How Do I Transfer Media Over


Fish Addict
Apr 11, 2011
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Hi , I`ve bought a 28l tank and need to transfer media [sponges] over from my cycled 110l ,how do i do it ,do i just cut half a sponge off [replace it with a new half]and transfer this old half to new filter with new sponges ,and if i do this will it be cycled straight away?
I plan to keep troplical frogs in new tank,thanks in advance for help
I wouldn't transfer more than one third of total mature media (you can cut it and replace with new) so as not to upset the balance of your cycled filter. Your new tank will be instantly cycled in theory for one third of the bioload of your old tank. Still a good idea to keep an eye on the new tank for a few days just in case.

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