
Lets get one thing straight, feeshy doesnt decide what changes are implemented on the forum, the only people who can make that type of decision are William and the moderators so she and anyone else who wants to be negative can be till their finger fall off, if the mods like it then it will happen. For the mods to like there has to be a noted interest in the section, get some info written up that can be pinned in oddballs as a temporary measure and a few profiles in the index and i'll see what i can do.
no mistakes --except feeshy--
low blow mate.:/ :grr:

Well, it doesn't take on second to realise it says 'Feesy' not 'Fooshy'... I mean, what kind of a stupid name/word is 'fooshy'?

Lets get one thing straight, feeshy doesnt decide what changes are implemented on the forum, the only people who can make that type of decision are William and the moderators so she and anyone else who wants to be negative can be till their finger fall off, if the mods like it then it will happen

Exactly, so why everyone is suddenly so upset I don't know... [sarcasm] Well, I'm very sorry for pointing out reasons why not to have it, I didn't realise it was against forum rules to have a balanced arguement... I shall know better next time to nod and smile like the rest of them and say 'oh yes what a great idea' without meaning it [/sarcam]
I have to say I agree with CFC on this one! :nod:

The changes TFF has made over the last few years have been an improvement that have given members, who specialize in various kinds of fish, a chance to exchange ideas among themselves. It does nothing to detract from the forum as a whole, and does attract experienced fishkeepers to become members. This can only benefit our members who are new to the hobby.

I have seen a big interest developing in these fish among members of the aquarium society I belong too. We even had a guest speaker on them. They are unique and beautiful fish and deserve the attention they are getting among aquarists and I think it might well be time to give them more recognition here at TFF. :D

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