Search results

  1. KISSfn

    Treatments Safe With Shrimps And Snails

    If it is a raised spot keep on treating. If it is a mark left behind from where a spot fell off then you are nearing the end and have 3 to 4 days left to treat. Took me 16 days to eradicate ich.
  2. KISSfn

    Cardinal Problem

    My pleasure! :good:
  3. KISSfn

    Cardinal Problem

    More than you want to know about General Hardness or GH:
  4. KISSfn

    Powerhead Alters Behaviour

    All my fish except the Danios love my Koralias.
  5. KISSfn

    Cycle Started After Fighter And Tetra Filter

    Please follow the advice in the Fish In Cycling link Gilli gave you. Media is everything inside the filter.
  6. KISSfn


    In the future, you will test your water and Ammonia and Nitrite will read zero and Nitrates will be on the rise. Cycle complete.
  7. KISSfn

    How Do I Transfer Media Over

    Glad to help! :good:
  8. KISSfn

    How Do I Transfer Media Over

    I wouldn't transfer more than one third of total mature media (you can cut it and replace with new) so as not to upset the balance of your cycled filter. Your new tank will be instantly cycled in theory for one third of the bioload of your old tank. Still a good idea to keep an eye on the new...
  9. KISSfn

    Starting Over

    Eheim has a good reputation and are reasonably priced. I run a spare to prevent a disaster.
  10. KISSfn

    Criticize My Fish Tank

    Maybe if kept in too small of a group or tank Barbs may be fin nippers. None of my Barbs have ever nipped any of their tankmates. My long finned Serpae Tetras and Danios would be shredded if that bad reputation was always true.
  11. KISSfn


    Great! :good:
  12. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    The software update I'm beta testing is looking good and should be out soon.
  13. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    Have you tried removing the slide and cleaning (with a wet cotton swab) the 2 glass windows under the slide and the slide itself (don't let your fingers touch it)? Also clean the unit itself and place it in an area with good water flow.
  14. KISSfn

    Ghost Shrimp Eating Algae?

    I just got 4 Amano shrimp last week and they are working hard eating the brown algae off my plants!
  15. KISSfn


    Glad to help! :good: By the way I, and I know many others here, were in the same situation as you when we started. I was stuck in a fish in cycle and was testing and changing water twice a day, everyday. It will get better!
  16. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    What happened?
  17. KISSfn

    Need To Say A Mahoosive Thanks To Minnnt :)

    Looks great! :good:
  18. KISSfn

    No One Said How Much Hard Work It Is

    If you lived here you would be invited to dinner and to share face painting techniques!
  19. KISSfn

    No One Said How Much Hard Work It Is

    Fantastic job! :good: You got your first tank in January of this year?! Man you make me look stupid! :blink:
  20. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    It's not out yet and yes those were my instructions. They won't release it until they get enough feedback from beta testers like me that it is working properly. My guess is the update may be out in a week. I don't know about the timeframe for the mobile site other than coming soon!
  21. KISSfn


    A pH of 7.6 is not too high. Stable pH levels are more important than trying to achieve a certain level. You should do larger than a 25% water change if your ammonia is 0.25 (dangerously high). If you only change 25% you're still left with 0.19 ammonia (0.2 is dangerously high), if you change...
  22. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    I am Beta testing Seneye connect software version 1.22. From Seneye: "Environment profile download (warning levels) We fundamentally changed the way that the high and low warning levels from downloaded to the seneye connect. This has been done for greater reliability...
  23. KISSfn

    Carcinogenic, Toxic Preservative In Fish Food

    You are far more knowledgeable about fish than I and I would not doubt that knowledge. A Google search can reveal reliable information. If I Google search Carraba's it will give me the restaurant's home page where I can find locations and look at the menu. Of course there is a lot of opinions...
  24. KISSfn

    Little Help

    With Photobucket, after clicking "insert image" on the add reply toolbar, you have to paste the "direct link" from the Photobucket image.
  25. KISSfn

    Transferring From Old To New

    Happy early Mother's Day! Typical ignorant LFS advice. Glad you didn't listen, especially on the bottled product that won't do anything. Agree with Tolak's expert advice. :good:
  26. KISSfn

    Fluval U4 Filter Securing Brackets

    Sounds like a poor design to me. Sorry for your losses...:rip:
  27. KISSfn

    My Setups

  28. KISSfn

    Little Help

    Glad I could help! :good:
  29. KISSfn

    Little Help has a huge selection and good reputation.
  30. KISSfn

    I Bought These As Siamese Algae Eaters

    It does not appear so according to this description and pic I found of a flying fox: "The simplest way to identify it is by the characteristic white-edged, red and black coloured fins along with the presence of two pairs of barbels."
  31. KISSfn

    Is It Possible?

    Good point! :good:
  32. KISSfn

    New Tank. Looking For Stocking Ideas

    Congrats! :good:
  33. KISSfn


    Unfortunately almost all sellers of fish lie, they just want to make money and could not care less if all your fish die because they will blame you or sell you something else. When you first start a tank the water will be good because it's new. As your 12 fish live in it they produce ammonia...
  34. KISSfn


    Unlike what a fish seller will tell you, you can't add fish to a tank right away. Please follow the Fish In Cycling link under my tank pic for detailed instructions. Any questions after reading, just ask.
  35. KISSfn


    Is your filter cycled? What are your water parameter readings?
  36. KISSfn

    Unwell Apistogramma!

    I love all my fish too!
  37. KISSfn


    This forum is better than every LFS I have ever been to, and I've been to a lot. There are people here (myself excluded, but I'm trying) that know fishkeeping like I know the rock group KISS. You may have to do larger water changes than 20% and more than one a day depending on your ammonia...
  38. KISSfn

    Unwell Apistogramma!

    Some of my Tigers will "headstand" or point vertically after they have eaten but they never shake violently.
  39. KISSfn

    Unwell Apistogramma!

    No, it was concerning Apistogramma cacatuoides. So sorry for you loss...:rip:
  40. KISSfn

    Stocking Help/choices

    I would go with a nice school of the Banded Barbs but I'm not an impartial person!