New Life Spectrum Cichlid Food


Fish Herder
May 14, 2006
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Does anyone use this food and what do you think of it? What about the Thera A, the anti parasitic one, do you think it's worth trying as a preventative measure?
I use New Life Spectrum (the sinking 3 mil) for my 12" Burundi front. I also use them for the Bismarks and the Zaire Mobas. But the Bismarks and Mobas like the CA black worms so much that they will go without waiting for them. So I suppliment them. I used the Thera for awhile. Especially as the Africans are all wild caught. But after awhile I quit. I might get some again though as I have new wild caught stock.

New Life Spectrum was recommended by the supplier of the fish who did not also sell it. I have now bought a bucket online so I don't have to buy the little jars all the time. I like the sinking because they don't dirty the filters as fast as the chips. The fish like them and they are used by high quality importers. Other than that I know nothing.

I don't really know about the effectiveness of the Thera, but my LFS said they were for parasites, and I didn't need it.
Does anyone use this food and what do you think of it? What about the Thera A, the anti parasitic one, do you think it's worth trying as a preventative measure?

Read the active ingredient in Ther A. If it has Metronidzole you really don't want to feed your fish that unless it's needed.

If your are worried because you introduced a new fish in the tank you could try melafix or pimafix. Or try some anti-bacterial medicine made by Jungle. I do give sprinkles of the anti bacterial when I put a new "fella" in the tank. Plus the Mela and Pima-fix. (No hospital tank, know my supplier, very lucky)

Otherwise if all the fish are doing fine.. Do nothing, but regular water changes, tests, etc. IMO all of us fish lovers know whether,... we are hobbiest or breeders....We all know when our fish are happy, feeling poor, or just.... :sad:
Do antibacterials destroy parasites? I have never heard of treating parasite infestations with Melafix. There are medicated anti parasite foods. Thera is not an artificial medication as I understand it. ????

I would think feeding an antiparasitic food like Thera if recieving wilds that have not been treated would be expedient. But I would try to check first if they have already been treated.

I know some have had luck with Jungle medicated foods. But all my fish hate their foods. It is also VERY expensive for small amounts.

I am reading the label on Spectrum THERA, and I don't see any metronidzole in the ingredients. Most of the additives appear to be vitamins and minerals.
Does anyone use this food and what do you think of it? What about the Thera A, the anti parasitic one, do you think it's worth trying as a preventative measure?

Read the active ingredient in Ther A. If it has Metronidzole you really don't want to feed your fish that unless it's needed.

If your are worried because you introduced a new fish in the tank you could try melafix or pimafix. Or try some anti-bacterial medicine made by Jungle. I do give sprinkles of the anti bacterial when I put a new "fella" in the tank. Plus the Mela and Pima-fix. (No hospital tank, know my supplier, very lucky)

Otherwise if all the fish are doing fine.. Do nothing, but regular water changes, tests, etc. IMO all of us fish lovers know whether,... we are hobbiest or breeders....We all know when our fish are happy, feeling poor, or just.... :sad:

I am not worried just wondering whether the food is worth buying.
Don't have the actual food to read the ingredients but I believe it goes along the lines of using garlic more as a preventative measure. My fish don't have internal parasites as far as I know but I can't see anything wrong in using a preventative food, it's not a drug after all, especially when occasionally introducing new fish.
Yeah it has garlic. If you are not introducing wild fish and you don't have an indication of parasites :dunno:

But I believe the Spectrum line is high quality. My fish like it.

It might be as effective to get the liquid garlic.
Yeah it has garlic. If you are not introducing wild fish and you don't have an indication of parasites :dunno:

But I believe the Spectrum line is high quality. My fish like it.

It might be as effective to get the liquid garlic.

True, I didn't know you could use the liquid garlic. I just like to give my fish the best and as usual it seems most of the top food is American and not easy to get hold of over here :(
Does anyone use this food and what do you think of it? What about the Thera A, the anti parasitic one, do you think it's worth trying as a preventative measure?

Read the active ingredient in Ther A. If it has Metronidzole you really don't want to feed your fish that unless it's needed.

If your are worried because you introduced a new fish in the tank you could try melafix or pimafix. Or try some anti-bacterial medicine made by Jungle. I do give sprinkles of the anti bacterial when I put a new "fella" in the tank. Plus the Mela and Pima-fix. (No hospital tank, know my supplier, very lucky)

Otherwise if all the fish are doing fine.. Do nothing, but regular water changes, tests, etc. IMO all of us fish lovers know whether,... we are hobbiest or breeders....We all know when our fish are happy, feeling poor, or just.... :sad:

I am not worried just wondering whether the food is worth buying.
Don't have the actual food to read the ingredients but I believe it goes along the lines of using garlic more as a preventative measure. My fish don't have internal parasites as far as I know but I can't see anything wrong in using a preventative food, it's not a drug after all, especially when occasionally introducing new fish.

Cheffi, Mela and pima fix are "natural things" too. I keep it on hand. It's not expensive (of course I think nothing costs too much for my swimmers) and both are good for torn fins or scraped bodies, eyes, etc. I use it most when my cichlids get "bossy". Not much, just preventive as you are stating. IMO using such natural things are "worth buying". I have read on other forums that "garlic" is good for their tummys. Some use garlic in their beefheart recipes. Since it's a natural additive I would buy Thera A if I could find it here in Michigan. Otherwise, I along with some others just give the swimmers tummies a rest by not feeding for a day. I choose Sunday. I keep the lights off in all tankmy tanks but my angel tank,( it has plants.) Some choose feeding shelled peas in between regular feedings. It's all a matter of preference and fish types and boils down to the same goal, cleaning out the swimmers intestines. IMO is a good thing. We feed our fish alot better than what they would get in the wild.

After hubbie feeds my swimmers they could go on a eating strike for a month! :lol:
Cheffi, I "think" Drs. Fosters and Smith are now handling the New Life Spectrum line, as well as some garlic lines. I believe I heard that they ship to the UK. Garlic is often used and recommended to stimulate the appitite of fish, especially when they are sick. I would google New Life Spectrum and see what I come up with. New Life Spectrum THERA+ specifically states that it is a non-medicated anti-parasitic food.

Yeah, nightswimmer, I use Mela and Pima Fix, also. I have a 64 oz bottle of Mela Fix concentrate. :lol:

Medications can be made from natural ingredients (asprin, for instance), and can be dangerous if misadministered. Betta are very sensitive to Mela/PimaFix, for instance. When used it must be used in reduced dosages or rhe Betta will OD. Many substances that are used as medications are lethal at higher doses. Just because a substance is "natural" does not make it superior. (But I gravitate to natural ingredients as a preference, although I could make an arguement on either side.


Sorry just checked, drsfosters&smith doesn't carry the full Spectrum line. They don't have THERA+
But AquaBid has New Spectrum dealers. Go to AB, check for New Spectrum and send contact messages to sellers of New Spectrum. Maybe you will find one that ships to the UK or knows a UK dealer. It is a fairly new line, I think. The number of dealers seems to be expanding.

Daphnia is also good for the fishes tummy.
Well I went down to Porton Aquatics today on my way to pick up some fish and they have started stocking it so I bought the Cichlid formula, Spectrum Grow (for my Mbamba juvies), Thera + A and H2O Stable Wafers for the Petricola. There are a couple of people selling it on ebay but the packaging is slightly different so I'd be wary that it might be close to or out of date as these I've bought are BB end of 2008.

I go along the lines of you are what you eat and that includes my fish. I always try to give them the best. Their fav food is spirulina flake so will be interesting to see what they make of this cordon bleu food I've bought them. :)
Spectrum has spirilina in it :nod: They have a sinking and a floating. My Burundi won't touch the floating. The Moba are not as picky, but they prefer the sinking.
Cheffi, I "think" Drs. Fosters and Smith are now handling the New Life Spectrum line, as well as some garlic lines. I believe I heard that they ship to the UK. Garlic is often used and recommended to stimulate the appitite of fish, especially when they are sick. I would google New Life Spectrum and see what I come up with. New Life Spectrum THERA+ specifically states that it is a non-medicated anti-parasitic food.

Yeah, nightswimmer, I use Mela and Pima Fix, also. I have a 64 oz bottle of Mela Fix concentrate. :lol:

Medications can be made from natural ingredients (asprin, for instance), and can be dangerous if misadministered. Betta are very sensitive to Mela/PimaFix, for instance. When used it must be used in reduced dosages or rhe Betta will OD. Many substances that are used as medications are lethal at higher doses. Just because a substance is "natural" does not make it superior. (But I gravitate to natural ingredients as a preference, although I could make an arguement on either side.


Sorry just checked, drsfosters&smith doesn't carry the full Spectrum line. They don't have THERA+
But AquaBid has New Spectrum dealers. Go to AB, check for New Spectrum and send contact messages to sellers of New Spectrum. Maybe you will find one that ships to the UK or knows a UK dealer. It is a fairly new line, I think. The number of dealers seems to be expanding.

Daphnia is also good for the fishes tummy.
Jolliesue did not know you were the God of fishes, may I bow now or later :hey:
:huh: ????

I'm not sure I follow, nightswimmer.

Are we sharing information or struggling for dominance? The thread requested info on New Life Spectrum. I did the best to share my experience

I doubt anyone disagrees with you about the efficacy of Mela/PimaFix. But it is not used to treat parasites that I know of. If it is then correct me. I'm always ready to admit if I'm wrong and to learn something new.

I am sorry if I offened you in any way. It was not my intention. If I have misunderstood you, I'm sorry. Please, you are welcome to pm me if I'm way out of line. I'm here to exchange information and share the hobby. It is not necessary for me to agree with everyone on everything to do that.

I read some of your posts very quickly and may have misread. I have a shipment of baby cories three days late and shipped all over the Western seaboard. :hyper: So I may be a bit off my game.

I am in the African forum to learn to care for my Tanganyika tanks and their inhabitants.

Sorry, :blush: Cheffi.
And BTW good going getting the fish food. Hope the fishies appreciate you and give you lots of babies.
Not too many babies I hope.....more babies = more food = more money....... :no:

As for the Melafix and Pimafix I was initially referring to 'internal' parasitic prevention. I believe these two products are for external.
Peacekeeper! :p

Still MelaFix and PimaFix are recommended for fungal and bacterial infections and open wounds, not for internal or external parasitic infestations. Different kettles of fish.

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