

Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
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Hudson, Wisconsin USA
My Mom brought home this pretty thing from the Minnesota State fair. Its a cecropia moth caterpillar, I haven't seen one in probably 10 years. They are native here but sneaky things. They are one of my favorite caterpillars, luna moth caterpillars are another favorite. Also these guys cocoon over winter, so it won't turn into a moth till next year, if everything goes right. I plan to buy 1-2 more when I go to the fair. I love the big sticky feet they have.




i haven't seen caterpillars like that for about 20 years lol we used to get them quite regular (not that sort) where i used to live we had loads of fields and countryside around us , probably why we saw them alot lol
It's so pretty! (I like luna moth caterpillars too, but my favorites are monarch caterpillars.)
It seems to prefer maple leaves, but the web lists about a dozen different leaves it will eat.

I was kinda disappointed that the butterfly tent was not handing out any info with the caterpillars(similar to fair goldfish). It came home in a little plastic critter keeper with a few leaves that dried up in 24hours. We did get a monarch caterpillar too, but it already turned into a chrysalis. People are more familiar with monarchs though. I recognized the cecropia right away and am familiar with there needs and life cycle, but I doubt the majority of the people who bought them are. Most importantly they cocoon over winter, those that don't realize this will probably throw the cocoon out thinking it's dead come winter :( . Since they spend about 5 or more months cocooned and need to be outside in the cold, we usually attach the cocoon to the outside of one of the house windows. So we don't forget about it come spring. If everything goes right and it hatches you get to see one of North America's largest Moths (lol frenchmist). They should be released within 24 hours of hatching, because as adults they are unable to eat and only live 1-2 weeks. During this time the mate and lay eggs before dieing. Also because its a moth, it should be release at night.

Adults look like this.
The caterpillar is very interesting, it looks like it has ladybirds (ladybugs) on top. The adult moth is very pretty too. :)

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