Few Pics


Oct 23, 2003
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I had the camera handy and decided to take a few snaps as I have never posted any on here before, i'm just a big lurker! :p
I'll get some pics of the other fish later if I can get some good ones! :hyper:

OK first up is my biggest angel hes a real pig!, he has his mouth open a bit for some reason and the yoyo decided he wanted to get in the picture aswell :lol:


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Next up is my smaller angel pic is slightly out of focus sorry. :D


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Golden barbs, one decided to show me his ass I guess he didnt want his pic taken. :fun:


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Wow thankyou, first time I post pics and I get a FOTM nomination! :hyper:

Heres a pic of one of the yoyo's they always love posing and sitting on the sword leaves! :#


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Snuff said:
Wow! FOTM for that first angel. Beautiful fish, beautiful pic!
i agree fotm ...that top pic is amazing!
The first Angel is probably about 1.5" without his finnage maybe a touch more and with the finnage from tip to tip probably a bit over 3". The secodn one is smaller and probably a bit over 1" without his finnage and probably around 2" with it. Its hard to tell though I'm just roughly estimating there. But both still have some growing to do yet! :nod:

Ive had them both about 4 months or so and no idea how old they where when I got them, the one in the top pic was bigger than the other when I got him and continues to be due to the fact hes a right greedy pig! :flex:
I think its marbled, Koi tend to be more one colour than patchy? I'm not completly sure though. :dunno:
Thankyou for the kind words people I will try get a pic of my betta up later today, hes a tricky customer to take a pic of though! :nod:

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