Please Help My Fish Is Nearly Dead


New Member
Jun 16, 2009
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Last nite i found one of my fish in the bottom of the tank. I thought it was dead and realised it wasnt. It was just laid at the bottom of the tank, not moving and covered in white spots. I put some Pima Fix in the tank and got up expecting the fish to be dead. It wasnt but still looked just as poorly. Its a cory cat fish. I have been at work alday and come home to find it is stil alive but still just laid at the bottom of the tank. Does anybody know what this is and if there is anything else i can do.

I have also noticed the my rummy nose tetra and male swordtail fish have also got a few white spots. The rummy nose appears to b swimming slower and keeps going onto its side. The sword tail has one white spot and seems to be doing ok at the moment. I dont want to loose all of my fish. Please help.
Sounds like whitespot, also known as ich. Several treatments availbe from most pet stores. You must be sure to complete the course, even when it looks like the spots have gone. Best of luck :)
Sounds like whitespot, also known as ich. Several treatments availbe from most pet stores. You must be sure to complete the course, even when it looks like the spots have gone. Best of luck :)

Thank you. Its the first time ive had problems and really didnt know what to do. xxx
Slowly Increase the temp to 80-86F This speed's up the life cycle of white spot keep on top of your water changes too . I personally add Aquarium Salt as well

Good Luck
Its not very clear. Infact now its on im quite embarrassed by that bit of photography. lol. My camera has broke so had to use my fone.


  • Photo_0139.jpg
    39.3 KB · Views: 45
Unfortunately that pic doesn't help.

Dose your fish have symptom similar to this?


If it does, then ich is the probable cause and you should treat accordingly.
Yes it looks the same as that. Ive bin to pet shop and got sum white spot treatment. and have started to gradually turn the temp up. Thank u so much for ur help. Do fish normally recover from white spot. Im worried about my bronze cory as it is stil just laid on the bottom of the tank. It keeps lifting its head a tiny bit but thats all.
Its not very clear. Infact now its on im quite embarrassed by that bit of photography. lol. My camera has broke so had to use my fone.
Isn't that a clown loach? :S

It was sold to me as a bronze cory catfish. I am fairly new to fish keeping. But now u have sed that i have dun a image search on the web and i think u r right. I feel even more embarrassed now. Not only have a put a rubbish pic on ive also got the fish completley wrong.....
thats not your fault they sold you a loach not a cory, its the lfs', and loaches [clowns in particular] are ''allergic'' to normal whitespot treatments. I can't remember the name of any loach safe treatments :X And also, clown loaches get about 16'' long and need a few hundred gallons to live in when they're old and big enough [they live for up to 100 years :yes:]
That is a clown loach! what is the size of your tank and do you have just the one? it definately looks like whitespot you have there and clowns are particularly prone to it.
Thanx for ur advice. I wanted cory's so they stayed small. My tank is only 60L :-( so its not looking good for me. I only have the one clown loach. I had an albino cory catfish but that died a couple of weeks ago and i have a peppered cory. That one looks ok but does seem very quiet.
You could fit a group of six cories in there, just google corydoras and only buy fish that look like what you see on googe :)
Thanx for that. think i wil have to see if the clown loach recovers and if so think i wil have to find it a new home and take it from there.

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