Need To Say A Mahoosive Thanks To Minnnt :)


Stu, as soon as I can talk spurry into swapping me his 180 for my 4ft. ;)

Unsure mate, going to have a think about all my tanks and see what I come up with. Wanting to close a few down so I can concentrate more on them rather than just bit and bob with loads. A juwel lido is seeming appealing atm. Would probably just have it as a shrimp tank in all honesty. May dable in proper co2, unsure yet. No rush though...

(nudge nudge wink wink spurry)

Stu, as soon as I can talk spurry into swapping me his 180 for my 4ft. ;)
(nudge nudge wink wink spurry)
It maybe sooner than you think, it sure won't go in the corsa though
It's very temping and I'm thinking about it ;)
couple of quick photos of the Pseudotropheus saulosi there fast bloody things, im guessing this one will be a male you can see the bars but the flash have hid them :good:


Missed the new photo's mate, they look great! Wish you'd have brought your camera with you last week! :rolleyes:
missed this one...

that is great rock placement Spurry!!! Looks really good mate!
Thanks Ian, it's a bit short lived though I'm taking it apart tomorrow as I will be
Swapping tanks with minnnt tomorrow lol

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