A Pic Of My Nano.

sorry to hear about your fish :( i also know how it is to have bully clownfish. My ocellaris has killed a firefish and a diamond watchman goby :(.

i love your aquascaping, got yourself a cool little cave built in there. Question, what happened to the turtlegrass? it looked so good!
sorry to hear about your fish :( i also know how it is to have bully clownfish. My ocellaris has killed a firefish and a diamond watchman goby :(.

i love your aquascaping, got yourself a cool little cave built in there. Question, what happened to the turtlegrass? it looked so good!

I had to take it out cos a little crab was pulling all the grass hair out and it was getting stuck all over :angry: so after dealing with some troubled Clowns and moving them on Im having a new problem...a killer Pistol Shrimp, he snipped off 3 legs of my Peppermint Shrimp and then ate him a few days later...Ive tried to catch him but no luck, he's like the Shrimp-father... always gets away :angry:
Sorry to hear that, hope you catch him soon.

LOL...no chanse of catching it, tried & tried but he allways gets away so I took the grass out. I have a new friend thats living in my tank now, a little Flameback Angel he and the Wrasse have been best mates since he moved in... quite weird how he follows the Wrasse all day long and the Wrasse doesnt loose his cool.

Well the day off work payed off... :D sitting around the house with the girlfriend mouning about the big box with the Arcadia 22" fitting in it taking up space, ;) so I modded the Arcadia 22" 2x24W into a 18" 150W MH with trailing box. It took a bit of hacking and chopping with the Dremel and baby hacksaw but it all fits ok, just need to get a electronic ballast and its all sorted...oh and a piece of glass for the face. A few pics as it went... :huh:

I took all the old gear out and cut 4" off the end so it fits nicely over the tank and mounted some lamp holders.

I found an old spotlight in the shed and stole the reflector out and re-shaped it.

All done with the old control switch still in place on the side for on/off and a 2m cable to the box

Hope it works 8)
Cheers....What glass can I use to cover it as a splash guard? I was told that only a special glass will handle the heat and normal glass will chatter, is that right?
how hot will this light get? tempered handles heat a lot better but its also more expensive. you could probalby get away with quarter inch float.
Cheers....What glass can I use to cover it as a splash guard? I was told that only a special glass will handle the heat and normal glass will chatter, is that right?

Correct. You really only need a small piece so I'd go tempered.
cool so tempered glass it will be, can I cover the hole thing or will it be better just to cover like 1/3 in the middle where the lamp sits?
so the fixture has tasted some power...I rigged the control gear up and finished it all so it looks good and works well. I used a 20k USHIO BLV lamp wich is a bit bluer and shows more coral color.




Im I goin to keep it... not sure, I would like to build 1 with a 250w lamp & actinic and some moonlights all in 1 without spending £400.00 on a new unit :crazy:
Looks great. I like it, though I'm sure more light would be nice..clams!

IS the big coral on the left a leather?
Looks great. I like it, though I'm sure more light would be nice..clams!

IS the big coral on the left a leather?

yes its a Leather, it was less than half the size when I got it. The fish like it hang out under it but it is getting a bit big so Ill be cutting him some time soon.
if your going to get a glass cover for the entire tank you need to cut the glass company a pattern, and you wont need tempered for that if the temperature isnt ridicously high, what is the light temp going to be btw? nice tank there bub
if your going to get a glass cover for the entire tank you need to cut the glass company a pattern, and you wont need tempered for that if the temperature isnt ridicously high, what is the light temp going to be btw? nice tank there bub

no Im not covering the tank...its the light that needs a pieces of glass, got the call today that the glass is ready for me to pick up...and mount it and its ready, oh and waiting for the black egg-crate to come to go over the tank so my cat cant get in. I tried white egg-crate but it reflects too much... need sunglasses in the living room it was so bright 8)

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