Looking For Colomesus Asellus


New Member
Oct 14, 2007
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Hello Everyone,

I am new to this website and relatively new to the whole aquarium raising hobby, but I am determined to find the colomesus asellus (common: South american, amazonian, brazilian, bee) puffer fish. Unfortunately, I have not had any luck at any of the pet shops I know of in my area. Do any of you have any suggestions as far as where I can go to find one or a couple of these puffers? I live in Chicago, IL and the largest and most well known place in my general area seems to be Old Orchard Aquarium which does not appear to have this fish currently nor do the people running the show there seem to have any idea when or if it might be getting them. Any help in this would be greatly appreciated.

Hello Everyone,

I am new to this website and relatively new to the whole aquarium raising hobby, but I am determined to find the colomesus asellus (common: South american, amazonian, brazilian, bee) puffer fish. Unfortunately, I have not had any luck at any of the pet shops I know of in my area. Do any of you have any suggestions as far as where I can go to find one or a couple of these puffers? I live in Chicago, IL and the largest and most well known place in my general area seems to be Old Orchard Aquarium which does not appear to have this fish currently nor do the people running the show there seem to have any idea when or if it might be getting them. Any help in this would be greatly appreciated.


I saw a SAP in Iver (just west of London) it was a maidenhead aquatics store. I saw they had quite a few yesterday.

Hope that helps.
I dotn think that helps him in anyway shape or form seeing as he is in Chicago in the States.
Cant help locate them but make sure you have a large selection of Ramshorn snails etc. as food prior to even thinking about buying the fish and also that the tank is cycled properly

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