Not Sure If Its A Disease


Fish Crazy
Dec 1, 2008
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Can someone show me a pic of a fish with ick. My all black Angel has some sort of white smudge down one side of his body which I have not noticed before. Any ideas?
That doesn't sound like ich/ick to me.

ich/ick is characterised by small white spots see pic.


Any chance of you posting a pic? It could just be that the fish has injured himself on something sharp in your aquarium, but without seeing a pic it's almost impossible to tell for sure.
That doesn't sound like ich/ick to me.

ich/ick is characterised by small white spots see pic.


Any chance of you posting a pic? It could just be that the fish has injured himself on something sharp in your aquarium, but without seeing a pic it's almost impossible to tell for sure.

I will see if can get one in morning. It definently doesn't look like that.
Could be some type of external parasite.

A picture would lead you with more answers!

Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Does the fish show any of these signs.
Flicking and rubbing, excess mucas, erratic swimming, darting, laboured breathing or gasping.

The mark is it beneath the skin or on top.
Does it look like bleaching of the skin.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Does the fish show any of these signs.
Flicking and rubbing, excess mucas, erratic swimming, darting, laboured breathing or gasping.

The mark is it beneath the skin or on top.
Does it look like bleaching of the skin.

Had same fish for last 6 months or so including Gouramis, Corries, Rams, Danios.
Water stats no problem. No ammonia, no nitrite and minimal nitrate.
No unusual behavior that I have noticed. Just the normal which involves chasing most of the other fish.
is it possible to load a pic up.
Could the fish have scraped itself on something in the tank, or a heater burn.
Just add some myxazin by waterlife to the tank if there showing no signs of parasites.
Just add some myxazin by waterlife to the tank if there showing no signs of parasites.

Any ideas what it is. I dont have any of that so will need to order some. I have Melafix and Pimafix. Would that work?
Myxazin would be better.
Some fish don't tolerate melafix towell, so if you do add it only half dose.

It dosn't sound like a parasite, it could be columnaris, scrape.
Any signs of the scales been lifted up.
Myxazin would be better.
Some fish don't tolerate melafix towell, so if you do add it only half dose.

It dosn't sound like a parasite, it could be columnaris, scrape.
Any signs of the scales been lifted up.

No doesnt look like it. My gourami had that near his mouth several months ago so I knew what that looked like but dont think its that.
Columnaris has many diguises.
It can show itself in so many ways.
Columnaris has many diguises.
It can show itself in so many ways.

He seems active as normal but what I have noticed is that he sometimes seems to be swimming on an angle like he is tipping over. Not sure if he has always done this or not I have never really paid attention until now.
Is he bloated.
I would issolate him and try a bacterial med.
Tipping can be swim bladder, internal parasites, bacterial.

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