My Poor Cat Vivian


May 5, 2006
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Our cat Vivian got suddenly sick over the weekend. She was fine all week but on Satuday we noticed she didn't eat. Not totally unusual for her as she is quite fussy and doesn't always eat.

Well, she didn't eat Sunday and not even some cheese or roast chicken could tempt her. We noticed she had been breathing heavy and had not moved much at all on SUnday.

My hubby took her to the vets this morning and it doesn't look good. They think she may have fluid on her stomach. If this is the case there is nothing they can do for her :-( :-( :-(

They are operating this afternoon to see where the fluid is. They are also doing blood tests as her temperature is up so it may just be an infection of some sort. Hopefully this is the case as it will be treatable, however, the vet did not sound too hopeful.

I am at work and the waiting is awful and I keep crying. Please keep your fingers crossed for my baby. She is 13 years old so might not even make it through the op today.

I will let you know how she is but I will not know until tomorrow. :-( :-( :-(
:-( All fingers and toes crossed ! The hardest part is the waiting and not knowing. Hope all will be good!
:-( Thanks Bloo

This is indeed the hardest part, the waiting...........
I am a newbie on here and jsut wanted to say hope all will be ok and try and stay positive, I have 3 cats so know kind of what your going through (have had problems with mine before but she came through it!)

Positive thoughts to you and im keeping my fingers crossed! x
Thanks fishfanatic I appreciate the kind words. Keep those positive vibes going my viv's way.
I hope she is ok, it's going to be rough while you don't know, but I hope that it turns out ok. lots of good thoughts going to viv.
I Know This Wont Make You Feel Better, But My Last Dog, Sandy, Had The Same Problem. Heavy Breathing And Wasnt Eating Food. Vet Said It Was Something To Do With Her Heart.
So My Mum And Dad Took Her The Emergency Vet Overnight As They Noticed She Could Hardly Breath At All And She Had To Get Put Down. Was Absoulutely Devastated In The Morning When I Found Out.She Was
Gone, Just Like That.
Good Luck With Vivian Though, I Hope You Dont Get The Same Sad Ending I Did, As Im Still Trying To Get Over It 3 Months Later. :X
Thanks for all the kind replies guys, I really appreciate your thoughts for my viv :)

deano, I'm so sorry about your dog, these things are so awful. The one thing we do know is it isn't her heart. They think it is fluid on her stomach, but if that's the case, the outcome will be the same :-(

The horrible thing is I will probably only find out tomorrow lunch time and I can't get any time off. I will have to take the news at work and not be able to go home.
:( Oh Bex.

So sorry to hear that Vivian isn't well. She is such a gorgeous cat. Fingers crossed and I really hope that she pulls through. Terrible to have to wait.

Good luck and keep us posted. You always have us for support.

Carmen :/
Thanks Carmen

It's been an awful day at work today. Spent all day trying not to :-(

The vet thinks she might not even get through the op tonight and if it is fluid on her stomach, they will not bring her round from the op as there is nothing they can do.

It's more a shock than anything as she was right as rain all last week. My first thought that something was wrong was she seemed so deep asleep on Saturday afternoon, but being 13yrs old I left her alone. She also has a temperature which the vet said is actually a good thing as it means she may just have an infection. If this is the case she can be treated so I am hoping this is it. It was after he felt her belly that he thought it was fluid.

I won't know until tomorrow, so all I can do is sit and wait and hope for her.

I will keep you posted :-(
hi hope all goes well for her bless her i know how u feel
take care x
I hope she comes through. I know what it's like to lose a cat, and it's terrible. But I also know what it's like to think you've lost a cat, and it comes back. It's a wonderful feeling, and I hope that's what you'll feel. :)
Thanks I hope you are right. We have just had an update and its not looking good unfortunately. Her blood tests came back clear, which means she doesn't have an infection, it means she is more likely to have fluid on her stomach.

They were going to X-ray her this afternoon but they have put it off until tomorrow as they don't think she would make it through the X-ray as they have to put her out for it. We can go and see her tonight, and then we have to wait all day again tomorrow to see what will happen. :/
Thanks I hope you are right. We have just had an update and its not looking good unfortunately. Her blood tests came back clear, which means she doesn't have an infection, it means she is more likely to have fluid on her stomach.

They were going to X-ray her this afternoon but they have put it off until tomorrow as they don't think she would make it through the X-ray as they have to put her out for it. We can go and see her tonight, and then we have to wait all day again tomorrow to see what will happen. :/

I hope all goes well. Keep strong.

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