Please Look At My Tank

Elliott 03

New Member
Sep 5, 2006
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This is a 29 gallon freshwater tank.


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not really my cup of tea, but if you like it then its fine, i would get some more plants, fake or real, it would make the tank look a whole lot better :)
not really my cup of tea, but if you like it then its fine, i would get some more plants, fake or real, it would make the tank look a whole lot better :)


What kind of look are you going for? If you tell us then maybe we can hep you with you aquascape :)
not really my cup of tea, but if you like it then its fine, i would get some more plants, fake or real, it would make the tank look a whole lot better :)


What kind of look are you going for? If you tell us then maybe we can hep you with you aquascape :)
I'm not going for a specific look I just want it to look good. I think I'm going to get a couple more live plants.
what kind of fish do you intend to bring in?

maybe it's better to keep these plastic plants (though i don't have any in my aquarium)
in your sig it says you have 3 dwarf puffers and guppies. puffers are meant to be kept in species tanks only. chances are that they'll take chunks out of your guppies!
Hi Elliott,

Glad you figured out how to post the pic's.

Okay 2 things:

If you do infact keep the guppies with the puff's that will turn ugly, so you will have to address that. Not nice to wake up finding your fish attacked.

Also I believe the substrate is wrong for puffers, according to the fish index on this forum, they like to bury in sand and your substrate could potentially cut them.

I hope you will look at the oddball section in this forum, excellent pinned artiches. Also look in the fish index. great info found there. Here you can also find out how you tank should be decorated so the puff's will be happy.

Somethings gotta give, so you will need an extra tank IMO, but seriousley address guppy/puffs asap.

Happy Fish-keeping to you!!
Hi Elliott,

Glad you figured out how to post the pic's.

Okay 2 things:

If you do infact keep the guppies with the puff's that will turn ugly, so you will have to address that. Not nice to wake up finding your fish attacked.

Also I believe the substrate is wrong for puffers, according to the fish index on this forum, they like to bury in sand and your substrate could potentially cut them.

I hope you will look at the oddball section in this forum, excellent pinned artiches. Also look in the fish index. great info found there. Here you can also find out how you tank should be decorated so the puff's will be happy.

Somethings gotta give, so you will need an extra tank IMO, but seriousley address guppy/puffs asap.

Happy Fish-keeping to you!!
If you look in the top right of my picture there are 2 small clear boxes. Thats where I keep the guppies. They breed in those then I feed the babies to the puffers. Makes a great snack.
Ok, sorry about that, didn't realize they were feeder fish, the way they were listed I assumed they were living together, and I don't see a lot of people using live fish for their puff's as food :sick: Sorry I'm to much a fan of guppies to appreciate this.

Hope that my sand suggestion was helpfull though. :D
Ok, sorry about that, didn't realize they were feeder fish, the way they were listed I assumed they were living together, and I don't see a lot of people using live fish for their puff's as food :sick: Sorry I'm to much a fan of guppies to appreciate this.

Hope that my sand suggestion was helpfull though. :D
thank you
Hi Elliot,

Puffers love hiding places and so I would suggest maybe purchasing some bogwood, possibly even with a live plant like anubias or java fern/moss attatched.

This would liven your tank up a bit [I'm not a huge fan of fake decor and colourful things], and give the puffers more of a natural habitat.

As for the guppy feeder fish, how large are the adults you are breeding from? As causing these fish stress with small living conditions can start some sort of health problem which in turn will be hereditory and may cause your puffers to catch some sort of disease in the near future.

There are plenty of better options for feeding of these fish.


PS, what are your tank stats?
go salt lol :D looks like your off to a good start , keep the pics coming as the tank changes
Think the tank needs some plants :) I had four pygmy puffers said community with caution hmmmm caution to everything mine were :grr: took them back was told after as well when they get bigger they will become aggresive towards each other as well, also read they need snails to help grind their teeth down :hey: . I was :sad: to see them go but glad also.
If you plan on keeing the puffers (which I say yes to, since they are so sweet!), then add a LOT of plants... preferably of all heights, as the puffers need it to block each from sight as they swim around. Otherwise they will get aggressive to each other and cause problems. It doesn't matter what color or if they're plastic, silk or real, just the amount matters. They also need little caves and such to exlore. Those 2 1/2" terra cotta pots at WalMart work great for them, if you don't want to spend too much. I'd toss 3-4 in there at different angles.
As for the substrate it would be better to use sand, but my puffer never gets very close to the bottom for whatever reason, so you may be ok there. I'd just keep a CLOSE eye on them, pay attention to where they sleep, etc. If they seem to be wanting to be on the bottom, but don't stay there long, the gravel is probably irritating them.
Also, as for feeding them live food, it's up to you on that, but mine do great with frozen bloodworms. That's all he ever gets, all he ever eats, except for the once-a-week snail treat. (Which I breed in a 1 gal bowl just for him). As was mentioned above, the stress could cause deformed fry and that could end up biting you in the butt.
Hope this helps! Good luck! :good:
Im not a fan of fancy coloured tanks, but the guppy is food nothing else imo, damn things are born pregnant i swear :/

Bet the puffers love the live food :)

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