My Nano Is Going!

Afmo are you using Rowaphos? This wiped out all that gunky brown algae we had pretty fast :good:

Get your mits on a good Phosphate test kit, as stated, some only produce results that go up in .5 measurements, you need one a lot more accurate than that. We use the Salifert one.

so whats the proper way to use rowaphos? like where should i put the rowaphos since my only water movement is from 2 powerheads.
Sorry to butt in but I think its needed, with AFMO's question does it matter how much Rowaphos you use and how often you change it and the best place for it? and-and-and... :S
bump cause i'm goin to the fish store to get some rowaphos tomorrow and wanna make sure i get what i need and know how to use it
Easiest way IMO is to put a couple teaspoons in say an HOB filter and run it that way. If an HOB isn't an option, then put it in say a womens nylon inside either a canister, or sump, or even a small reactor if you have to. The idea is just to get some flow over it and you'll be all set. I change 2 tsp quarterly on my tank. Might be able to go longer with a nano though
Easiest way IMO is to put a couple teaspoons in say an HOB filter and run it that way. If an HOB isn't an option, then put it in say a womens nylon inside either a canister, or sump, or even a small reactor if you have to. The idea is just to get some flow over it and you'll be all set. I change 2 tsp quarterly on my tank. Might be able to go longer with a nano though

:good: thanks ski :)
Ok, one more question to ask. my pH is down just a little bit. Its usually at 8.2 and its at 8.0 right now. Should i be worried? I just did a 10% water change, but it didnt come up. all other parameters are fine. any ideas?
Is it because of your s.g.?

Just came here to post again about this.

came home from school today and had a bit of a mini-crisis.

I was going to check my pH today to see if it had balanced out after my water change. Well, when i came home, all my mushies and my torch were shriveled up which is really strange for having been under light all day. Well, i checked my SG right off the bat and it was 1.029 :crazy: I have no idea how it got so high, i must have mis-mixed my last gallon. So i did a real quick top off with some fresh down to 1.028 and i'm gonna let that circulate tonight, and do another top off with fresh tomorrow. :( maybe i need to practice my mixing skills, i dunno, my only guess is that i got side-tracked and added one more helping of salt than i needed. :(
Wow that's not good. I guess you didn't check your SW before adding it to the tank? If not maybe do that for now on. Hope your mushies and torch survive.

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