Blood Parrot? Help Asap Please:)


New Member
Jul 2, 2006
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hi everyone i was just wondering if ANYONE could give me any information on blood parrot cichlids and parrot cichlids (is there a difference and what is it?)
i really would like to get one same as miss wiggles picture but i do not know enough about them
2 fish suppliers i have spoken to said they have parrot cichlids and one said they could get bloods but im confused on the difference any pictures or refs would be fantastic,i dont want to run into somthing i know nothing about so help asap would be great!!!!
thankyou in advance :)

oh im in aus if that makes a difference
Need a tank of 55g or larger.. some can be very aggressive, others can be calm.. I don't have any good pics.. google probably does though..

blood parrot and parrot cichlid are often the same thing, although there is a true parrot cichlid which is not a hybrid like the blood parrot... if you don't go with the blood parrot place, make sure the parrot cichlids they're selling are the hybrid ones.
Van is right on with the bp info. Here's a pic of my bps about six weeks ago. Duh... the date is on the pic :lol: Hmmm :X maybe it's five. Anyway, Abe (left) and Munch(right). They were sold to me as purple kks. I'm sure they are not kks. The Great folks on this forum and viewing their pics reassured me. Purple? I guess the red they get with some bits of pink sometime....Purple? maybe. But I'm sure they are not dyed, most important IMO. If the bps get black spots that will more than likely be from some stress. I think quite normal. Abe the really shy one (still, as of today) had gotten some black spots along the dorsal fin within the first week. Black spot went away after four days, but he's still shy. Some say bps get black spot just for no reason. I believe it's from stress. I think other countries lfs as your Aus along with UK, Can, take better care of fish than they do in the USA. Can't wait to see some pics.

i see nothing wrong with fish in the US 8)

nice parrots nightswimmer
i heard that the redder ones are called purple parrots (dont know why)
very red indeed
Thankyou to everyone who offered advice but i have since found out that australia Does NOT have blood parrots but only the "true parrots" supplier was confused!!! damm australia thanks anyway

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