Search results

  1. howard_hopkinson

    Ammonia In My Tap Water

    Sounds like your water company adds Chloramine to your water supply. Take a look at this thread HERE.
  2. howard_hopkinson

    Internal Glass Cleaner

    Personally I use a magnetic glass cleaner. Have a look HERE for info.
  3. howard_hopkinson

    What Can I Do With The Low Ph Level?

    I suggest you test your KH(carbonate hardness) level. If as I suspect it turns out to be low, then this would explain your low PH. Once you know your KH, take a look HERE, you might find it useful.
  4. howard_hopkinson

    Damselfly Nymph?

    Yup, definitely a Damselfly nymph. No danger except to small fry.
  5. howard_hopkinson

    Free To Good Home: 15 Neon Tetras/9 Black Neon Tetras/5 Serpae Tetras

    Just to let everyone know, all fish have been collected.
  6. howard_hopkinson

    Free To Good Home: 15 Neon Tetras/9 Black Neon Tetras/5 Serpae Tetras

    What a shame. Oh well, never mind, I'm sure I'll find someone who will take them. Thanks.
  7. howard_hopkinson

    Free To Good Home: 15 Neon Tetras/9 Black Neon Tetras/5 Serpae Tetras

    Livestock: 15 Neon Tetras/9 Black Neon Tetras/5 Serpae Tetras Age and condition: N/A Quantity for sale: As above. Reason for Sale: Doing away with old aquarium and these fish are surplus to requirements. Delivery or Collection: Collection only. Sales price: FOC Postage & Packaging: N/A Location...
  8. howard_hopkinson

    New To The Fish Scene

    Black Belt Cichlids. The male is larger, with more intense colours, and with age develop a hump on their forehead. Males have a pointed genital papilla. Platinum Cichlids I have no idea about and couldn't find any info on them either. Convict Cichlids. Male convict cichlids can grow a slight...
  9. howard_hopkinson

    Getting Food To All My Fish

    Glad your problem is solved Wildechild. :)
  10. howard_hopkinson

    New To The Fish Scene

    Basically you are doing a fish in cycle. Read and follow the instructions HERE. If you haven't already, you will need to get yourself a good liquid test kit. Do not add any more fish, until your ammonia and nitrite levels are reading 0ppm. Then only add a couple of fish at a time and wait for...
  11. howard_hopkinson

    New To The Fish Scene

    An aquarium relies on the nitrogen cycle and this has to be developed over a period of weeks and sometimes months. It's all based on bacteria. First you need to have Ammonia eating bacteria to eat the fishes waste products and turn it into Nitrite. Then you need to have Nitrite eating bacteria...
  12. howard_hopkinson

    Glass For Tank

    A quick Google search came up with: Any use?
  13. howard_hopkinson

    Getting Food To All My Fish

    Feeding after lights out is a good idea and should ensure your Loaches get a good meal.
  14. howard_hopkinson

    Red Tial Black Shark

    Oh no! That's a lot of hours, you have my sympathy.
  15. howard_hopkinson

    New To The Fish Scene

    Please don't listen to the advice given by dnjsalesplus. If you do, you will probably end up with a lot of dead fish. Your new aquarium will need to be cycled, this can either be fishless or fish in cycling. Whatever way you choose, you will need to get yourself a good test kit for...
  16. howard_hopkinson

    Red Tial Black Shark

    You got a bright red tail? :lol:
  17. howard_hopkinson

    Red Tial Black Shark

    RTB's do lose their colour if they are stressed. Mine like yours mooey65 is jet black with a very bright red tail. However, I put the colour of his tail down to the fact that I use Tetra Pro Colour food. In fact most of my fish have brighter colours than you see in the LFS's.
  18. howard_hopkinson

    My New Aquarium

    Oh ok then. It's just that only the Red Rainbow seems to do this in my aquarium. I must admit I find it fascinating. Thanks again for the info.
  19. howard_hopkinson

    My New Aquarium

    Could that be the reason why my red rainbow alternates between a bright red and a dull bronze colour?
  20. howard_hopkinson

    My New Aquarium

    Ok, will do, thanks again for the info.
  21. howard_hopkinson

    My New Aquarium

    Thanks for the Pleco ID, Bulldog Pleco it is then. Once the tank has completed it's cycle I will get some more Rainbows. What is the preferred mix of males and females?
  22. howard_hopkinson

    My New Aquarium

    Thankyou for the Rainbow fish info drobbyb, it is very much appreciated. Can anyone ID the small Pleco? Again, thanks to everyone who has responded.
  23. howard_hopkinson

    My New Aquarium

    I am aware that eventually the Bala sharks and Clown loaches will need to be rehomed. Thankfully Clown loaches are very slow growing, but when they do get too big for my 240 litre aquarium, they most certainly will be rehomed. I don't have a latin name, but am reliably informed that the Pleco...
  24. howard_hopkinson

    My New Aquarium

    In what way? Can you be more specific please? I am open to all suggestions, criticism etc.
  25. howard_hopkinson


    That is absolutely stunning.
  26. howard_hopkinson

    My New Aquarium

    I recently bought a Fluval Roma 240 and made this short video of it. I would welcome all comments, good and bad. It was cycled with fish in and plants, some of which came from my establish aquarium, plus lots of media from the filter from my established aquarium. 11 days and it seems to have...
  27. howard_hopkinson

    Please Help My Fish Is Nearly Dead

    Unfortunately that pic doesn't help. Dose your fish have symptom similar to this? If it does, then ich is the probable cause and you should treat accordingly.
  28. howard_hopkinson

    Please Help My Fish Is Nearly Dead

    Could you post some pics so we can confirm or otherwise ich?
  29. howard_hopkinson

    Witch Fish Do You Prefer?

    Angel fish have to be my favourites. I find them graceful, beautiful and fascinating. I also have a couple of GBR's that I'm quite fond of as well as my large Bala sharks. Oh, and my RTBS and Clown Loaches lol.
  30. howard_hopkinson

    Little Experiment Involving Gouramis

    Sorry, but I think it's a bad idea. First of all, the fish would never withstand the cold temperatures of a Canadian winter and secondly I think it's somewhat cruel.
  31. howard_hopkinson

    New Plecs Keep On Mysteriously Dying

    I suggest you test your water chemistry for PH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate and let us know the results.
  32. howard_hopkinson

    Tank Heater.

    A 50 watt heater is no where near enough. The Jewel Rio 240 is supposed to come with a 200 watt heater, see HERE. If it were me I would be complaining and providing evidence to the vendor from which your purchased it.
  33. howard_hopkinson

    Possible Cannister Filter Problem

    I also have an AquaOne external on my old tank. Check the following. Make sure there are no blockages or clogs in the filter. Make sure all connections are secure. Check that the filter intake stem is not near any source of air, for example airstones etc. Gently rocking the canister back...
  34. howard_hopkinson

    Not Sure If Its A Disease

    That doesn't sound like ich/ick to me. ich/ick is characterised by small white spots see pic. Any chance of you posting a pic? It could just be that the fish has injured himself on something sharp in your aquarium, but without seeing a pic it's almost impossible to tell for sure.
  35. howard_hopkinson

    Hi There

    Welcome to TFF Missy, I'm sure you'll love it here. I only registered recently myself and I have to say the information and expertise here is great. :fish:
  36. howard_hopkinson

    Unknown Organisms On Glass

    There is a great thread HERE that gives lots of info on various types of guests you might find in your aquarium.
  37. howard_hopkinson

    Male Guppy Pregnant?

    Swordtails can and do change sex, but usually only from female to mail and only then when there are no males in the aquarium.
  38. howard_hopkinson

    Another Creepy Crawlie - What's This One?

    It looks like some sort of Planarian(flat worm) to me. If it is, then it should be harmless.
  39. howard_hopkinson

    Forum Improvement Idea

    I realise that I'm very new here, but I am not new to a reputation points system as I have one on my own forums. I have to say with hindsight, I don't think it is a great idea to have one and it is definitely open to abuse. When members give positive rep it's fine, but as soon as someone gives...