Biotype Tanks


Fish Crazy
Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
Atlanta, Georgia
Alright, I am getting two 55 gallon tanks once we move house, which should be within the next 2 months or so, depending on when the new house is built. Anyways, I am going to create two biotypes; one asian one, and one south american one. I am going to post my plant questions on the plant forum, so if you want to help out there as well, it would be greatly appreciated.

Anyways, on to the fish! I'll start off with the South American biotype. Basically, what i want to know is how many you think i should stock of each species, and if you have any suggestions for better species to keep. I would also like to make sure they are all compatible. This goes to the Asian Biotype as well.

Fish in South American Biotype:
+Schooling Fish
--Cardinal Tetras
--Rummy nose tetras
--Red/Blue Colombian Tetra
+Bottom Feeders
--False Juli Cory Cat
--Sterbas Cory Cat
+Centerpiece fish
--Pair of German Blue Rams
--Pair of Bolivian Rams

Keep in mind, these are just species I liked, and I havent really worked out stocking yet, however i would like to have as many of each schooling fish as possible, and i know the corys and the oto's need groups of atleast 5.

Now for the Asian Biotype

Fish in Asian Biotype:
+Schooling Fish
--Harlequin Rasboras
--Cherry Barbs
--Odessa Barbs
+Bottom Feeders
--Khulii Loaches
--Angelicus Botia Loach
+Centerpiece Fish
--Pair or two of Sparkleing Gouramis

Please post all opinions, good or bad, as I would like to know how you think these tanks will turn out before I create them, and begin to dislike how they look and redo it once a month. (this is what my 12 gallon is going through right now... :shout: )

Thanks again for everyones help :)
I'd pick two species of tetra and have a dozen of each. Make the rummynose one of your choices, they are probably the tightest schoolers IMO. 6-8 cories, either one species or a mix. I wouldn't add any otos right away, but you could certainly add some down the road after the tank has matured a bit. Rams would be a good choice for a centrepiece but also consider Apistogramma or perhaps Keyholes. As far as numbers, if you can find Apistogramma cacatuoides, you could have a male and 2 or 3 females in that tank with no problems at all. For keyholes, a pair. I hope you are planning on live plants, it would be a very nice setup. edit: Just reread your post and I see that you are. Excellent!
Thanks for your reply. I figured that i had two many schools going on, but i wasnt sure. I love the look of Apistogramma, however i have always heard they were somewhat aggressive. Do you think that will matter in my tank?

Yes, both of the tanks will be heavily planted. I agree, it makes the tank look much better IMO

Thanks again :)
Apistos are not particularly agressive; except perhaps to each other when breeding. Even then, they are gentle by cichlid standards. They will defend their territory but rarely injure tankmates in smaller tanks than yours. I don't think you will have any problems in a 55gal. They are generally accepted as a good community fish and IME would mix well with your suggested list. (Have a look at my sig)

Also, you certainly could have more than two schools of tetras in there. Personal preference really. I tend to like to see smaller fish in large numbers; two schools just allows more of each. You have room for 3 slightly smaller schools if that's what you prefer to do.

Consider a few pencilfish if you can find them. They are a small, gentle and interesting fish that makes a nice addition to a planted SA tank. A couple wouldn't add much to your bioload in a 55 gal. There are several varieties out there.
Alright, i have revised the list of fish for the South American Biotype, and I have included numbers this time.

+Schooling Fish
--Cardinal Tetras- 12
--Rummynose Tetras- 12
--Tube Mouthed Pencil Fish- 8
+Bottom Feeders
--False Julii Cory Cat- 4
--Sterbas Cory Cat- 4
+Centerpiece Fish
--Pair of German Blue Rams
--Trio of either Apistogramma Agassizi or Apistogramma Cacatuoides

If im not mistaken, the Corys will school together, correct? And, will the Rams and the Apistogramma be fine together? or do I just need to chose one or the other. Or, could i have both species of Apistogramma?

Also, im still looking for opinions on the Asian Biotype.

Thanks again for your help, Griz :)
I like your plan here; I've thought of doing similar. I currently have an "Asian" 55 w/mixed barbs & loaches. By planning, researching & asking questions you'll likely have the best results.
On to the question....

Asian Biotype:
+Schooling Fish
--Harlequin Rasboras ----- calm fish, really good schoolers (get a good number 6+)
--Cherry Barbs ------- don't school well, pretty, ok as single fish or a pair but I perfer a trio (or 2 trios :)
--Odessa Barbs -------- more active than above (think rosy barb, not the usually trouble sometimes too active for little super calm fish) may spook harlequin (but you do have space so may not be a prob.), keep in a group to keep from bugging other fish (Odessas are pretty but having only a pair my male was a pest)
+Bottom Feeders
--Khulii Loaches ---- I have no experience, sorry
--Angelicus Botia Loach ------- cool active fish, at least 3 but more is better I'd think
+Centerpiece Fish
--Pair or two of Sparkleing Gouramis --------- these are little I don't if I'd put them in, if you do I'd go with more than 2 pairs (I have 1 in a smaller tank with green eye rasbora & cherry barbs) ----- How about a bigger gourami? A pair of Pearls would be cool!
Fish in Asian Biotype:
+Schooling Fish
--Harlequin Rasboras-- 12
--Cherry Barbs-- 9
--Odessa Barbs-- 10
+Bottom Feeders
--Khulii Loaches-- 5
--Angelicus Botia Loach-- 5
+Centerpiece Fish
--3 pairs of Sparkling Gouramis

I THINK i have overstocked here by alot, but i dont know.... please help on this one, becuase im rather confused, i havent really dealt with these fish at all before. Also, i have a thread posted on the plant forum about the plants going into these tanks, i think its on the seccond page now. If anyone wants to add to that, then please do :)
If im not mistaken, the Corys will school together, correct? And, will the Rams and the Apistogramma be fine together? or do I just need to chose one or the other. Or, could i have both species of Apistogramma?

Thanks again for your help, Griz :)

Corys will definitely school together and should be kept in groups. In a 55 gal I would get a minimum of 6. If you like them you could certainly have several more than that. 8-10 wouldn't be too many IMO as long as you keep other bottom dwellers to a minimum.

Keeping more than one male apisto is always a risk. With plenty of plants/wood/etc to divide up territories it is certainly a possibility. What are the dimensions of your tank? Floor space is the important thing with cichlids. I think it can work but you should be aware that there "could" be aggression problems. Not just with the males, the females can be pretty fiesty and protective of their eggs/fry. Perhaps someone who has mixed apistos and rams in a similar sized tank could comment. I wonder if that might be a better mix than 2 species of apisto.
Im not sure of the measurements of the tank yet, as we are still looking, however i think itll just be your common 55 gallon, if there is such a thing lol... If the rams and apistos wont be okay together, then could i just do either 2 pairs of rams or 2 pairs of apistos? ill have plenty of plants and little caves and things.
Some apistos (cacatuoides) are harem breeders and will do well with one male and 2 or more females. Others (borellli) are better kept as pairs. I haven't mixed species and have only kept one male at a time so I hesitate to recommend it without first hand experience. I've done a lot of reading about it though, and the results seem to be mixed. Much seems to depend on the temperament of the individual fish. Having lots of decor in the tank and caves will help to keep the peace. Breaking the line of sight across the tank is important.

A "normal" 55 gal would be about 48 x 12 x 21 (approx) This gives you plenty of floor space and will likely allow you to have 2 species of dwarf cichlid. Which species mix will give you the best chance of success is the question and I wouldn't want to give you bad advice.

Start a thread in the New World Cichlid forum and ask about mixing 2 species of apisto, or apistos with rams in a community setup. You should get some good responses there.
Some apistos (cacatuoides) are harem breeders and will do well with one male and 2 or more females. Others (borellli) are better kept as pairs. I haven't mixed species and have only kept one male at a time so I hesitate to recommend it without first hand experience. I've done a lot of reading about it though, and the results seem to be mixed. Much seems to depend on the temperament of the individual fish. Having lots of decor in the tank and caves will help to keep the peace. Breaking the line of sight across the tank is important.

A "normal" 55 gal would be about 48 x 12 x 21 (approx) This gives you plenty of floor space and will likely allow you to have 2 species of dwarf cichlid. Which species mix will give you the best chance of success is the question and I wouldn't want to give you bad advice.

Start a thread in the New World Cichlid forum and ask about mixing 2 species of apisto, or apistos with rams in a community setup. You should get some good responses there.

i have a pair of german rams in with a pair of apistogramma cacatuoides and they seem fine...don't bother with each other. They haven't been in long though, i added the cockatoos a couple of days ago.

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