How Square Is Square


Fish Fanatic
Aug 6, 2009
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I know that this question has been asked a zillion times But... I have a pregnant guppy yadda yadda. Question being is this what is considered 'square'? Would it be too soon to put her in the breeding trap. Once again sorry about asking the same question...please don't shoot me.



Apparently she was square enough. I put her in the breeding trap about 10 minutes after posting and she started giving birth about 10 minutes after that. I will post pictures of the fry when she's done. There are 16 so far.
So I now have about 17 fry. There were 20+ but I watched her eat a few so I took her out of the breeding trap. She dropped one more in the main tank that I managed to catch so total number being 17 now. They are hard buggers to get pictures off. The cloudiness is due to the lighting not the water.



Here are my other two guppies. Just regular fancy, they are my first guppies I might have to get some wild or show quality ones at a later date. Right now I'm thrilled with the regular ones :D


So I now have about 17 fry. There were 20+ but I watched her eat a few so I took her out of the breeding trap. She dropped one more in the main tank that I managed to catch so total number being 17 now. They are hard buggers to get pictures off. The cloudiness is due to the lighting not the water.



Them fry look a lot older than a few hours old I would expect to see the egg sack on the fry
So I now have about 17 fry. There were 20+ but I watched her eat a few so I took her out of the breeding trap. She dropped one more in the main tank that I managed to catch so total number being 17 now. They are hard buggers to get pictures off. The cloudiness is due to the lighting not the water.



Them fry look a lot older than a few hours old I would expect to see the egg sack on the fry

I thought they looked large for guppy fry but as this is my first batch of guppies, had nothing to compare to. They are even less than an hour old in this pic. I watched the female birth these guys in my trap so I know they are not any older.
Egg sack? I have never had this on my fry. They are huge fry! One of my females gave birth to some of a similar size.

For feeding either buy some powdered fry food or crush up the flakes really small, try to feed them newly hatched brine shrimp aswell. Good luck!
The best first growth food is newly hatched brine shrimp. The food value comes from the egg sac that the shrimp are carrying when they are first born and the nutrient value goes away as they use it up in the first 24 hours. That is the reason that you want fresh hatched BBS. A decent but not quite as rich food is any high protein fish flake that is crushed to a fine powder. It is easy to crush flake food fine enough for feeding with your finger tips. While you are feeding to completely satisfy the fry's hunger several times a day, you will of necessity be somewhat over feeding. This means you will need to do lots of partial water changes with gravel vacuuming to prevent the water becoming contaminated by rotting food that the fry miss.
Egg sack? I have never had this on my fry. They are huge fry! One of my females gave birth to some of a similar size.

For feeding either buy some powdered fry food or crush up the flakes really small, try to feed them newly hatched brine shrimp aswell. Good luck!


this is what a new born fry look like you can see were the fish has been feeding from the egg sack that is why they look to have a swollen stomach (i know this is not a guppy but give you the basic shape of a new born fry)
Still mine come out skinny, maybe the egg sack is absorbed so quickly that I don't see it. I'm not new to this I have been keeping guppies for years.
I have only seen a egg sac on a typical livebearer when it was premature. A fully developed livebearer fry does not carry an egg sac. On the other hand, almost all egg layer fry have enough egg sac to live for several days after they first hatch from the egg and before they become free swimming. It is what I have seen breeding Bettas, kribensis and Herotilapia.
I have only seen a egg sac on a typical livebearer when it was premature. A fully developed livebearer fry does not carry an egg sac. On the other hand, almost all egg layer fry have enough egg sac to live for several days after they first hatch from the egg and before they become free swimming. It is what I have seen breeding Bettas, kribensis and Herotilapia.

I didn't want to comment as I am not exactly knowledgable with raising fry but ^^^ is what I was thinking, because they're livebears the egg sac has already been absorbed.
Ive seen the egg sac still on some fry, but most of the time these ones dies so i presumed it meant they were under developed.
I did however think your fry are very well developed in them pics

Congrats on the new arrivals, I love havin fry
Congrats on your new fry :good:

How many in the end?

I found one belly up in the trap this morning so that makes 16 in the trap. I'm not sure if she dropped anymore in the main tank. I've yet to see any but hopefully there's a few more :D

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