Search results

  1. C4ARL

    Uk National Guppy Show And Auction Of All Livebearers

    will they be any guppies for sale to the public on the saterday ? this is a table were you can buy some very nice guppies for not a lot of money helterskelter will be along soon to confirm this
  2. C4ARL

    Livebearers Photo Sharing Thread

    there is no Endler in the guppy that gremlin shows in post 6 or has the pic of the fish you talk about been removed ?
  3. C4ARL

    Livebearers Photo Sharing Thread

    can i ask what makes you call them moscow guppies in pic 1 and 2 btw that is a very nice lacetail snakeskin
  4. C4ARL

    Are My Endlers Mutts?

    First pic is a black bar hybrid Second pic is snakeskin hybrid a strain developed by Adrian of swampriver aquatics Third pic not got any idea
  5. C4ARL

    Are These True Guppies?

    I see nothing that represents endlers in any of your guppies The eye that you speak about is also common on the wild guppies also you would find it impossible to raise a endler cross with such a large delta tail I have been breeding endlers for the last 6 years I have tried thousands of...
  6. C4ARL

    Guppies 4 Sale

    sold out for now i have a few that need sorting so there will be a few more in a week or two thanks
  7. C4ARL

    Urgent Help Needed

    you dont need to see it as a gift just glad you got them
  8. C4ARL

    Urgent Help Needed

    bags are now in post hope royalmail get there act together and get them to you on time
  9. C4ARL

    Urgent Help Needed

    i have some 6"x16" i can send first class if they will do your job let me know asap and i will sort them for you
  10. C4ARL

    Guppies 4 Sale

    yes thats fine send me a pm and i will give you details
  11. C4ARL

    Guppies 4 Sale

    not easy taking a pic of one female is not easy i keep all my strain in there own tank with many of my fish i can trace there grandparents as i keep full breeding records yes you can have a pair of each for £6.00 but i am only charging 2.00 a pair and yes postage is same for how ever many...
  12. C4ARL

    Guppies 4 Sale

    also got some sword tails to go same price if anyone wants any if you order some of each i will keep them in there own bags so you wont get cross breeds
  13. C4ARL

    Guppies 4 Sale

    trio £3.00 + £6.50 P&P = £9.50
  14. C4ARL

    Guppies 4 Sale

    i use royal mail next day before 1pm some one needs to be in to sighn for them . i have not had any die in post but if this did happen i would refund the money for any dead fish (if photo of fish is emailed to me ) but no refund on postage
  15. C4ARL

    Guppies 4 Sale

    Just to give you some background on the fish I have for sale these are from a breeding experiment and are bred for there colour . these are F1 so I can not say what the fry will be like if you breed them but I will be keeping a few trios to see what they throw . the females are all virgins as...
  16. C4ARL

    How Square Is Square

    this is what a new born fry look like you can see were the fish has been feeding from the egg sack that is why they look to have a swollen stomach (i know this is not a guppy but give you the basic shape of a new born fry)
  17. C4ARL

    How Square Is Square

    Them fry look a lot older than a few hours old I would expect to see the egg sack on the fry
  18. C4ARL

    Uk Guppy Show

  19. C4ARL


    Many of the chemicals that you add to remove ammonia will not adjust the reading on the test kit (it will still say that there is ammonia in the water) What I would do is feed ½ the amount that you are feeding and do a 20% water change every other day But first check your filter is working and...
  20. C4ARL

    Show Off Your Livebearer!

    Don’t you think the dorsal is a little short and dumpy for a bottom sword guppy
  21. C4ARL

    Food For New Fry

    You can use egg yolk but any uneaten will soon pollute the water You would be better with micro worms and crushed flake If you want to try the egg Hard boil it take the yolk out and squash it flat put it in the oven till it is dried out and you can crumble it to dust
  22. C4ARL

    9000 Ltr Pond Filter

    Equipment make/model/size: Hozelock Bioforce 9000 UVC Quantity for sale: 0ne Reason for Sale: no longer needed Delivery or Collection: can post Sales price: £45.00 + p&p Postage & Packaging: £10.00 Location:cumbria Photograph: this filter will need...
  23. C4ARL

    Best Guppy For 2009.

    Just to remind anyone that’s interested the second round of the guppy league is this weekend @ Ryedale - April 26th 2009 - In conjunction with Ryedale Aquarist Society Kirkbymoorside Memorial Hall Market Place, Kirkbymoorside Nr Pickering, North Yorkshire, YO 6AD
  24. C4ARL

    Wanted Java Moss

    what do you want to pay for them i have around 70 clumps i know you sell them for £4.00 each
  25. C4ARL

    My Favorite Guppy

    it looks like he is one step ahead of you he has already found his self a girlfriend and it looks like they have started the family planning bit :hyper:
  26. C4ARL

    Algae Issue

    The algae will thrive if there is a good light and there is a food to feed the algae If you have high nitrates in your water this is a good food for algae If you are over feeding the fish this intern will feed the algae so I find it best to find out why you have a large amount of algae hope...
  27. C4ARL

    Best Guppy For 2009.

    As far as the guppy league this is a new thing with a hope that it gets people to join in so they have to start somewhere it may be case that if people show interest and like what as been said (if the clubs allow them to hold the shows with there venues) this may be moved to other areas I myself...
  28. C4ARL

    Best Guppy For 2009.

    we did meet at nottingam bla last oct i will talk to you at corby
  29. C4ARL

    Best Guppy For 2009.

    i will be going from cumbria down to corby 15th march so any one just off m6 is welcome to tag along
  30. C4ARL

    Best Guppy For 2009.

    I guess there will be people travelling from all parts of the uk so if you shout out I am sure someone will be going that’s near to you were you can share the cost of transport maybe someone should start a list of who is going and who wants to go but cant get there
  31. C4ARL

    Sponge Filter (suitable For Betta)

    sponge filters this is were i get my filters and food
  32. C4ARL

    Worried About Guppy

    Two weeks from starting to drop seams like a long time to hold them I have never had them hold them for that long Keep her on her own dont try to over feed her if she is not eating keep a eye on her there may be a fry inside blocking the way this may be the cause for her not eating as she will...
  33. C4ARL

    Worried About Guppy

    Do you not have a hospital tank you can put her in . I come across this very often with my fish how many fry did she drop do you think she dropped them all ? You will know when a female is ready to drop she will get harassment from males that can make them go and hide and stop them from a full...
  34. C4ARL

    Breeding Traps

    So sorry I thought this were a forum for members to give there opinion did not realise its only for one or two to say how they do things
  35. C4ARL

    Breeding Traps

    Very interesting post and nice clear photos I still don’t see how a tiny box has saved the lives of the fry its clear to see you have food in the trap that is 3 times larger than the fry this will be rotting down nicely How long do you intend to keep them in the trap ? In my opinion its far...
  36. C4ARL

    Breeding Traps

    If you have one of them silly breeding traps for you females to give birth in the best advise I can give you is don’t use it there as been no planning involved in the making of them First thing that comes to mind is there is no room for you fish to swim around What about when you feed the fish...
  37. C4ARL

    Please Help Video To Show What I Mean Large Guppy

    i have all my breeding tanks painted black but i think its not the colour its to stop any Disturbance thats why its best to cover a birting tank so the fish dont see anything moving around past the tank
  38. C4ARL

    Please Help Video To Show What I Mean Large Guppy

    if it were a male yes start to panic but as its a breeding female i like to see them with a little flesh on them i feed breeding females very heavy the only problem are the water so thats why i use bare bottom tanks easy to clean any food waste but i do water change evey day 20%
  39. C4ARL

    Please Help Video To Show What I Mean Large Guppy

    she looks fine to me is your birthing tank one of them breeding traps that you flote in top of main tank if so this will make her want to sit at the bottom of it as there is not alot of room for her i would not use them myself but hey thats just me yer let us know how she gets on is this her...
  40. C4ARL

    Please Help Video To Show What I Mean Large Guppy

    she looks well and fit there are little tricks you can do to fetch her on a little if she were mine i would put her into a birthing tank well planted put a towel over the tank to put her in the dark and NO PEEPING at her every five mins leve her undisterbed 24hrs have a look if nothing slowly...