Best Guppy For 2009.

If you are going on your own i can give you a lift I am taking the van I got loads of fish to take lol.
This may seem a daft question but I read the title and thought great my son and I would like to go to one of those.

Then read that there were 6 guppy shows all over the UK.

Then I read the venues, as far as I am Aware Birmingham is about the absoulte center of the UK, and that is the southern most point of these shows so maybe the title should be British (Northern) Livebearer association??

Are there any events like this organised for the southern part of the country?

I realise corby is attainable for us but there must be others that have a long drive to attend even this southerly show, surely to be all over the UK you need something south of London and to the west

Without understanding the background of this organisation, but loooking at the variety of locations of posters on this forum, should this not be expnaded so that it covers the south as well as the north?

This may seem a daft question but I read the title and thought great my son and I would like to go to one of those.

Then read that there were 6 guppy shows all over the UK.

Then I read the venues, as far as I am Aware Birmingham is about the absoulte center of the UK, and that is the southern most point of these shows so maybe the title should be British (Northern) Livebearer association??

Are there any events like this organised for the southern part of the country?

I realise corby is attainable for us but there must be others that have a long drive to attend even this southerly show, surely to be all over the UK you need something south of London and to the west

Without understanding the background of this organisation, but loooking at the variety of locations of posters on this forum, should this not be expnaded so that it covers the south as well as the north?


The problem is the show has to run in conjunction with an existing show to save costs in hire of hall/room.
The show's have to approach the local clubs 1st. If they will not then this makes life difficult.

And you do have a valid point as I my self have to drive 3 hours to the nearest show, as i live in Dorset.

I will be raising this though, to try to get at least one down south, I'm on the A of A committee which are at Basingstoke and will be suggesting their venue at least.
This may seem a daft question but I read the title and thought great my son and I would like to go to one of those.

Then read that there were 6 guppy shows all over the UK.

Then I read the venues, as far as I am Aware Birmingham is about the absoulte center of the UK, and that is the southern most point of these shows so maybe the title should be British (Northern) Livebearer association??

Are there any events like this organised for the southern part of the country?

I realise corby is attainable for us but there must be others that have a long drive to attend even this southerly show, surely to be all over the UK you need something south of London and to the west

Without understanding the background of this organisation, but loooking at the variety of locations of posters on this forum, should this not be expnaded so that it covers the south as well as the north?


As far as the guppy league this is a new thing with a hope that it gets people to join in so they have to start somewhere it may be case that if people show interest and like what as been said (if the clubs allow them to hold the shows with there venues) this may be moved to other areas I myself hope so as the nearest to me is 3hrs drive away
This is why I think it helps if people say if they are going or that they want to go but cant get there
I do hope you can go as there will be plenty of guppies there in the show plus you will get a chance to talk to the breeders you will even get good contacts to get some good stock from
There has been 3 national guppy shows, which was basicaly 1 show a year where everyone attended in Nottingham.

This year it's been decided to spread it out over 6 shows and the final show still in Nottingham will complete it.

This means their is more chance of people seeing and getting intrested in the idea of showing guppies.

I've also just got news that I'm going to start training as a IKGH this year so will see how that go's.
IKGH is the inter-national guppy standeds
Any details on the timings?

We would be interested in discussing with some of the experienced members there techniques and ideas, very new to this though I did produce the seed catalogue for the American Rhododendron society for 3 years but they grow a lot slower!

Also is there a link to each individual show and details of the overall format, as I understand this is a "sideshow" of a wider fish based meet, would be good to know what other events are occuring on the day.

General rules is:-

  • If showing to arrive between 9-11am
  • Judging starts from midday to 3 or 4pm (depends on number of entry's)
  • Result's from 5-6pm (most are done by 5pm)
While judging their is usually something like an auction, Talks or a local pub or even a shop tour.
Most shows you cant view the fish while judging is in progress.
Their is always plenty of time to sit and chat to the other people and it's amazing what you can find there.

Their is often a stand with fish for sale or some home made tanks or something going on.

For a full list of show's view this link
Hi all just bumping this as the Guppy show and auction will be this weekend.
General rules is:-

  • If showing to arrive between 9-11am
  • Judging starts from midday to 3 or 4pm (depends on number of entry's)
  • Result's from 5-6pm (most are done by 5pm)
While judging their is usually something like an auction, Talks or a local pub or even a shop tour.
Most shows you cant view the fish while judging is in progress.
Their is always plenty of time to sit and chat to the other people and it's amazing what you can find there.

Their is often a stand with fish for sale or some home made tanks or something going on.

For a full list of show's view this link

If just coming to look around and meet people what time shoudl you aim for? Do you prefer the "visitors" to keep out of the way early on?

I will be coming with my son (Locker)

Which show are you thinking of going to?

Visitor's are more than welcome, the show this Sunday in Corby just a guppy show and auction, so it's open all day from 10-5pm
How ever the auction starts from around 12 so befor that would perhaps be best.

If you want to the main show this is the last show of the year in Nottingham and we expect around 150 pair's of which many will be for sale.

The other show's are just males and not for sale, but if their is an auction the hopefully their some for sale there.
Which show are you thinking of going to?

Visitor's are more than welcome, the show this Sunday in Corby just a guppy show and auction, so it's open all day from 10-5pm
How ever the auction starts from around 12 so befor that would perhaps be best.

If you want to the main show this is the last show of the year in Nottingham and we expect around 150 pair's of which many will be for sale.

The other show's are just males and not for sale, but if their is an auction the hopefully their some for sale there.

Helterskelter no this weekend, and it is for the guppy's that we are interested in. I was more worried about turning up too early but around 10 was when I was thinking of anyway, might look to see if there are any good local shops to visit maybe afterwards, unless you can reccomend any.

Their be someone from 9 but most people arrive between 10-11.

I'm aiming for 11ish.

As for shop's i dont have a clue as i travel so far and don't have time to look as always doing something ;)
Love it.

The Northern Guys say that there the meetings should be further North and the Southern Guys say that there should be meetings further South.

Can I suggest that you guys give some thought to joining one of the local clubs. I know there is a really good one near to you in Chelmsford and I am sure there must be a good one in Scotland.

I know there used to be a Poecilia Scotia club in Scotland, but there wasn't enough interest to keep it going and this is the guts of it really. If people don't support their local clubs, then all we are left with are National ones which require us to travel hours to get to unless you are lucky enough to live nearby.
Good to see u again Dunchp, was also good to meet everyone else who managed to make it today, Statman, ricefish, fish48, K4arl and dawrfgourami.

Was a good turn out to the guppy show. Some stunning fish on show as ever.

I too agree with Dunchp, please people if u want to support you local clubs they need new and enthusiastic members ASAP.

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