betta of the month please many thanks ...
  12. B

    This Is Ugly

    many thanks for your replys everyone yeah cannot belive they have these things for sale round here and when you say to people in the shops what they are they just look kinda puzzled as if to say do you no what you are on about,, never mind i am sure his will have a good home when it gets moved...
  13. B

    This Is Ugly

    sorry to cfc posted mine on at the same time as his did not realise he was doing one yep he says it was gonna get quite big!!!!
  14. B

    This Is Ugly

    hiya yeah spelling more than likely to be wrong but is a dark brown with a real big mouth fam is siluridae name is something like wallago catfish
  15. B

    Fire Eel

    the biggest one's i had seen where @ wharf aquatics in notts they had some real big tyre tracks and fire eels as well they were between 20-24" long real nice fish these were £65.00 each but like cfc when i saw these it was a lot of money for me i had three all about 10-12" and now have one tyre...
  16. B

    This Is Ugly

    just seen my friends new catfish it is a helicoptor catfish boy is it ugly just wondered if anyone else had one of these as could not belive how much of a born inside out fish it was .....................
  17. B

    Octopus anyone?

    think someone has been eating to many disco bisciuts ha ha and i think we can all guess who here pussy pussy look at my lovely long arms ,,,, all the better to cuddle you with :P
  18. B


    like i said earlier on billy the black shark will worry anything in his tank from small to big have not found anything to go in with him . maybe alright now but wait and you will see we are right hope all goes well whatever you do, but am not going to keep repeating myself
  19. B

    If you have a weak stomach do not open

    bit of a sore point here then eh?? but hey the lads done right in my eyes this should stop everyone from doing things we have all been warned about .... think about it we must of all seen pictures like this - alright so maybe not quite as bad but i bet everyone reading this has killed/had a...
  20. B

    Grammar patrol

    think! summed up what it means is what the people on here are bothered about we know is fish, and the topic is oddballs so who ever is interested in oddballs is going to know where to find it. and i am sorry no offence meant but i came on here to talk about fish i was never any good at school...
  21. B

    Eel Question

    ryan has summed it up for you in one mate kuhli loach will do well and like he said mate your other fish could soon become food if you got a fire/tryetrack eel
  22. B


    now then vip not to diss you @ all but in billy the black sharks tank we have tried Jag, Red Devil, Midas cichs and they would of got bullied to death had we left him in the tank like i say not argueing with you just giving ours as a example
  23. B


    like we have said earlier on this week when someone else was on about them the one i know about is 17 years old, lives by himself (cause he eats anything that gets in his way or harress's the fish to death) even a massive plec that we tried with him you will need a massive tank with no decs...
  24. B

    Am i over stocked?

    put you down as a dont know then ??????? :/ am i overstocked well yes me lad go get out this weekend and buy a new tank you no you want to and you may also need to rehome some of your larger fish still hope everythingkeeps going ok for you :P
  25. B

    A newbie question

    like they have said would not really expect a learner to have a brackish setup or go for puffers but by all means have a go at doing it right. but if you do a puffer tank you will only be able to have puffers really as they can be a bit nasty on the fin nipping side of things :P good luck hope...
  26. B

    is this cheap or what

    buy the tank and think about the space for it later you can always sell it on for a profit if the price is right ha ha get on it my friend :P
  27. B

    The continuing eBay saga

    just seen the pics and was about to say myself that i wondered if everyone had been looking @ other pictures because of lack of tinfoils and oscar ha ha no wonder he has that many fish in there if he cannot idenify fish he will not know about stocking rules what a pri*k :P
  28. B

    ebay tank

    :P well its a different tank for sure .... not sure if i like it but boy its different and so is everyones taste so no offence meant
  29. B

    What fish get along best?

    you could go for any small schooling fish ie tetras, platys, or a mixture of them both with maybe a small group of corys @ the bottom a very warm welcome to the forum you will love it :P
  30. B

    heater problems

    :P :P just a quick one then all of the heaters i have come accross are if you are stood over the top of them with the control knob @ the top you would have to turn the dial clockwise for higher temps and anti for colder ones but as others have said only do it fractions @ a time and then you can...
  31. B

    Help with Oscars!!!

    yip for sure if you do not take it out then you MUST keep a eye out for infection otherwise your oscars will go down . like someone else said give them 3 months and the roles should be reversed hope this is of some use to you :P
  32. B

    upside down cat fish

    :P all i can say is i have two upside down catfish and the real small one i forget is in the tank until cleaning time when he comes out so i would say it is normal mate and that @ night time they come into there own
  33. B

    Few Pics

    very nice picture (1) how old is your angel fish please and how big :P
  34. B

    Some mbuna pics

    very nice pictures of some very nice fish a tank set up next for me then??
  35. B

    Alligator Gar

    wow that is a nice looking fish i can imagine how much you must of wanted him when he was small and how hard it is going to be to get rid of him total bummer @ least like the others said you are trying to get him a new home :P
  36. B

    wittle oscar

    depends on what sort of fish you want in there as there are lots of choices, but the main thing being you have got a oscar ok so its a baby but its gonna grow real quick and be real nasty when it is older so you need something that is going to grow quick and something that is going to be able...
  37. B

    please help fish in need of rescue

    thanks for you help guys have just found out what he is for sure he is a humpback puffer
  38. B

    Cleaning outside.

    must admit i always use glass cleaner but make sure that it never goes to near the top just incase of any mist entrying the tank i use a towel to clean and polish
  39. B

    mysterious clown loaches

    just a quick note have got 8 clown loaches that have just been moved and like other people have said they are shy when they have been moved as mine have not been out since apart form two that is. when they were in my other tank it took them i would say an average of 1 month to find there feet...
  40. B


    i no you have found out now prob, but no the rope fish is not a nice fish at all if you dont mind looking there should be some recent post 2 in fact that have been sorted, both with lots of comments. good luck with your fish