

New Member
Feb 4, 2006
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I have a 10 gallon tank (well cycled and has been running since Jan.) It currently has one male swordtail (Pineapple), 1 male White cloud , and 2 glolite tetras. As of right now the White cloudn and sword tail seem to me schooling together or atleast hanging around together. I know I need to get some more WCs and tetras, but Do i need to get some more Sword tails? I really dont want any fry... I know how livebearers can be..... and I dont want to become overrun.

Thanks alot,
ok if i was u i would get around 2-3 more swordtails if u want u could get all females but u could also get like 1 male if u like the long tail, and get a hardy fish that eats live food like a angel or bala sharkto keep the fry pop down. (my bala shark keeps my guppy pop down really well)
how on earth could she fit a bala shark in a ten gallon!?!?!?!

They get to 30 cm long!! And angels get to 15 cm.

Kim- Your tank is pretty well stocked up. I would say you could add an extra couple of WCMM or a few more tetras.

Bear in mind that swordtails reach 13-15 cm in length too.

If you want to stock more fish i would recommend getting a bigger tank.
Do not get a bala shark or and angle fish for your 10g, they need 50g at the very least. Unfortunately, swordtails are not real big fry eaters, so you will need somthing to keep the population down. What iv found that works very well it to get a trio of zebra tetras, they will eat themselves fat.

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