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  1. R

    Stocking Suggestion

    I wish, no space till I move out :( Ok I will see if I can palm a couple of fish off to my g/f
  2. R

    Stocking Suggestion

    Hiya, I am wondering if I should or can get any more fish in my little tank. Its a 35l so v.small but I am overfiltered with a Fluval 2 which is for up to 75l I think. I have 6 cardinal tetra's and 4 ember tetra's and 2 leopard corys. I was thinking maybe a dwarf Gourami (one of the smaller...
  3. R

    Looking For Colomesus Asellus

    Whoops! :D Didn't read the post properly :rolleyes:
  4. R

    I Want Something To Put In A 10 Gallon

    Is 10g big enough for abull dog pleco??
  5. R


    I just hope one day I can get enough space to keep the fish I want. I've really taken a liking for MBU puffers recently. They are gorgeous!!!
  6. R

    I Want Something To Put In A 10 Gallon

    If you had 2 shell dwellers would you be able to put anything else in with them> I know they like their territory. I was told by a bloke at my LFS that I could get 10 shell dwellers in a 10gal. I told him he was stupid!!! :devil:
  7. R


    Rams Vs Rummys - well Rams are so gorgous I think I would choose them, only problem is they can be territorial so you might not be able to have as much choice of fish with them.
  8. R


    I know how you feel, I only have a tiny tank and I get really frustrated. I can't get a bigger one till I move out. I also have the added tease that my g/f has a much bigger tank and gets all the nice fish :(
  9. R

    Tank Ideas

    Probably in a few months. I've had him about 3 months and he's not grown much yet. Will just watch him and see, I'm movng out v.soon so a bigger tank but my g/f has a larger tank and he can go in there at any time once he's got too big.
  10. R

    Looking For Colomesus Asellus

    I saw a SAP in Iver (just west of London) it was a maidenhead aquatics store. I saw they had quite a few yesterday. Hope that helps.
  11. R

    Tank Ideas

    Hi folks, I have a 35L Elite tank with a Fluval 2 plus (90l) filter. I have a clown plec and 4 ember tetra's and I am wondering what to do next with my tank. The clown plec is only a baby by the way and he will get moved as he gets larger. I was thinking maybe a fighter would be a nice...
  12. R

    Nitrite Rise

    Ok got first victim today, one red cherry shrimp. Or could it be that my new Clown Plec went for him? Thanks again!
  13. R

    Nitrite Rise

    Hang on I added waterlife Protozin when the neon's had the disease. could that have been part of the cause?
  14. R

    Nitrite Rise

    I think the Platy's will be ok but my clown plec might suffer. Anything I can do to help him?
  15. R

    Nitrite Rise

    thanks miss wiggle, there are a couple of things that could have caused it. 1. I left the filter off for 4 hours by mistake once :no: which I am totally ashamed of myself for! 2. I had neon tetra disease in my tank 2 week ago which left me with only 3 pygmy cory's and that was it, perhaps...
  16. R

    Nitrite Rise

    Hi there, I've had some trouble with a few fish getting ill, I managed to save them but I tested the water to find out that for some reason my nitrite has spiked? I've done about a 50% water change and the nitrite is now down a bit to 0.2 but I know its still harmfull. Tell me if I am wrong...
  17. R

    Platy Mix

    I got 2 male high fin sunset Platy's. The shop said they would be fine together and now one is harrassing the male. Is that normal? I might take the aggressor back and swap.
  18. R

    Pfk Stocking Guide

    sorry I am being thick - what do you mean :blush:
  19. R

    Pfk Stocking Guide

    ok cool - I have hard alkaline water, I best stick with my shrimps!
  20. R

    Pfk Stocking Guide

    Wow - so what water parameters are your oto's in? My LFS will only sell Oto's if you have RO water?!?!?!
  21. R

    Pfk Stocking Guide

    I think you know quite alot! I just thought I would try and give it a go.
  22. R

    Pfk Stocking Guide

    Nothing - its just an example they gave for a 30l tank giving 10% for substrate plants etc so a 35L would probably be about the right size tank. There was another bit that said more could go in if you over filter etc.
  23. R

    Pfk Stocking Guide

    Is there anyone from PFK on this site who might wish to give us their view?
  24. R

    Pfk Stocking Guide

    Me too :hyper:
  25. R

    Pfk Stocking Guide

    Did anyone else see the PFK recommended to have 6 x neon Tetra's + 6 pygmy cory's and 5 Endlers? I thought that was quite alot, what do you think?
  26. R

    Fighting Neon's

    Yup - they recommended for a 30L tank, 6 Neon tetra's + 6 pygmy Corys + 5 Endlers. I was surprised but like I said, playing it safe and not putting the Elders in.
  27. R

    Fighting Neon's

    Na read this months PFK, they recommend 6 neon tetra's + 6 dwarf cory's + 5 endlers! I was surprised too but not going to get the Endlers.
  28. R

    Fighting Neon's

    Its not just one fish, they are all at it. I added 6 pygmy cory's now and they seem to be behaving better. Will replace the 2 dead neon's and hope that solves it. :good:
  29. R

    Pygmy Cory Red Gills

    I only added them on Sunday and one has red gills and is less active than the others. Any ideas? Thanks.
  30. R

    Fighting Neon's

    Well another neon tetra has now died. I only have 4, not sure if I should replace the dead one's or wait for a while to see what happens?
  31. R

    External Filter For Small Tank

    I took the filter apart last night and put the foam in place, then I restarted it and shook it about a few times. It was a bit quiter last night but still not great, it has a whirring noise which I think could be the motor. I will let it wear in a bit and see how it goes. Thanks folks!
  32. R

    Aggressive Tetra

    Well that's two dead now, only 4 to go. They seemed to have stopped fighting so much now but not sure if I should replace them or not. Done a water check and everything is zero!
  33. R

    External Filter For Small Tank

    So if I fill it more will it be quieter? I just presumed that filling it would just get it started and that by getting it started the filter would then fill up? I am going to move the sponge to the top tonight, thanks MR G and Kevstir, I really appreciate your help!
  34. R

    External Filter For Small Tank

    that sounds great - I will give it a go tonight - just so happens I have put a bit of sponge from my old filter in the Eden filter (except I put the sponge in the bottom of the Eden. The noise does sound like it could be the water hitting the ceramic actually! Thankyou very much!
  35. R

    External Filter For Small Tank

    No way mate - It seems like a good filter and its a perfect size. Only problem is that I am light sleeper! :nod: I am going to leave the filter to "run in" for a while and see how it goes. I appreciate that you managed to point me in the direction of a small cheap and hopefully quiet filter...
  36. R

    External Filter For Small Tank

    Ok so I got my filter working and then, I managed to get water all over my bedroom! Proper mess! Can anyone help me work out how I stop an external filter? Its a good filter but a bit noisy for me (hardly had any sleep last night) so I want to take it off again. The problem is that the...
  37. R

    External Filter For Small Tank

    Just realised that I am getting excited about a filter - OMG what's happening to me! :look:
  38. R

    External Filter For Small Tank

    I like the first idea! The filter looks the nuts btw, I can't wait to get it running!
  39. R

    External Filter For Small Tank

    Cheers - I need help though! I just checked it out, its looks great. How can I keep the bacteria from my current filter? My one is a sponge filter you see and this new filter uses noodles. Whats the best idea? shall I try and get the sponge in the cannister with the noodles? Cheers...
  40. R

    George's Nano Journal Mk. 2

    Here he goes again, putting us all to shame! - George, howe come you took the dividers out? I would have left them in there until I finished. Just incase an of the substrate mixed up. It looks great already!