Snail Help!


Lets go Flyers
Sep 17, 2006
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It's floating at the top. Is it dead? I put it underwater but it just floats back up. It's an apple snail, we got it about 3 weeks ago. :(
Don't know to be honest, ask in the inverbrates section, good luck, or tropical chit chat.
OMG it's so wierd it was just floating and whenever I would put it at the bottom it would float back up. About an hour ago it was crawling on the gravel at the bottom, so it's not dead. But now it's stuck to the side at the top, which is normal for it. It goes to the top at night. I just was afraid he was dead when he was floating... :/
I think he's okay. He seems perfectly fine now; he's going along the gravel. It just really scared me when he was floating... :/
Bless him glad he's ok.
Hi n3ont3tra, here's a site on applesnails you might like. Good to hear your little guy is doing fine.
It helped me when I first got my applesnails a few months back. :D
I have an applesnail in my gouramis tank that seems to like to go over the airstone and ride the bubbles. :lol:
It's floating at the top. Is it dead? I put it underwater but it just floats back up. It's an apple snail, we got it about 3 weeks ago. :(

hi there
i came across this when i was reading about my apple snails, they was doing the same thing
hope it helps

My snail is floating around for a day now. Is he/she dead or what? What should/can I do?
Well, apple snails can be very inactive for days (see answer above this one) and if they have a lot of air in their lung, they float (sounds logical isn't it?). Floating of an apple snail doesn't indicate that there is something wrong or that he/she is dead.
To check if the snail is alive, take it out of the water and see if you can get it moving by touching the shell door. If the shell is closed completely, then you can be sure that the snail is alive because once the snail is dead, the muscles are relaxed and the shell door stays at least partly open.
Another way to check the snails is by looking at the heartbeat (only possible with young snails and snails with a thin shell). To do this, keep the snail in front of a strong light source so the light shines through it and look at the heartbeat. Have a look at the anatomy section to see where to look for

try this link , it tells you all about them

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