What is you oldest fish?


Fish Crazy
Jun 18, 2004
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How long have you had your oldest fish?
What are the names of your fish? ( for those of us that name em? )

Mine was both a spotted pleci named Zodiac that I had for 4 years. He was about 7 inches when I gave him up.
Also a lovely lady South African Butterfly named Lace that I had for only 3 years before giving her up. She was around 5 inches.
i oldest fishs where my goldfishs i had them 4 2 weeks before fiving them back to the fish shop as they eat my tetras and they where Sh*ting like hell, i asked the guy at the fish shop if i can keep tetras with goldfish he say yeah they will be fine so i got 10 tetras the moment that i realesed the tetras there was a massacre they eat 3 of them in front of my eyes :-( :-(
well, only been keeping fish a year, but i still have one of my first fish. she survived new tank syndrome and the whole newbie experience. she's a huge marble lyretail molly, and she's currently my only fish that does have name (besides gary the snail...), she's "big momma"

and i don't agree, this is a fish related topic, perfectly suitable for tropical chit chat.
White cloud, 5 years old. I originally had three, named after my three best friends at the time, but two of them died a couple years ago. After they started developing their colour I could no longer tell them apart.
I have only been keeping tropical fish for 7 months....but my oldest fish was 2 goldfish that lived with a friend of mine for 3 years then she gave them to me to move overseas...they were with me for 5 years before the cat got them :eek:

They lived in a small bowl....with no pump or filter....their water was changes when it looked dirty....when I would put the fish into snother container....tip all the water from the bowl, scrub the glass with a scourer and clean all the gravel using a large strainer!!! :no:

I am surprised they lived as long as they did!!! They were never sick...always ate lots and were VERY interactive fish...if the cat had have kept her paws out of the bowl they would still be alive....she only managed to catch one...it lived for 3 days...the other died a week after the first one died....I think from grief
:) Well, I have are 4 Pristella Tetras that I had for a while but I haven't name them yet. I know there is one female and three males and they had one success in breeding. I'm not exactly sure what age they are, but I had them for about 10 months (which was rare because most of my fish used to live only a couple weeks then die. :sad: Now I know the secret about fish keeping . . . I also know more about diseases than I did last year.) My next fish that I had the longest is a female red platy called Berry. She's the cutest little thing! :fish:

:thumbs: Relating to size, I believe my black molly is the oldest fish in the tank. Her name is Tara and she's a little more than 2 inches long. She's also the mommy of two "daughters." :D
I only been keeping fish for little over a year but my oldest is a pair of Platy's, they are very tough fish. I name my fish but I have my bettas around the computer so they get all the attention.
All my fishy have names, as follows
2 platy's - dumb and dumber
2 glolight tetras - Amos and Andy
1 chinese golden algea eater - GRUMPY
2 zebra danias - convict and jailbird
2 neon tetras - Lilo and Stitch
1 male crowntail betta - big daddy
1 male crowntail betta- goerge
1 male betta not sure what kind - Patriot
1 male veiltail betta - fireball
1 male ct betta - larry
1 female betta - ice queen
i female betta - lil moma
Thr oldest fish we have are two peppered corydoras which are getting on for six years old now. Dont worry they are not the only two corys we have, they share a tank with 15 others.
My oldest current fish is my monster plec, my mother in law had him for 7 years before I got him. His name is big shark.

I also have my ACF Jaba who is 22. :S I don't know if that counts as a fish or not

This goes here. General is for non-fish topics. This is a general fish question that does not deal with a paticular species so it belongs in chit-chat. You're just fine :)
My oldest fish is a plec, also. Have had him for nearly ten years, sister in law had him for couple of years before that. (His name is Salacious Crum, after the Star Wars character, when we first got him he was sharing a tank with my son's Oscar, Jabba the Hut). I believe the last time I measured him he was about 14 inches long. Read a magazine article within the past year (either TFH or FAMA) about a pleco that the author had kept for at least 19 years, possibly longer.

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