My Seneye Review

This is my favorite thread! Let us know what kind of marine setup you're doing. :good:

+1 on fav thread! :D I am going with a FOWLR tank. I figured it was the best setup for a newb. Not sure if that's true or not. I don't have to worry about keeping coral (although it would be very nice to have) and I will have the added benefits of the live rock. The stock I am leaning towards isn't coral compatible anyhow. I do have some time to think about the stock, as I have just started the cycle. I think I'm ahead of schedule so I may be able to progress quicker than I thought.

What a team! Good luck with the new set up BT!

Thanks G. I've very excited! I always thought of a saltwater tank as something that would always be over my head. Still hard to believe that I've made the plunge into the salty side.
I'll be very interested to hear how it develops. I've always been frightened of going for a marine set up since it all sounds to be very tricky, but they are beautiful and I admire you for moving that way. Keep us posted. :thumbs:
I am Beta testing Seneye connect software version 1.22.
From Seneye:
"Environment profile download (warning levels)

We fundamentally changed the way that the high and low warning levels from downloaded to the seneye connect. This has been done for greater reliability and system speed. Please check that when a change is made on the 'settings' on your seneye connect are updated. This is still automatically updated on a ½ hour cycle, but can be manually forced by pressing the 're-sync settings' button. Testing of the reliably of the update should be the main focus.

pH calculation

In a continuing effort to improve the targeting and resolution of the device, we have updated the pH calculation. This gives higher accuracy at the high pH range and greater resolution at the bottom end of the pH scale. There is a high chance that the pH value that you seneye displays will be different to before, please use trim if you wish to change the level to match other testing methods."

New software is working as described. They also gave me a sneak peek of a mobile site that shows you your current parameters plus ammonium and oxygen levels! Coming soon!
It's not out yet and yes those were my instructions. They won't release it until they get enough feedback from beta testers like me that it is working properly. My guess is the update may be out in a week. I don't know about the timeframe for the mobile site other than coming soon!
Mine has proven to be inaccurate. I not longer rely on it for anything and I'm back to my old test kits. :( You guys are still my friends, though :good:
pH is reading low, as is Ammonia. Temp has always been out about 1.5C.
Have you tried removing the slide and cleaning (with a wet cotton swab) the 2 glass windows under the slide and the slide itself (don't let your fingers touch it)? Also clean the unit itself and place it in an area with good water flow.
The slide expires in a few weeks. I am going to clean the head unit and see how the new slide does. My Seneye has gone through a lot in the last 3 weeks

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