Puffer Fish


New Member
Aug 11, 2006
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Hi. I have just set up a tropical aquarium, I have guppies, neon tetras, platies I wonder can anyone tell me if I can get a Tropical Puffer fish to go in a tank with my other Tropical Fish??
:hi: to tff,
im not to sure you can put any puffer in with tropical fish, ive heard they can be agressive towards many fish, a lot of people have a tank set up just for their puffer, that said there was a post i read about a dwarf being kept with a type of fish i cant remember the name of, but it was none of what you have, i think even a little dwarf would like a guppy as a snack. do ask again in tropical chat just to be sure, all the best donna :)
No, you cannot put any puffer in a community tank. "Tropical" isn't really a description of a tank as much as it is an indication of temperature range. Yes, there are a lot of tropical puffers, almost all of them actually. But they are extremely aggressive and should be in species only tanks, usually alone without even their own kind, even dwarf puffers which can shred fish MUCH larger than themselves. Puffers take a lot of special care. If you are interested in more information, you can visit the website in my signature and read the library. :)
Boxer mom is so right. They have to be alone. You may beable to get away with a 10g for a dwarf puffer and 10g with all the wrappings are quite inexpensive.

I too would love puffers but I've ran outta room for any more tanks. Well at least my husband thinks so. :hey: We do have closests. LOL

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