Best Guppy For 2009.


It would be great if you could point me in the direction of the club you mention, we are very interested in learning more.

If you notice my comment was that there seems to be a northerly bias, I mentioned that the South West etc must find it difficult, for me Corby was a reasonable drive just under 2 hours. However I wouldn't consider it "south". South West would probably take me as long or longer but would capture a different group of people. I guess if you look at the demographic of the population then somewhere like Watford might have the largest number within 1 hours driving distance, but does that capture the same percentage of those interested in Livebearers? But I understand form what was posted earlier that there needs to be a way of making the day economical to run.


Good meeting you to and thanks for taking the time to give us an insight into the judging process. Will try and get that photo for you in the next couple of days, but only just finsihed doing some major reorganisation to accomodate the new acqusitions and keeping them isolated.

Would be interested in contacting the sellers, to understand the parentage of the fish, which after we left we realised we should have done whilst there, though I think I managed to pass my deatails to Seller "E", I would also be interested in hearing from sellers, "L", "H" and "P".

Thanks to the organisers, those running the auction and the "runners".

We both enjoyed it and will both be back in May for the next one, I hadn't looked that far ahead it was my son who pointed out that it was on then, as his football season is over and he was just lucky there was no game today. We are also planning on going to Nottingham which the concensus of people I spoke to said was the place to go.


Good meeting you to and thanks for taking the time to give us an insight into the judging process. Will try and get that photo for you in the next couple of days

And good to meet your self, please you enjoyed your self and hope to see u at least in Nottingham if not before.
Did u buy any fish in the auction?

managed to pass my deatails to Seller "E", I would also be interested in hearing from sellers, "L", "H" and "P".
I usualy help out with the auction but as u know this year i was shadowing the guppy judges training. So sadly I don't have a clue.
I Wish I had gone, But the Wife said No (She knew I would have come back with loads of Stuff).
Ok just added some pics to the first post here.

and again here







It would be great if you could point me in the direction of the club you mention, we are very interested in learning more.

If you notice my comment was that there seems to be a northerly bias, I mentioned that the South West etc must find it difficult, for me Corby was a reasonable drive just under 2 hours. However I wouldn't consider it "south". South West would probably take me as long or longer but would capture a different group of people. I guess if you look at the demographic of the population then somewhere like Watford might have the largest number within 1 hours driving distance, but does that capture the same percentage of those interested in Livebearers? But I understand form what was posted earlier that there needs to be a way of making the day economical to run.


Good meeting you to and thanks for taking the time to give us an insight into the judging process. Will try and get that photo for you in the next couple of days, but only just finsihed doing some major reorganisation to accomodate the new acqusitions and keeping them isolated.

Would be interested in contacting the sellers, to understand the parentage of the fish, which after we left we realised we should have done whilst there, though I think I managed to pass my deatails to Seller "E", I would also be interested in hearing from sellers, "L", "H" and "P".

Thanks to the organisers, those running the auction and the "runners".

We both enjoyed it and will both be back in May for the next one, I hadn't looked that far ahead it was my son who pointed out that it was on then, as his football season is over and he was just lucky there was no game today. We are also planning on going to Nottingham which the concensus of people I spoke to said was the place to go.

I'm seller H .
Just to remind anyone that’s interested the second round of the guppy league is this weekend @
Ryedale - April 26th 2009 - In conjunction with Ryedale Aquarist Society
Kirkbymoorside Memorial Hall
Market Place, Kirkbymoorside
Nr Pickering, North Yorkshire, YO 6AD
Wow some of those are stunning! Especially the swordtail ones, love the bottom sword!

EDIT: Yay 300th post on the common livebearers forum!
Does anybody have details of the timings for the event next Sunday, and details of the format, i.e. as well as the guppy show is there any other competions for the society? Is there a fish sale, open to all or just corby members? Will there be stalls etc?


Their is another show this weekind again in Corby

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