
A killifish section would be great :good:

Awesome idea BigC, im sure many people will use it. I for one would love to know more about them...

Feeshy, corys and parasitic catfish are still just catfish, loaches are Cypriforms and brackish fish arent all one family, brackish catfish are still catfish, brackish Cichlids are still Cichlids and brackish oddballs are just oddballs that dont have enough species in a family to need a seperate section.

Yes, but killies are still just Cypriforms too. Certainly far less killie species are kept than loach species. Same family so why not same treatment? And I told you my views about your whole 'yes but x aren't all in the same family so we can't have an x section'- neither are SW inverts, corals, plants, FW inverts, amphibians and reptiles or even oddballs- so why suddenly decide it's OK to have those sections but not other sections, like a blanket 'Brackish' section?

Just because you personally dont have much access to killie fish dedicated killie fish enthusiasts can lay their hands on hundreds of species through dried eggs being sent in the post or shipping of live fish from Europe and the USA where the killie fish hobby is bigger.

My point exactly- just how many 'dedicated killie fish enthusiasts' are there on the forum? It seems to me to be only BigC, with any other killie posts 'help ijust brought some kilifish how do i look after them??!!111' type jobbie. If people want more specific info about other fish (like I want more information on parasitic catfish) they go elsewhere, and so they should for killies.

You dont have much access to rare oddballs and catfish either but it doesnt make them worthless.

I didn't say it did, but since 99% of the 'oddballs and rare catfish' I want aren't available to anyone who doesn't live near Wildwoods or similar and can't pay through the nose to have them specially collect you one from the wild. There are plenty of species I want, and if I have to spend hours searching through Google for brief mentions in scientific papers then I'm sure any of the few people on TFF who want to find out about killies can either find profiles on TFF already written, or get of their lazy backside and find it out for themselves instead of being spoon fed info by other people.
My point exactly- just how many 'dedicated killie fish enthusiasts' are there on the forum? It seems to me to be only BigC, with any other killie posts 'help ijust brought some kilifish how do i look after them??!!111' type jobbie. If people want more specific info about other fish (like I want more information on parasitic catfish) they go elsewhere, and so they should for killies.

Why should people who want to learn be forced away from TFF? Isn't learning what this forum is all about? I personally have always wanted to learn more about Killifish, but never really found concrete information about them. I absolutely support BigC with the suggestion for a seperate spot for them. :good:
Why should people who want to learn be forced away from TFF? Isn't learning what this forum is all about? I personally have always wanted to learn more about Killifish, but never really found concrete information about them. I absolutely support BigC with the suggestion for a seperate spot for them. :good:

I agree. I would like to know more about them, too. And, I very much like to read what other members of this forum have to say.
Any you can, if you look in the section where thy belong. Which is oddballs, although why they're not in the cyprids section I'm not sure...
Because they are not Cyprinids, they are Cyprinodontiforms.
Same sort of thing...If we're going to get fussy about what belongs where then the whole forum is stuffed...
Sheer Negativity
Heh, not as such, more a case of if you're going to get technical like CFC is (and keep contradicting yourself) then most of the pre-assigned forum sections are in trouble...

Besides which, I did a check. Oddballs profile section? One killie profile. If you or anyone else was really into 'educating' people, there would be more. Out of the four ish pages in the oddball forum section? A whole six threads about killies. And they were mainly about golden panchax. There are more posts about a plethora of different groups of fish.
I really dont see why you are getting your knickers in a twist over this Feeshy. We don't promote the keeping of hybrids and fortunately dont have many hybrid keepers on the forum, but we do have a hybrids section for those few that do keep them and want to discuss them. There arent exactly hundreds of Betta species, infact there are far more killie species than there are Betta but we still dedicate an entire section to them instead of lumping them in with the other labyrynth fish in Anabantids.
Creating specialised forums for certain groups is a good thing, 4 years ago there was only one Cichlid forum which covered Africans, South and Central Americans and Hybrids, the catfish section was named Catfish and Bottom Dwellers which covered loaches and sharks as well as catfish, there was no brackish section, no Cyprinids and Characins section and Bettas and Gouramies were lumped together so any Gourami posts got buried and lost under the mountain of betta posts long before they could be answered. The forum we have today is a vast improvement and is probably the reason we have such a large and diverse membership, further changes can only improve the site and help it grow.
...further changes can only improve the site and help it grow.

well said CFC! I believe that the more this site expands then the better it'll be for others wanting to learn.

Fooshy or whatever your name is, why are you completely against this? Killifish have interested me for ages, but i have found very little about them on this forum (as you have stated), maybe a section on them will encourage people 'in the know' to post info to help others develop their understanding.
Your comments aside Feeshy, and I respect your views on the education side of things. (I didn't mean to come across as patronising). The amount of positive feedback to this post suggests that certain members would welcome a move. I also agree that there are not many postings on the subject but as Bloo suggests, There are still folks out there who simply don't know these fish exist. It maybe that a certain member learns about killifish for the first time on this forum and a whole new world in fishkeeping opens up for them.
Killifish within the oddball section is lost, many members would not even enter that side of the forum.
I am simply into killifish and I would like to hear and learn from like minded people in a section dedicated to the subject. I have been on different forums all with less traffic than this, may I say excellent one, and the majority of them have a dedicated Killifish section, so why not this one, it in my opinion being superior to all the rest.
I do see where you are coming from, but the point still stands- when will the division end? It's the picking over the small points and ignoring the larger ones that is annoying- was there any real need for the livebearers section to be split? Maybe, but what of other sections where splitting is much more important? The generalised 'Cyprinids and Characins' section, for instance, is one forum where splitting is actually useful- all catfish are catfish whether they're plecs, cories or 'other', but Cyprinids are not Characins, and those two groups are probably the most widely kept of all fish. You can split the forum until the cows come home, but whether any of it actually has a point or not is debateable. The forum is difficult to navigate for some people as it is.

The main reason I am against this is in the intrests of fairness to other fish groups. While everyone who has posted here is 'interested in finding out more', I bet if you posted a thread saying 'Can we create a seperate forum for all fish with an adult size of under 15mm' or 'Can we have a seperate section for large catfish with an overall black bodycolour with less than 15% other colours who eat small Jack Russels for breakfast and live in medium sized stagnant puddles in Outer Mongolia' you would still get people saying the same. If people are really that interested, then why aren't there more posts about them? The person wo can't even spell a few posts back said ' Killifish have interested me for ages, but i have found very little about them on this forum (as you have stated)'. Bullrock said 'I would like to know more about them, too.' Someone else said 'I personally have always wanted to learn more about Killifish'. So if these statements are true, then why are these people not actually asking about them? More instances of wanting to be spoon-fed information.
B******'s This is starting to bore the s**t outta me. Tell you what, let's just forget the whole idea.
No seperate section for anything that's not getting the correct mileage.
Way to go TFF
Thanks to those wo have expressed an interest in this thread and equally to those that haven't.
B******'s This is starting to bore the s**t outta me. Tell you what, let's just forget the whole idea.
No seperate section for anything that's not getting the correct mileage.
Way to go TFF
Thanks to those wo have expressed an interest in this thread and equally to those that haven't.

hey, its a good idea, a majority of people like the idea. i think you should stick by your word :)

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