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  1. L

    My New 8gal Nano

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! :bday: so now go out and get yourself a new something on me... with your cash :drinks:
  2. L

    My New 8gal Nano

    I like the black too... something on the dark side but still soo little fish! :hey: :D
  3. L

    Orca Marnine Tank

    my personal opinion will be to get a 24g above a 12g, once your 12g is up and goin your soo limited to what and how many you can add. Modding a 12g will be a pain due to alot of upgrade parts don't fit. I was goin to get a small 12g and thought it will do for me but now that I have a 24g Im soo...
  4. L


    Got a pic of the Rics, the color on the pic is way off... they soo much brighter. Im not sure how to take pics with the actinics on... but here they are :beer:
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    I picked some up today and will post some pics in a few days....let them settle in to there new home first. They have some real bright colors like on the site above.
  6. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    weird... let me get some tools out :crazy:
  7. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    thanks for all the kind words :flowers: , I made this little clip of my tank today...hope you all like it :beer: Cheers
  8. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    Thanks mate... I have a surface skimmer, an SRS Select-A-Flow skimmer that works with my protien skimmer in chamber 1. It controls the water level in the main tank and clear all the muck off the surface. Great additions to a Nano tank.
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  10. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    Thanks...150W MH 14000k HAQOS CH-150 clamp on.
  11. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    so I found some black crate after turning every rock over...they call it filter grid and it sells for a quarter the price as the white crate in the fish section on "fleabay". I have cut some of the squares out so they bigger for more light to get down in the tank and the best part is that the...
  12. L

    Thinking About A Skimmer For A 24g Nano

    have you checked out the Sapphire Aquatics skimmer for NC24g? It fits in the 1st or 2nd chamber and you dont need to mod anything. You should run Rowaphos all the time in your tank even if you dont see any algae but in your case you should, I have about 4-5 table spoons full in a bag and change...
  13. L

    Silly Question

    so the flow rate of the chiller is 250~1200L/Hr and the rate of the external is 680L/Hr at full open... you think the flow back into the tank will be ok?
  14. L

    Silly Question

    Just wondering if a guy can rig a external filter onto the same line as a chiller... so the water will leave the tank go through the filter and then into the chiller and back into the tank? yes / no / or am I being stupid? :blink: or will the filter pump not last cos of the extra distance? Thanks.
  15. L

    Reef Help Needed

    SH is right... it doesnt make up. Rather then getting new fish and coral just let it run for a month and see how things go.
  16. L

    Its A First (tank Finished Early)

    hey Adam how did you install the supply&suction for the external into your tank with the hood on?
  17. L

    My Nano Tank Is Up And Running!

    lol :hyper: you have 8 live's left... we're watching 8)
  18. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    I took it off cos my cat wants to take a swim... :angry: he's walking on thin ice. Yes so I had white egg-crate on there but it reflects too much... got the black egg-crate in the mail today so thing can go futher and the cat can.... swim somewhere else :angry: I would like to have the crate...
  19. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    the light cover gets hot cos its so close to the lamp, the glass I ordered is tempered to high wattage light spec and its goin to cover the hole light. When I had the light on the tank the temp didnt rise much but the only thing is goin to be the evap rate without a hood on... so that brings in...
  20. L

    My Nano Tank Is Up And Running!

    Sounds Crazy You'll have a mobile super-bucket-nano-sump to go, hope it works and doesnt flood your car... post some pics as you get on. :cool:
  21. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    no Im not covering the tank...its the light that needs a pieces of glass, got the call today that the glass is ready for me to pick up...and mount it and its ready, oh and waiting for the black egg-crate to come to go over the tank so my cat cant get in. I tried white egg-crate but it reflects...
  22. L

    My Nano Tank Is Up And Running!

    eazy start for you...all up and running, what you gonna keep in there?
  23. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    yes its a Leather, it was less than half the size when I got it. The fish like it hang out under it but it is getting a bit big so Ill be cutting him some time soon.
  24. L

    Cooling Fans

    no it does not fit under the hood, all I do is open the feeding flap and clamp it on so it blown into the tank and it works wonders.
  25. L

    Cooling Fans

    Hey BigC, I tried 1 of those clip-on fans and they suck...not much wind flow off the 2xfan model and for that price you can get 2 of these, they go for about £10.00 each and have different speed settings.
  26. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    so the fixture has tasted some power...I rigged the control gear up and finished it all so it looks good and works well. I used a 20k USHIO BLV lamp wich is a bit bluer and shows more coral color. Im I goin to keep it... not sure, I would like to build 1 with a 250w lamp & actinic and...
  27. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    cool so tempered glass it will be, can I cover the hole thing or will it be better just to cover like 1/3 in the middle where the lamp sits?
  28. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    Cheers....What glass can I use to cover it as a splash guard? I was told that only a special glass will handle the heat and normal glass will chatter, is that right?
  29. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    Well the day off work payed off... :D sitting around the house with the girlfriend mouning about the big box with the Arcadia 22" fitting in it taking up space, ;) so I modded the Arcadia 22" 2x24W into a 18" 150W MH with trailing box. It took a bit of hacking and chopping with the Dremel and...
  30. L

    A Pic Of My Nano. chanse of catching it, tried & tried but he allways gets away so I took the grass out. I have a new friend thats living in my tank now, a little Flameback Angel he and the Wrasse have been best mates since he moved in... quite weird how he follows the Wrasse all day long and the Wrasse...
  31. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    I had to take it out cos a little crab was pulling all the grass hair out and it was getting stuck all over :angry: so after dealing with some troubled Clowns and moving them on Im having a new problem...a killer Pistol Shrimp, he snipped off 3 legs of my Peppermint Shrimp and then ate him a...
  32. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    Yip hope the one's I have now will last, this are warming up here and wonder whats a good way to cool the water down...thats with out spending tooo much cash?
  33. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    thanks guys, some times things just go wrong and you have to look at the bright side...installed my Shaphire Aquatic skimmer today, will tell the story later but heres a pic to think about it :fish:
  34. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    Its been a while and some fish had to move out... the bully Clowns, terrible twins. My Royal Gramma passed away the other day for an unknown reason :sad: and the 2 little Yellow Clown Gobies that I put in there both commited suicide by jumping into the rear filter, so no more new fish for a...
  35. L


    try this for a better look and skim...
  36. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    Thanks afmo, I agree those Firefish are nice but its a pitty that the 2 Ocellaris Clownfish cant leave him alone. They bully him all day long so he hides most of the day. They have a little spot in the front right corner that they like to hang-out and always return to it after a...
  37. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    Here's an updated pic of my tank, I added a new fish and some coral. Im thinking of adding some more LR to fill the back of the tank but not sure if its a good idea... will it be ok or how will the cycle process work with a set tank?
  38. L

    My New 8gal Nano

    Lookin way wicked there Adam :hyper: sure all the UNI girlfriends like it!
  39. L

    My Nano Is Going!

    Sorry to butt in but I think its needed, with AFMO's question does it matter how much Rowaphos you use and how often you change it and the best place for it? and-and-and... :S
  40. L

    A Pic Of My Nano.

    Thanks guy's, that Koralia is great and you can angle it any way you like and also it sits on upto 15mm glass. The tank is a 24g ORCA its identical to a NanoCube 24g the only difference is the lights where the NC has 2x36W and this comes with 1x24W. I upgraded mine from 24W CF T5 to (2x 36W + 1x...