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  1. 14gtr14

    3/4 Options For 15 Gallon --species Tank--

    sweeeeet. lol ok, thanks. How much is a hydrometer? I'm guessing this is for measuring the salt level? What would my options be for a 15 gal brackish then? Do you think it would be worth going brackish over one of my previous suggestions? Thanks I'll also post a topic in the brackish forum...
  2. 14gtr14

    3/4 Options For 15 Gallon --species Tank--

    lol ok cheers, i would love to make the 15 gal brackish, but i dont have the money just now. (am i right in saying brackish is nearly as expensive as SW to run?)
  3. 14gtr14

    3/4 Options For 15 Gallon --species Tank--

    i've already got the apistos, they're in my communtiy tank. So it would just be the pair. About the gobies: I have read that there are 2 variants of the bumblebees: a fw one and a bw one. Correct me if i'm wrong, but i think so lol. Keep the opinions coming, great so far!!! congo puffer? I...
  4. 14gtr14


    bumelbee gobies! A group of 5+ would be cool. ....although make sure if you get them that they are the freshwater variety! I can't remember their scientific name, but i'm sure someone around here will.
  5. 14gtr14

    3/4 Options For 15 Gallon --species Tank--

    Ok i have a 15 gallon that has some dwarf rainbowfish ( praecox) in it just now. They will be moving into my community tank in about a months time. I am looking to make the tank then into a species tank for something a little different! I have thought of 3/4 options so far and would like your...
  6. 14gtr14

    Where To Get Hatchets?

    thanks, might get both then ha!:P halfbeaks are tempting but again, i have never seen themfor sale!:o
  7. 14gtr14

    Where To Get Hatchets?

    cool, thanks. nmonks are you saying that silver hatchets are as aggressive as tbs? or that they are as lively? it's just i did have tbs but they became too aggressive even in a group of 12+. thanks for the info! I was also thinking about getting halfbeaks. What do you think: halbeaks or...
  8. 14gtr14

    Where To Get Hatchets?

    great thanks. my internet's not been working so i've not replied. i may get some then, they look great!
  9. 14gtr14

    Where To Get Hatchets?

    I have never seen them in an lfs? how much do they normally cost you?? I really like the look of marbled hatchets but have never seen them :(
  10. 14gtr14

    What Would You Add To This Tank?

    yup, im gonna add i think. but what would you add apart from the kuhlis?
  11. 14gtr14

    What Would You Add To This Tank?

    what's there max size? I'd add more kulhi loaches I'm trying to find them as cheap as i got my first 2. (One died hours after i got it, but wasnt allowed to get it refunded!)
  12. 14gtr14

    Micro Sword

    i got some from got a nie sized bundle. i could maybe send you some in a month or so??
  13. 14gtr14

    Plant Id's Please

    you can test it: hold it out of the water and if the stems hold the leafs up then it's most probably non-aquatic (apart from anubias really)
  14. 14gtr14

    What Would You Add To This Tank?

    Any suggestions of fish i could add to my 45 gal? It's planted and has a sandy bottom. Fish in it just now are: 2 apisto cactouides, 2 rams, 4 corydoras schwartzii, 8 dwarf rainbowfish, 2 swordtails, 1 rtb shark, 2 killifish (until my other tank frees up), 1 kuhli loach, 4 shrimp, 3 otocinclus...
  15. 14gtr14

    Plant Id's Please

    the one in the bottom pic to the left of the bogwood is a non-aquatic plant. i got done by the same scam before :@!
  16. 14gtr14

    Will Dwarf Rainbowfish And Threadfin Rainbowfish Shoal Together?

    ok thanks, was just a thought. Both lovely fish and was just wondering if the would. oh well cheers!
  17. 14gtr14

    Will Dwarf Rainbowfish And Threadfin Rainbowfish Shoal Together?

    Will these shoal together as they are both similar sized rainbows? Or will they not due to being different genus'? thanks
  18. 14gtr14

    What Can I Add To My Tank Now

    or dwarf cichlids, such as apistogramma cacatuoides (aka cockatoo dwarf cichlid)
  19. 14gtr14

    Cheap Slate

    free from old buildings/cottages/warehouses etc! justboil it for ages!
  20. 14gtr14

    Where To Get Cockatoo Dwarfs

    my apistos and my german rams live great together, they get a bit ratty when breeding, but are usually ok. (mine are in a 45 gallon 4 ft)
  21. 14gtr14

    Where To Get Cockatoo Dwarfs

    they're great fish. i love them. I need to get another male, my last one got stuck behind a rock that had moved slightly and i never noticed until too late... gutted. My fav fs has them in all the time, but it's in the Uk
  22. 14gtr14

    What Are You Listening To?

    chelsea dagger- The Fratellis
  23. 14gtr14

    Substrate And Gravel

    i used cactus compost and gravel. i got both from b & q, but you could probably get pea gravel instead from an lfs. the cactus compost is amazing! so many people have trouble growing amazon swords, mine are like weeds!
  24. 14gtr14

    Excess Fish

    lol ye i get what you mean. :lol: i think zeezee was trying to say: get rid of the fish that you feel will have problems in your tank (eg clown loaches) and get more fish that aren't going to be problematic. ....correct me if i'm wrong zeezee
  25. 14gtr14


    i would recommend hygrophilia polysperma. It grows incredibly fast and looks great! A great example is in one of the journals ( ) read through that and look how much it grows compared to everything else and look how great it looks!! oh...
  26. 14gtr14

    Good Place To Buy Plants Online? and both dirt cheap!! i have an order from the second one arriving tommorow or tuesday so i'll let you know the quality of the plants.
  27. 14gtr14

    Excess Fish

    he said earlier that he bought the tank second hand and the fish came with it. he couldn't do anything about it, whether he researched or not.
  28. 14gtr14

    Uh-oh Lfs Gives Me Molly Fry!

    are they all in the 5 gallon you stated?
  29. 14gtr14

    Please Look At My Tank

    in your sig it says you have 3 dwarf puffers and guppies. puffers are meant to be kept in species tanks only. chances are that they'll take chunks out of your guppies!
  30. 14gtr14

    Breeding Rainbowfish

    kl cheers! kl cheers!
  31. 14gtr14

    Breeding Rainbowfish

    just thought i'd give you all an update! around a week/ 2 weeks ago i added 2 females and a male to a 15 gallon spawning/fry/hospital tank in hoping they would breed. they did and i removed the rainbows and waited...and waited lol. Nothing seemed to happen over a week and a male swordtail...
  32. 14gtr14


    no mistakes --except feeshy-- low blow mate.:/ :grr:
  33. 14gtr14


    well said CFC! I believe that the more this site expands then the better it'll be for others wanting to learn. Fooshy or whatever your name is, why are you completely against this? Killifish have interested me for ages, but i have found very little about them on this forum (as you have stated)...
  34. 14gtr14

    My 25 Gallon Tank.

    you really should have done more research. how long have you kept tropical fish? have you kept them without problems? what fish did you keep? is your tank going to be planted or just ornaments and fake plants? i would love to keep discus, and for a while i was thinking about getting them...
  35. 14gtr14


    how on earth could she fit a bala shark in a ten gallon!?!?!?! They get to 30 cm long!! And angels get to 15 cm. Kim- Your tank is pretty well stocked up. I would say you could add an extra couple of WCMM or a few more tetras. Bear in mind that swordtails reach 13-15 cm in length too. If...
  36. 14gtr14

    Plants For A Cichlid Tank

    your tank is not 60 US gallons. It is 45 US gallons. It is the exact same dimensions as my tank. 48 inches multiplied by 18 multiplied by 12 = 10368 inches cubed 10368 inches cubed equals 44.8831167 US gallons (last calculations entered into google as 10368 inches cubed to US gallons)
  37. 14gtr14

    Live Plants fake plants?? or you want live plants?? here's a good link: fake plants?? or you want live plants?? lol here's a good link:
  38. 14gtr14

    Biotype Tanks

    i have a pair of german rams in with a pair of apistogramma cacatuoides and they seem fine...don't bother with each other. They haven't been in long though, i added the cockatoos a couple of days ago.
  39. 14gtr14


    lollol noooo :lol: i mean the roof tiles that have fallen off lol!!! not the actual house :lol: !
  40. 14gtr14


    find an old ruined cottage/house of some sort. That's what i use for my riccia/ moss. It looks great!