Food For New Fry


New Member
Apr 30, 2009
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West Midlands
Hi everyone going to be starting to breed a few fish soon and just wondered if cooked egg yolk can be used as a food for new guppy, swordtail, molly fry?
If so, how do you preapre it?
You can use egg yolk but any uneaten will soon pollute the water
You would be better with micro worms and crushed flake
If you want to try the egg
Hard boil it take the yolk out and squash it flat put it in the oven till it is dried out and you can crumble it to dust
I keep Mollies, I crush my flake into a powder (or as close as I can get it). I alternate between that and frozen baby brine shrimp.
I feed fry the same thing as their parents but crush it in my finger tips. With many livebearers that means a diet of flake but I try to make it rich in vegetable protein. I also keep microworms but after just a couple of days the livebearers don't seem very interested, the microworms are very small. They do go for frozen daphnia like there was no tomorrow though.
Thanks for the info. have fed my fry on crushed flake before but might give the egg a go aswell
I'll never use egg yolk as it's too risky as it will pollute the water fast!

I used to use it with betta's in the past.
But crushed flake is fine
Newly hatched brine shrimp is the best.
Any live foods are a great alternative now and then

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