Is There A Color Difference...


New Member
Aug 3, 2006
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Tokyo, Japan
is there a color difference between male and female maylandia crabros? i have one that is orange and black and one that is white and black. the w/b one was sold to me as a female. -_-
Nope, male and female Crabro are pretty much identical. Venting them or the number of egg spots is the only way to tell their sex.

If you have 1 with orange in, it must be a hybrid or another species altogether, any chance of a pic?
heres the orange/black, i dont think its a hybrid. it has 2 egg spots


heres the white/black. it has no egg spots

The first pic looks like a helathy Crabro female to me, the 2nd one is either a poor strain or extremely stressed unless its just the lighting in the pic.
As ferris said "she's a healthy beauty" I also have a crabo, quite sure it's a male. His dorsel and anal fins are quite pointed and have a light shade of blue. The Beauty is,... how they change to get so black. Just keep an eye on the other lighter one, just the look in the eyes of your fish can tell you alot.
The Beauty is,... how they change to get so black. Just keep an eye on the other lighter one, just the look in the eyes of your fish can tell you alot.

yeah they are my favorite in the tank. i want more but i dont really have room. don't worry... they are my babies :wub: they get all the attention... ask my husband :lol:
Nope, male and female Crabro are pretty much identical. Venting them or the number of egg spots is the only way to tell their sex.

As juveniles this is true, however sexually mature females stay yellow and black (or orange if you prefer) while sexually mature males turn a darker almost navy blue in some species. Here's a link to a profile with a drop down menu under the pics to show different pics of males, females, and juvies.

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