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  1. N

    New Life Spectrum Cichlid Food

    Jolliesue did not know you were the God of fishes, may I bow now or later :hey:
  2. N

    My Jelly Bean Parrots

    Hi freerunner, They are the cutest :good: Love the blushing cheeks! Love jbs as babies. My lfs just got some little ones like yours in. I had never seen jbs as babies before. (In the flesh) Of course I wanted to take them home, but no room :( . Just make sure you show keep us informed and...
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    New Life Spectrum Cichlid Food

    Cheffi, Mela and pima fix are "natural things" too. I keep it on hand. It's not expensive (of course I think nothing costs too much for my swimmers) and both are good for torn fins or scraped bodies, eyes, etc. I use it most when my cichlids get "bossy". Not much, just preventive as you are...
  4. N

    Jellybean Parrot Fish

    Agree Van, it's time, ...ready set.... go.... give up! (Quite unproductive) Hey, can anyone close this topic? Squabbles 'bout nothing'. Good advise "T" as always. Everyone let this rest. I would like to have a REAL Hybrid topic again. Van & "T', and others, of course I'd like to see some...
  5. N

    New Life Spectrum Cichlid Food

    Read the active ingredient in Ther A. If it has Metronidzole you really don't want to feed your fish that unless it's needed. If your are worried because you introduced a new fish in the tank you could try melafix or pimafix. Or try some anti-bacterial medicine made by Jungle. I do give...
  6. N

    My New Cichlids!

    Oops! Didnt realize. :blush: I still like all Nimbochromis.
  7. N

    My New Cichlids!

    Try Look under resourses then species profiles. They have pics of juvies, males, and females of most malawi species. (I too think it is a N. livingstoni.) From pics I have seen the N. polystigma has smaller, "freckle type" spots with "spots" and, where the...
  8. N

    Snail Help!

    Hi n3ont3tra, here's a site on applesnails you might like. Good to hear your little guy is doing fine. It helped me when I first got my applesnails a few months back. :D I have an applesnail in my gouramis tank that seems to like to go over the airstone and ride the...
  9. N

    Having A Nightmare!

    :sad: Sorry for the losses. Just keep going :D Do not give up! This is why i stay with this forum "no told ya so's". Everyone is the best.
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    Is There A Color Difference...

    As ferris said "she's a healthy beauty" I also have a crabo, quite sure it's a male. His dorsel and anal fins are quite pointed and have a light shade of blue. The Beauty is,... how they change to get so black. Just keep an eye on the other lighter one, just the look in the eyes of your...
  11. N

    Meet Sally!

    I must add, I wished my parrrots were gotten as babies as your Sally. She's gonna be a treat to watch grow up. She is a beauty.
  12. N

    Meet Sally!

    Sally is a sweetie :D :good:
  13. N

    Diva Is Finally Here!

    Diva is a beautiful cat. :thumbs: She reminds me of my cat "Girlfriend" I had years ago. It is great taking cats (any animals for that matter) that no one seems to want. Just want to share this...Two of the three kitties I have were "not wanted" cats. "Cartman was the worst of the "not...
  14. N

    New German Shepherd

    littleimp, He's a beaut! Looks like he keeps ya active!
  15. N

    My Poor Cat Vivian

    Rest in Peace Vivian. If you can read this know you are loved by all and will be remembered. :good:
  16. N

    Angel Cloudy Eye

    Thanks :D . Her eye is finally clearing. It's been about 4 days adding Mela and Pimafix. I knew Angels were cichlids, but never realized how mean they could be to each other. When she was with the Marble, together they killed everything in the tank. Even the corys. Now that I'm thinking...
  17. N

    Angel Cloudy Eye

    I have two beautiful breeding Pearlscale Angels for 6 months in their own 29g tank. two corys and a plec) The first two three times they have raise the wigglers to swimmers. She has had another :wub: in they the past.....a very aggresive Marble Angle
  18. N

    New Brood Of Blue Eyed Sajicons

    Beauties, Mum and Dad should be proud.
  19. N

    Will My Tank Work?

    You could try daffodil pulchers one male. one to two females. Add some caves. They are very pretty fish IMO and once they start breeding will watch after the young, the young will watch after their young, etc. 42g hex is about a 25" foot print? (I have a 35g hex at 23" foot). Daffodils stay...
  20. N

    My Poor Cat Vivian

    I too have three cats. I am sending and thinking "positive".
  21. N

    Blood Parrot? Help Asap Please:)

    post removed by moderator.
  22. N

    Blood Parrot? Help Asap Please:)

    Van is right on with the bp info. Here's a pic of my bps about six weeks ago. Duh... the date is on the pic :lol: Hmmm :X maybe it's five. Anyway, Abe (left) and Munch(right). They were sold to me as purple kks. I'm sure they are not kks. The Great folks on this forum and viewing their...
  23. N

    Bps And Blue Severum

    Thanks Van, :D I'll try the rearranging today. Here's a pic of one of the blue severums. The flash washed out the blue, making it look more on the green side. :/ I'm sill working on the art of picture taking.
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    Bps And Blue Severum

    I am getting so tired of my bps acting so shy, that I have put some "Blue Severums" in the tank. The crazy thing is that the dithers are doing fine. Munch, the "aggressive one" has to go get Abe the "passive one''' out of the pot (cave) to get him to eat. Even the dithers scare Abe. Abe...
  25. N

    Breeding Id

    Hmmm, the left looks like an OB Peacock. the right maybe a Borleyi or an Ps. Aurora. Kinda hard to tell from the angle. Nice looking tank and fish :D
  26. N

    Looking Into Africans.

    Daffodil pulchers. 1 male to 1 or 2 females. Petricola synos for bottom feeders. Just add caves.
  27. N

    Hey Just Found The Site

    WELCOME :D This is a great forum. I just joined a few days ago.
  28. N

    My Bps

    Yeah, I had a feeling they weren't king kongs.
  29. N

    Blood Parrots Still Shy?

    Thanks all. I have green tiger barbs, tetras, and cory cats in the tank with them. I'm sure they are healthy. I will try not feeding them. I do feed them twice a day now.
  30. N

    Shaking Cichlids

    Hi Ken, I would say it's more aggression than anything else. I have a male kennyi right now that's moving gravel (dropping it from upper part of the tank) and he's shaking and moving at everyone which in turn seems to make the other more aggressive ones do it to it to the others. Kinda like the...
  31. N

    My Bps

    Here are my bps sold as king kong bps. They are young, but I'm not sure they are king kongs. Does anyone have pics of kkbps as babies? Obviously I'm not much of a photographer but I try :D Oh yeah, had to feed them to get them to come out for the pic. :lol:
  32. N

    Blood Parrots Still Shy?

    It's one month today that I have gotten my two bps. They do come out to eat, I house them in a 55gal US tank with some dithers. They just still seem so shy. :( They don't free swim unless I'm out of the room. They are in my computer room, where I am at quite a bit so they see me. I have...
  33. N

    Not Exactly A Newbie... But It's Been A While

    The quickest way I have found to cycle a tank is to take a seeded filter from another tank. I have one that I have transferred to each of my tanks to get them going. It's my Happy filter :D You could also use some substrate from other tanks and decor to get it kickin". Great to hear you...
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    Puffer Fish

    Boxer mom is so right. They have to be alone. You may beable to get away with a 10g for a dwarf puffer and 10g with all the wrappings are quite inexpensive. I too would love puffers but I've ran outta room for any more tanks. Well at least my husband thinks so. :hey: We do have closests. LOL
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    New To Site, New To Tropical!

    I would just like to say Hello! from one Newbie to another in this forum. Enjoy the world of fish. :fun:
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    Hi Everyone

    Hi, My name is Jamie. I think I was born a fish lover. I always had to have fish as a child. (Drove my parents crazy, I'm sure). Throughout the years I always had one tank, but moving (job related) had forced me to give it up. Then A friend of mine gave me her 29g 10 months ago and it...